Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2009
In this paper we review radiocarbon dates which have become available over the past three years for the more recent archaeological sites south of the Cunene and Limpopo Rivers, assessing the determinations within the broader context of economy and society. For a framework, we make use of broad physiographic divisions of southern Africa, thus breaking from the artificial constraints of modern political divisions and allowing greater possibilities of synthesis
Within the set of new dates there are several fields in which recent radiocarbon determinations have been particularly important. The nature of hunting and gathering and herding communities in the arid western regions of the sub-continent is now more fully understood and more information is available about the succession of lithic industries in the south-western interior. In the south-eastern coastal areas the geographical extent of the earliest farming communities has been firmly dated. New determinations are beginning to provide a firmer chronology for the succession of ceramic industries in the east, and reassessment of the dating of the important sites of Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe demands a revision of concepts of early state development and trading contact with the east coast.
1 Previous reviews of the southern African radiocarbon dates which have appeared in this Journal are by Maggs, T. (xviii, 2, 1977, 161–91)Google Scholar, Soper, R. C. (xv, 2, 1974, 175–92)Google Scholar, Sutton, J. E. G. (xiii, 2, 1972, 1–24)Google Scholar and Phillipson, D. W. (xi, 1, 1970, 1–15).Google Scholar
2 The terms ‘Early Iron Age’, ‘Middle Iron Age’ and ‘Late Iron Age’, as well as ‘Late Stone Age’, which have been used for classifying southern African archaeological sites in the past, have not been employed in this review. This is in the belief that such a system, although essential in earlier stages of research where it was necessary to establish basic sequences, is currently confusing the interpretation of southern African prehistory by introducing a priori concepts of population movement and cultural breaks. Instead the loose economic categories of ‘hunting and gathering’ and ‘farming’ have been used and chronological developments within natural landscape units stressed.
3 G. Mgomezulu has a survey of recent radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa in preparation.
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10 Pta-1012 dates to the mid-fourth millennium and was cited by Maggs (‘Dates’). This reading is confirmed by Pta-1348.
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31 Humphreys, ‘Holocene sequence’.
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49 The original model, proposing an ‘eastern stream’ of migration which included, among other types, the earliest pottery described here was proposed by Phillipson, D. W. (see for a summary, The Later Prehistory of Eastern and Southern Africa (London, 1977)).Google Scholar This hypothesis has been criticized, and an alternative version proposed, by Huffman, T. N., ‘African Origins’, S. Afr. J. Sci. lxxv (1979), 233–7.Google Scholar
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52 These determinations were provided by the Archaeology Section, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo. Matola is described by Cruz e Silva, T., A preliminary report on an Early Iron Age site, Matola IV 1/68 (Maputo, 1976).Google Scholar
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58 Phillipson, D. W. (The Later Prehistory) has suggested that his ‘eastern stream’ communities were without cattle and that this resource was brought south by later movements of people. Although this hypothesis is not tenable as it stands, as cattle are among the fauna from a number of sixth, seventh and eighth century sites in Natal and the Transvaal, it is still the case that cattle seem unknown from sites of the Matola TraditionGoogle Scholar. See also: Thorp, C., ‘Cattle from the Early Iron Age of Zimbabwe–Rhodesia’, S. Afr. J. Sci. lxxv (1979), 461.Google Scholar
59 Huffman, T. N. (‘African Origins’)Google Scholar has suggested that there was a complete break between the Matola Tradition and those ceramic styles that followed it and that this hiatus represents the immigration of a new population. It should be noted, however, that some stylistic elements characteristic of the Matola Tradition are also present in pottery marking this ‘second wave’ and it is quite possible to support a counter hypothesis of internal evolution (T. Maggs, pers. comm.).
60 Cattle were among the species identified at the sites of Msuluzi Confluence and Ndondonwana, both in the Tugela River valley. Maggs, T., pers comm., and Msuluzi Confluence, a seventh century Early Iron Age site on the Tugela River', Ann. Natal Mus. xxiv (1980).Google Scholar
61 There has been little agreement on terminology for classifying ceramics of this period. Huffman, for example. refers to a ‘Bambata, Sterkspruit and NC3…stepped continuum’ (‘African Origins’), while Maggs prefers to abandon such labelling completely (Maggs, T., and Michael, M. A., ‘Ntshekane, an Early Iron Age site in the Tugela Basin, Natal’. Ann. Natal Mus. xxii (1976), 705–39).Google Scholar In this review, we follow the older terminology in referring to a ‘Lydenburg Tradition’, a unit which may be taken as the equivalent of Huffman's ‘continuum’.
62 Duarte, R., pers. comm.Google Scholar
63 Evers, T. M., ‘Plaston Early Iron Age site, White River District, Eastern Transvaal, South Africa’, S. Afr. archaeol. Bull. xxxii (1977), 170–89.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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72 Again, the term ‘Gokomere Tradition’ has been adopted as a general category following terminological disagreements. It is taken to include a number of regional facies, some of which are mentioned in the discussion which follows.
73 Pers. comm., Archaeology Section, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo.
74 Pers. comm., Archaeology Section, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo.
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91 Cited in Maggs, ‘Dates’. See also Maggs, T., Iron Age Communities of the Southern Highveld (Pietermaritzburg, 1976).Google Scholar
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93 Type N is an architectural style of stone building, with a surrounding wall and an inner ring of primary enclosures linked by secondary walling. Distribution is concentrated on the Vaal and Klip Rivers, extending north and southwards to areas of prominent hills. See Maggs, Iron Age Communities.
94 Type Z sites are also built of stone and are associated with the Kubung, an offshoot of the Rolong. See Maggs, , Iron Age Communities.Google Scholar
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104 Huffman, T. N., pers. comm.Google Scholar
105 Similar sites at Coronation Park, Salisbury, have been dated to the tenth century a.d. See Soper, ‘Dates’.
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