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The Victorians and Africa: A Reconsideration of the Occupation of Egypt, 1882*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2009
This article offers a reassessment of Britain's decision to occupy Egypt in 1882. Research published since 1961, it is suggested, does not support the view put forward by Robinson and Gallagher in their celebrated book, Africa and the Victorians, that Britain intervened reluctantly to safeguard the Suez Canal in response to disorder in Egypt, or that she was led on by French initiatives. Moreover, the decision to occupy Egypt did not have the effect claimed by Robinson and Gallagher of precipitating the scramble for West and East Africa. It is argued instead that the causes of intervention lay in the metropole rather than on the periphery. British interests in Egypt were both important and expanding, and they were upheld by Conservative and Liberal governments in the period following the khedive's declaration of bankruptcy in 1876. This conclusion makes the Egyptian case less important in understanding the scramble for tropical Africa but more important in understanding late nineteenth-century imperialism. The occupation illustrates how the emergence of a particular configuration of economic and political forces in Britain found expression abroad after 1850; and it does so without invoking narrow or deterministic forms of historical explanation. Finally, it is suggested that the Egyptian case deserves a more prominent place in the study of theories of imperialism than it has received, because most of the ideas which enter modern scholarly discussion of this subject can be traced to the contemporary debate over the highly controversial decision taken by Britain in 1882.
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1 Sellar, W. A. and Yeatman, R. J., 1066 and All That (London, 1930), 105.Google Scholar
2 Robinson, Ronald and Gallagher, John with Alice Denny, Africa and the Victorians : The Official Mind of Imperialism (London, 2nd ed., 1981) 476.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
3 I have tried to make the extent of my indebtedness clear in the references which follow, but I should also like to express at this point my particular gratitude to Muriel Chamberlain, Bent Hansen, Bruce Johns, and Alexander Scholch for responding so helpfully to my various enquiries.
4 It will be evident that my references are intended to be representative, not comprehensive.
5 Dicey, E., ‘Our route to India’, Nineteenth Century, 1 (1877), 665–86Google Scholar; Idem, ‘The future of Egypt’, Ibid. 11 (1877), 3–14; W. E. Gladstone, ‘Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East’, Ibid.,II (1877), 149–66.
6 Chamberlain, M. E., ‘British public opinion and the invasion of Egypt’, Trivium, xvi (1981), 21.Google Scholar
7 Broadly, A. M., How We Defended Arabi and His Friends (London, 1884), iii.Google Scholar
8 Woolf, Leonard, Empire and Commerce in Africa (London, 1920), 115.Google Scholar
9 The best introduction to Blunt and his circle is Chamberlain, ‘British public opinion’. See also John V. Crangle,‘The British peace movement and the Anglo-Egyptian war of 1882’, Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, xv (1975/6), 139–50.
10 Broadly, , How We Defended Arabi, 98–9.Google Scholar
11 Ibid.99.
12 Blunt, W. S., A Secret History ofthe British Occupation of Egypt (London, 1907), 211, 214, 241, 294–5.Google Scholar
13 Ibid. 159–60, 214–15.
14 Ibid. 214.
15 Ibid. 310.
16 Ibid. 199.
17 Chamberlain, ‘British public opinion’, 23.
18 Woolf, , Empire and Commerce, 24, 37.Google Scholar
19 The official view was adopted by most British imperial historians from the 1920s and was passed on, in turn, to generalists. See, for example, Ensor, R. C. K., England, 1870–1914 (Oxford, 1936), 77–86.Google Scholar
20 Dicey, Edward, England and Egypt (London, 1881), 20, 26–8, 68–73.Google Scholar
21 Baring's role is dealt with by Mowat, R. C., ‘From liberalism to imperialism: Egypt, 1875–87’Google Scholar, Historical Journal, xvi (1973), 110–23.Google Scholar
22 Milner, Alfred, England in Egypt (London, 5th ed., 1894),15.Google Scholar See also Deighton, H. S., ‘The impact of Egypt on Britain: a study of public opinion’, in Holt, P. M., ed., Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt (London, 1968), 247.Google Scholar
