1. Introduction and definitions
A birth–death process is a continuous-time Markov process with states
(representing the population size) and with transitions occurring between neighboring states. The class of birth–death processes exhibits a remarkable balance between simplicity, allowing for analytical solutions, and complexity, showcasing a diverse range of interesting phenomena. Its versatility is accentuated by the possibility of exploring various jump rates, drawing attention from multiple research areas. Furthermore, birth–death processes find applications across diverse fields, such as information theory (involving encoding and storage of information [Reference Stuhl and Suhov26, Reference Suhov and Stuhl28]), population biology, genetics, ecology (reviewed in [Reference Novozhilov, Karev and Koonin19, Reference Stollenwerk and Jansen24]), chemistry (modeling growth and extinction in systems with multiple components [Reference Kelbert, Stuhl and Suhov11, Reference Mazel, Suhov, Stuhl and Zohren15, Reference Stuhl and Suhov27]), economics (modeling competitive production and pricing [Reference Mogulskii, Pechersky and Yambartsev17, Reference Vvedenskaya, Suhov and Belitsky34]) and queueing system theory (explored, for example, in [Reference Robert22]).
In particular, birth–death processes are instrumental in exploring various aspects of large-deviation theory, which is the focus of this paper. Apart from that, we also mention connections between birth–death processes and orthogonal polynomials, as detailed in [Reference Valent29, Reference Van Doorn30].
In this paper we work under the assumption that the rate
$\lambda (x)$
of jump
$x\to x+1$
and the rate
$\mu (x)$
of jump
$x\to x-1$
obey the condition (1.2):
$\mu (x)$
grows with x asymptotically linearly, while
$\lambda (x)$
grows asymptotically sublinearly. This assumption ensures positive recurrence of the process (cf. [Reference Karlin and McGregor9]). Such processes find an application in population dynamics [Reference Karlin and McGregor10, Reference Kendall12]; they are also relevant in models of market interaction between ask–bid sides of a limit order book [Reference Mogulskii, Pechersky and Yambartsev17], energy-efficient schemes for cloud resources [Reference Shi, Jiang and Ye23], and scenarios with an increasing number of available servers in stations [Reference Robert22].
Let us provide formal definitions. We consider a continuous-time Markov process
$\xi (t)$
$t\geq 0$
, on the state space
, starting at point 0. The process dynamics is as follows. We are given two functions,
$\lambda \colon\mathbb{Z}^+\to (0,\infty)$
giving the rate of upward jumps, and
$\mu\colon\mathbb{Z}^+\to [0,\infty)$
giving the rate of downward jumps, with
$\mu (0)=0$
$\mu (x)>0$
$x\geq 1$
. We set
$\eta =\lambda +\mu$
for the combined jump rate. Given that
$\xi (t)=x$
for some
$t\geq 0$
, the value of the process remains unchanged for an exponentially distributed random time
of rate
$\eta (x)$
. At time
the process jumps to either
with the probabilities

For the case where
, the only feasible transition is to site 1. The key assumption is that there exist constants
such that

