Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
The effects of treading and the return of excreta on a Lolium perenne-Trifolium repens sward defoliated by sheep set-stccked at high and low stocking rates were examined. Sward performance was measured inside ‘graze-through’ cages which allowed defoliation without treading and excreta return, and outside where sheep grazed either fitted with harness to prevent the return of excreta or unharnessed to allow the normal return of excreta. Live-weight gain was measured from excreta return and non-return swards. The treatments imposed had large effects on herbage growth and botanical composition.
At a stocking rate of 25 yearling wethers/ha, sheep excreted about 1·1 kg N/ha/day, which increased soil N and led to an increase in herbage growth of about 26 %. The return of excreta increased ryegrass tiller density and this was partly responsible for a 26% reduction in the proportion of clover in the sward; the weight of clover was 13% loss where excreta were returned, and on this treatment stolon length at the end of the experiment was similar to that at the beginning. Doubling the stocking rate increased the N returned via excreta to about 1·3 kg N/ha/day, and this increased herbage growth by 53% but suppressed the proportion of clover by 21%, though not the weight of clover. Clover stolon length decreased during the experiment at this stocking rate, both with and without the return of excreta. Sheep live-weight change benefited from the stimulus to herbage growth where excreta were returned at the high stocking rate, but not at the low stocking rate.
Treading by 25 sheep/ha increased soil compaction but had no significant (P > 0·05) overall effect on herbage growth and botanical composition. However, treading by double the number of grazing animals significantly reduced herbage growth by 10%, plant root weight by 47% and the proportion of clover in the sward by 11%.
Differences in sward performance between stocking rates were due more to the difference in defoliation intensity between these stocking rates than to either treading or the return of excreta.