23 Milner, , England in Egypt, 16.Google Scholar
24 Ibid. 385.
25 Ibid. 416.
26 Ibid. 436.
27 Ibid. 386–7, 391–440.
28 SirColvin, Auckland, The Making of Modern Egypt (London, 1906), 1.Google Scholar
29 Ibid. 51–2.
30 Ibid. 13–15,414–15.
31 Deighton, ‘Impact of Egypt’, 247; Chamberlain, ‘British public opinion’, 22.
32 SirLucas, Charles, The Partition and Colonization ofAfrica (Oxford, 1922), 121, 105.Google Scholar
33 Williamson, J. A., A Short History of British Expansion (London, 1922), 599–600.Google Scholar
34 A notable exception is Langer's, William L.European Alliances and Alignments, 1871–1890 (New York,1931)Google Scholar, which remains a remarkably fresh and perceptive study. But Langer was an American and he stood outside the increasingly defensive circle of British imperial historians.
35 Cromer, Lord, Ancient and Modern Imperialism, 19–20, 25, 27–8, 33, 35.Google Scholar
36 Ibid. 33, 118–19.
37 Hobson, J. A., Democracy After the War(London, 1919), 87, 89–90.Google Scholar I am grateful to Peter Cain for this reference.
38 See, for example, the scholarly treatment of the Tunisian question in ch. 3 of Empire and Commerce.
39 Dicey, , England and Egypt, 251.Google Scholar
40 Cromer, Lord, Modern Egypt(London, 1908), 1.Google Scholar
41 Lucas, , Partition and Colonization, 133.Google Scholar
42 It will be evident from the preceding survey that the historiography of this subject merits much greater attention than it has received here. It would be particularly interesting to compare the literature in French with that in English, to explore the ideas and influence of American critics of British imperialism, and to trace in more detail the process by which the original ‘official view’ of Britain's action in Egypt was recycled, and appeared, much later, as an orthodoxy of modern scholarship.
43 Robinson, and Gallagher, , Africa and the Victorians (1st ed., London, 1961).Google Scholar
44 2nd ed. (London, 1981). All references in the present article are to this edition which reprints the original text in an unchanged form and adds to it pp. ix–xxiii and 473–99.
45 No attempt will be made here to discuss the huge literature on this subject. However, in reapproaching Africa and the Victorians, I have found two very different contributions particularly helpful: Quentin Skinner, ‘“Social meaning” and the explanation of social action’, in Gardiner, Patrick, ed., The Philosophy of History(Oxford, 1974), 106–26Google Scholar, and Dray's, William essay, ‘A controversy over causes: A. J. P.Taylor and the origins of the Second World War’, in his Perspectives on History (London, 1980), 69–96.Google Scholar
46 Robinson, and Gallagher, , Africa and the Victorians, xi, 20, 466.Google Scholar
47 Ibid. xii.
48 Ibid., xii–xiv, xxii–xxiii, 499.
49 Ibid. xxii.
50 Ibid. 473.
51 Ibid. 465.
52 See also Professor Robinson's ‘Afterthoughts’ in ibid. 477–9.
53 Ibid. 474.
54 Ibid. 467.
55 Ibid. 84.
56 Ibid, no , 118.
57 Ibid. 83.
58 Ibid. 94.
59 Ibid. 100.
60 Ibid. 105–8.
61 Ibid. 103.
62 Ibid. 122–55.
63 Ibid. 84.
64 Ibid. 94.
65 Ibid. 96–7.
66 Ibid. 119.
67 Ibid. 104.
68 Ibid. 475, 83.
69 Ibid. 86.
70 Ibid. 113.
71 Ibid. 110.
72 Ibid. 111.
73 Ibid. xi.
74 Ibid, xi–xii.
75 Farnie, D. A., East and West of Suez : The Suez Canal in History, 1854–1956 (Oxford, 1969), 292.Google Scholar Naval aspects of the bombardment are dealt with by White, Colin S., ‘The bombardment of Alexandria’, Mariner's Mirror, lxvi (1980), 31–52CrossRefGoogle Scholar, and Robinson, Robert L., ‘Gunboat diplomacy, 1882: The United States Navy and the bombardment of Alexandria’, Warship International, xix (1982), 47–56.Google Scholar
76 Farnie, , East and West of Suez, 293–4, 334 455Google Scholar; Galbraith, John S. and Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot,‘The British occupation of Egypt: another view’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, ix (1978), 471–3.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
77 Farnie, , East and West of Suez, 286–7Google Scholar; Schölch, Alexander ,‘The “Men on the Spot” and the English occupation of Egypt in 1882’, Historical Journal, xix (1976), 775–82.Google Scholar
78 East and West of Suez, 294.
79 Ibid. 289, 290; Schölch, ‘The “Men on the Spot”’, 784; Galbraith and al- Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 483–5.
80 Farnie, , East and West of Suez, 299Google Scholar; Schölch, Alexander, Egypt for the Egyptians: The Socio-political Crisis in Egypt, 1878–1882 (London, 1981), 300.Google Scholar
81 Farnie, , East and West of Suez, 291–2Google Scholar; Schölch, ‘The “Men on the Spot”’, 774, 784; Schölch, Egypt, 224; Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 472–3, 488.
82 Quoted in Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 473.
83 Schölch, Egypt; Hunter, F. Robert, Egypt under the Khedives, 1805–1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy (Pittsburgh, 1984)Google Scholar. Schölch's study was first published in German as Ägyptern den Ägypten! Die politische und gesellschaftliche Krise den Jahren 1878–1881 in Ägypten (Zurich and Freiburg, 1972); in the English version the text is unchanged but the footnotes are severely cut.
84 Schölch, , Egypt, 65–9Google Scholar; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 208–15.Google Scholar
85 Schölch, , Egypt, 136–53, 177Google Scholar; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 215–16.Google Scholar
86 Schölch, , Egypt, 143–7Google Scholar; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 228Google Scholar.
87 Schölch, , Egypt, 190–2, 224Google Scholar; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 229.Google Scholar
88 Schölch, , Egypt, 163–4, 169, 176, 186–8.Google Scholar
89 Schölch, , Egypt, 233–4, 250–52.Google Scholar The definitive account is now Chamberlain, M. E., ‘The Alexandria massacre of 11 June 1882 and the British occupation of Egypt, Middle Eastern Studies, xiii (1977), 14–39.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
90 Schölch, , Egypt, 202–4Google Scholar, 211, 219–20, 224, 233–4: and Hunter, , yEgypt under the Khedives, 189, 195–8Google Scholar (revealing Nubar's influence on Dicey.)
91 Schölch, , Egypt, 202–3, 219Google Scholar; also 204, 211, 220, 233–4.
92 See especially, J. W. Parsons, ‘France and the Egyptian question, 1875–1894’ (Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, 1976), and Atkins, Richard A., ‘The Origins of the Anglo-French Condominium in Egypt, 1875–1876’, The Historian, xxxvi (1974), 264–82.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
93 The relevant segment of the large literature on Franco-Egyptian relations in the nineteenth century is surveyed by Parsons, ‘France’, ch. 1.
94 Parsons, ‘France’, 27–9, 32–3.
95 Bouvier's, Jean pioneering article, ‘Les intérêts financiers et la question d'Égypte (1875–1876)’, Revue Historique, ccxxiv (1960), 75–104Google Scholar, now has to be read in the light of Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 20–29, 35–58, 73–5, 347–8.
96 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 20.
97 These intricate negotiations are dealt with by Parsons, ‘Egypt’, ch. 1.
98 Ramm's, Agatha article, ‘Great Britain and France in Egypt, 1876–1882’, in Prosser Gifford, and Louis, William Roger, eds., France and Britain in Africa (New Haven, 1971), 73–119Google Scholar, needs some modification to take account of Parsons, ‘Egypt’, and Parsons needs to be considered in conjunction with Atkins, ‘Origins’, and idem.‘The Conservatives and Egypt, 1875–1880’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 11 (1974), 190–205.Google Scholar
99 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 90, 108, 125–7. The role of the French bondholders has also to be reviewed as a result of the important research of B. R. Johns, ‘Business, investment, and imperialism. The relationship between economic interests and the growth of British intervention in Egypt, 1838–82’ (Ph.D. thesis, Exeter University, 1982), 233–47.
100 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 142, 147; Johns, ‘Business’, 231, 250–4, 258, 263–4, 271.
101 Hyam's suggestion that Robinson and Gallagher underestimated the importance of events in Tunisia is supported by Parsons. See Hyam, Ronald, ‘The partition of Africa: a critique of Robinson and Gallagher’, in Hyam, Ronald and Martin, Ged, Reappraisals in British Imperial History (London, 1975), 145–9CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 189, 191.
102 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 176.
103 Ibid. 180–1, 184, 196; Schölch, ‘The “Men on the Spot’”, 775, 782; Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 486–8.
104 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 189, 191–2, 350–4.
105 Ibid. 201, 208.
106 Deighton, ‘Impact of Egypt’, 231–44.
107 Owen, E. R. J., Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 1820–1914(Oxford, 1969)Google Scholar, and The Middle East in the World Economy, 1800–1914 (London, 1981)Google Scholar. See also Johns, ‘Business’, ch. 1.
108 Owen, , Middle East, 127, 103–3, 139, 151Google Scholar; Johns, ‘Business’, 91–2, 100, 107, 110–111, 128, 211, 215, 247, 252–4, 271, 281–2, 351.
109 Platt, D. C. M., Finance, Trade, and Politics: British Foreign Policy, 1815–1914(Oxford, 1968), 154–80Google Scholar.
110 Cassis, Y., ‘Bankers in English society in the late nineteenth century’, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. xxxviii (1985), 210–29.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
111 This feat is accomplished while still maintaining a sense of balance between these interests and others. See Johns, ‘Business’, especially 57, 75, 79–80, 85, 114–17, 166–70, 258, 271, 320–2, 326–9, 336, 343.
112 Ibid. 138, 140–2, 183–4; Atkins, , ‘The Conservatives’, 193Google Scholar; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 182–3Google Scholar; Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 24–5, 35–6, 40, 52, 58–9, 63, 83–4, 100, 370.
113 Atkins, ‘Origins’, 270.
114 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, ch. 2; Johns, ‘Business’, chs 3–4.
115 Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 33–4; Johns, ‘Business’, 146–52.
116 Atkins, ‘Origins’, 277–8, 280–1; idem, ‘The Conservatives’, 195; Parsons, ‘Egypt’, 58–9, 63, 65, 71–5, 83, 100; Johns, ‘Business’, 129, 165–70, 183–4, 200–02.
117 Atkins, ‘The Conservatives’, 195–6; Johns, ‘Business’, 136.
118 Atkins, ‘The Conservatives’, 197–200; Swartz, Marvin, The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone(London, 1985), 129.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
119 25 Aug. 1878; Quoted in Johns, ‘Business’, 213.
120 Ibid. 215–17; Hunter, , Egypt under the Khedives, 188–9.Google Scholar
121 Atkins, ‘The Conservatives’, 200.
122 Swartz, , Politics, 130.Google Scholar
123 Ibid. 130. And Rothschild's loan finally passed its issue price: Johns, ‘Business’, 231.
124 Johns, ‘Business’, 250, 258–82.
125 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 479. On the broader context see Swartz, , Politics, chs 5–6.Google Scholar
126 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British Occupation’, 479.
127 Ibid. 479–81; Swartz, , Politics, 131–2.Google Scholar
128 This point has been established in an important contribution by M. E. Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke and the British Intervention in Egypt, 1882: decision making in an nineteenth-century cabinet’, British Journal of International Studies, ii (1976), 231–45.Google Scholar
129 Johns, ‘Business’, 301–2.
130 Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke’, 233; Johns, ‘Business’, 308.
131 Johns, ‘Business’, 308.
132 Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke’, 234–5.
133 Ibid. 235; Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 480.
134 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 482.
135 Schölch, ‘The “Men on the Spot”’, 779, 781.
136 Ibid. 781–2.
137 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 477.
139 Schölch, ‘The “Men on the Spot”’, 777.
139 Ibid. 780.
140 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 481–2.
141 Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke’, 236–7.
142 Johns, ‘Business’, 343–4.
143 Quoted in Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 484.
144 Ibid. , 485–6; Chamberlain, ‘The Alexandria massacre’, 32–3.
145 Seymour, C. L., ‘The bombardment of Alexandria: a note’, English Historical Review,lxxxvii (1972), 790–94.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
146 Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke’, 237–8; Swartz, , Politics, 136–7.Google Scholar
147 Chamberlain, ‘Sir Charles Dilke’, 238–43.
148 Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 478.
149 Steele, David, ‘Britain and Egypt, 1882–1914: the containment of Islamic nationalism’, in Wilson, Keith M., ed, Imperialism and Nationalism in the Middle East (London, 1983), 149.Google Scholar
150 Swartz, , Politics, 134–5, 138.Google Scholar
151 Galbraith, John S., ‘The trial of Arabi Pasha’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, vii (1979), 274–92.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
152 Swartz, , Politics, 140–2Google Scholar; Deighton, ‘Impact of Egypt’, 245–6.
153 Quoted in Galbraith and al-Sayyid-Marsot, ‘The British occupation’, 478. On the dissenters see Crangle, ‘The British peace movement’.
154 Robinson, and Gallagher, , Africa and the Victorians, 466–7.Google Scholar
155 Ibid. 475.
156 Ibid. 476.
157 See also Owen, Roger, ‘Robinson and Gallagher and Middle Eastern nationalism’, in Wm. Louis, Roger, ed, Imperialism: the Robinson and Gallagher Controversy(London, 1976), 215.Google Scholar
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161 Mowat, ‘From liberalism to imperialism’.
162 What follows is a speculative statement which draws upon Roger Owen, ‘Egypt and Europe: from French expedition to British occupation’, in Owen, Roger and Sutcliffe, Bob, eds, Studies in the Theory of Imperialism(London, 1972), 195–209Google Scholar; Hunter, Egypt under the Khedives; Cuno, Kenneth M., ‘The origins of private ownership of land in Egypt: a reappraisal’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, xii (1980), 245–75CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Gran, Peter, Islamic Roots of Capitalism : Egypt, 1760–1840 (Austin, 1979)Google Scholar, and the discussion of this book in International Journal of Middle East Studies, xiv (1982), 381–99.Google Scholar
163 Adam, Juliette, L'Angleterre en Egypte(Paris, 1922), 73.Google Scholar
164 Swartz, , Politics, 140.Google Scholar
166 Mowat, ‘From liberalism to imperialism’.
166 Al-Subaiy, Abdul Nasir, ‘Anglo-Egyptian relations under Lord Salisbury, 1885–1892’ (Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 1980)Google Scholar; El-Magrahi, Milad A., ‘British policy toward Egypt, 1875–1885: British imperial expansion and Egyptian nationalist response’, (Ph.D. thesis, Washington University, 1982), ch. 5.Google Scholar See also Wilson, Keith M., ‘Constantinople or Cairo: Lord Salisbury and the partition of the Ottoman empire, 1886–1897’, in Wilson, Keith M., ed., Imperialism and Nationalism, 26–55.Google Scholar
167 Hanson, Bent, ‘Interest rates and foreign capital in Egypt under British occupation’, Journal of Economic History, xliii (1983), 867–84.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
168 Newbury, C. W. and Kanya-Forstner, A. S., ‘French policy and the origins of the scramble for West Africa’, Journal of African History, x (1969), 253–76.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
169 Langer, , European Alliances, 274–5, 277–8Google Scholar; Parsons, ‘France’, 219, 225.
170 Parsons, ‘France’, 242–3, 245–55, 257–8, 260.
171 Ibid. ch. 8.
172 One of the unstudied ironies of France's ‘defeat’ in Egypt in 1882 is that French informal influence expanded and prospered under British rule subsequently.
173 Andrew, C. M. and Kanya-Forstner, A. S., ‘Gabriel Hanotaux, the colonial party, and the Fashoda strategy’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, iii (1974), 55–104.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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175 Chamberlain, M. E., ‘Clement Hill's memoranda and the British interest in East Africa’, Eng. Hist. Rev. lxxxvii (1972), 533–47; and note 76 above.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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