We focus on the large-deviation principle (LDP) for the family of processes

for subexponential (1.4), exponential (1.5), or superexponential (1.6) growth of the value
. Here,
is a time-scaling parameter, and
$\varphi \colon(0,\infty )\to (0,\infty)$
is a Lebesgue-measurable function referred to as a scaling function. We assume that
The space where we will establish the large-deviation principle is
, with the standard metric
$\rho(f,g)=\int_0^1|f(t)-g(t)|\,\mathrm{d} t$
. Let
denote the Borel
-algebra in
; for a set
stand for the closure and the interior of
, respectively.
Recall the notions and definitions we need (see, for more details, [Reference Dembo and Zeitouni5–Reference Feng and Kurtz7, Reference Stroock25, Reference Varadhan31, Reference Varadhan32]). In Definitions 1.1 and 1.2 we attempt to cover a variety of situations occurring in the context of the current paper. In these definitions we use a Lebesgue-measurable function
$\psi \colon(0,\infty )\to (0,\infty )$
$\lim_{T\to\infty}\psi (T)=\infty$
, and a
-measurable functional
$I \colon \mathbb{G}\rightarrow [0,\infty ]$
. Given
such that
$\mathbb{A}\in \mathfrak{B}$
, we set
$I(\mathbb{A}) = \inf_{y \in\mathbb{A}} I(y)$
, with
. Furthermore,
is referred to as a normalizing function and I as a large-deviation (LD) rate functional.
Definition 1.1. Let
. Let a family of random processes
, be defined as in (1.3) for some scaling function
. We say that this family satisfies a
-local large-deviation principle (
-LLDP) with an LD functional
$I\colon\mathbb{G}\to [0,\infty]$
and the normalizing function
if, for all
$f \in\mathbb{G}$

$\mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)=\{g\in \mathbb{L}\colon \rho(f,g)<\varepsilon\}$
Definition 1.2. Let
, be family of random processes defined as in (1.3) for some scaling function
. We say that this family satisfies an
-LDP with a normalizing function
and an LD functional
$I\colon\mathbb{L}\to (0,\infty]$
if, whenever set
$\mathbb{B}\in \mathfrak{B}$

Definition 1.3. Let
, be family of random processes defined as in (1.3) for some scaling function
. We say that this family is exponentially tight (ET) on
$(\mathbb{L},\rho )$
with a normalizing function
if, for any
, there exists a compact set
such that

If a family
, and a functional I satisfy Definitions 1.2 and 1.3 (in particular, if family
, is ET) then, for all
$c\geq 0$
, the set
$\{f \in \mathbb{L}\colon I(f) \leq c \}$
is compact in
. In this case, we say that I is a ‘good rate functional’ (cf. [Reference Dembo and Zeitouni5, Section 1.2], [Reference Feng and Kurtz7, Section 2.2]). In this paper the ET property is established in Lemma A.6. It is known (see, for example, [Reference Puhalskii20]) that if the trajectories of random processes
belong to a Polish space then the ET property is a necessary condition for the goodness of functional I. Note that this holds true in our setting.
[Reference Vvedenskaya, Logachov, Suhov and Yambartsev33] established an LLDP for a family of processes (1.3) with the scaling function
, while [Reference Logachov, Suhov, Vvedenskaya and Yambartsev13] did so for the case of subexponential asymptotics of

In this latter case, the family (1.3) is not ET (we discuss this in Section 4). Consequently, the LDP is not available in the whole of
In the present paper we consider two complementary conditions:

The form of the LD functional depends on which condition is assumed, (1.5) or (1.6), cf. Section 2, Theorems 2.1 and 2.2. An emerging question is why the scalings (1.5) or (1.6) lead to the large-deviation principle, while the scaling (1.4) does not. We explain this in Section 4.
Let us discuss what is currently known outside condition (1.2); cf. [Reference Logachov, Suhov, Vvedenskaya and Yambartsev13]. Suppose that
$\lambda (x)\sim Px^l$
$\mu (x)\sim Qx^m$
, where
$0\leq l<m$
. If
$m\in (0,1)$
then three cases emerge, depending on a condition upon scaling function
, and the form of the rate functional is different in each of these cases. If we assume that
then only an LLDP will take place, so the three cases will be reduced to one. Also, from [Reference Logachov, Suhov, Vvedenskaya and Yambartsev13] it follows that an LLDP holds true when rates
$\lambda (x)$
$\mu (x)$
are regularly varying functions. Separately, notice the case where
$\lambda (x)=P$
$\mu (x)=Q$
where P and Q are positive constants. Here, process
$\xi (t)$
is compound Poisson, for which the LD asymptotics are well known [Reference Borovkov and Mogulskii3, Reference Lynch and Sethuraman14, Reference Mogulskii16].
This paper contains four sections. In Section 2 we state our main result, Theorem 2.2, and a trio of auxiliary assertions (Lemmas 2.1–2.3). Section 3 is dedicated to the derivation of Theorem 2.2 from Lemmas 2.1–2.3 and the proofs of these lemmas. Section 4 contains a discussion of the results obtained. Finally, in the Appendix we prove some additional technical assertions (Lemmas A.1–A.6) used in the proof or interpretation of the obtained results.
A commemorative note It is with great sadness and sorrow that the rest of the authors report of the loss of our remarkable collaborator and friend Nikita Vvedenskaya (1930–2022). Until her last days she actively worked on this project, and her contribution was essential and irreplaceable. We will miss her dearly.
2. Notation, and the main result
We denote by
the set of non-negative measurable functions
$f\colon[0,1]\mapsto [0,\infty)$
of a finite variation. Given
, let
be the total variation of f.
is the space of continuous functions on [0, 1]. From now on we let
be the set of functions
such that
$f(t)> 0$
The following result follows from [Reference Logachov, Suhov, Vvedenskaya and Yambartsev13].
Theorem 2.1. Assume conditions (1.2) and (1.4). Then the family
, defined as in (1.3) satisfies a
-LLDP with the normalizing function
and the LD functional
$I(f)=Q\int_0^1f(t)\,\mathrm{d} t$
, we use the following decomposition into monotone increasing and decreasing components:

Such a decomposition is unique (cf. [Reference Riesz and Szökefalvi-Nagy21, Chapter 1, §4]).
Denote by
the space of càdlàg functions on [0,1) with left limits at
. Observe that for every
there exists a function
such that
We now introduce the main result of this paper.
Theorem 2.2. Assume condition (1.2).
(i) Under condition (1.5) the family
$\xi_T({\cdot})$ ,
$T>0$ , defined as in (1.3) satisfies an
$(\mathbb{L},\rho)$ -LDP with the normalizing function
$\psi(T)=\varphi(T)\ln\varphi(T)$ and the good LD functional
$I\colon\mathbb{L}\to[0,\infty]$ where
$$ I(f)= \begin{cases} \dfrac{Q}{k}\displaystyle\int_0^1f(s)\,\mathrm{d} s + (1-l)f^+_\mathbb{D}(1), & f\in \mathbb{V}, \\[5pt] \infty, & f\notin \mathbb{V}. \end{cases} $$
(ii) Under condition (1.6) the family
$\xi_T({\cdot})$ ,
$T>0$ , defined as in (1.3) satisfies an
$(\mathbb{L},\rho)$ -LDP with the normalizing function
$\psi(T)=\varphi(T)\ln\varphi(T)$ and the good LD functional
$I\colon\mathbb{L}\to [0,\infty ]$ where
$$ I(f)= \begin{cases} (1-l)f^+_\mathbb{D}(1), & f\in \mathbb{V}, \\[5pt] \infty, & f\notin \mathbb{V}. \end{cases} $$
Before we pass to the proof, let us make some comments. Note that the LDP in the space of right-continuous functions with the Skorokhod metric is not obtained since the set of functions with total variation bounded by a constant is non-compact in this space. On the other hand, it seems that the results of this paper will hold for the space of functions without second-kind discontinuities equipped with the Borovkov metric (cf. [Reference Borovkov and Mogulskii1, Reference Borovkov and Mogulskii2, Reference Borovkov and Mogulskii4]). It is also worth mentioning that, in contrast with the classical results, in our case the LD functional I(f) does not contain the integral of the convex function of the derivative of the absolutely continuous component of the function f.
The proof of Theorem 2.2 uses the auxiliary assertions on Lemmas 2.1–2.3. Let us introduce some additional notions. Given
, denote by
the set of right-continuous functions
, with
, having a finite number of jumps n (u), where every jump has size
$\pm 1$
. This gives the set of trajectories for the birth–death process
$\xi (t)$
$t\in [0,T]$
. We speak below of measures on
, where
is a standard Borel
-algebra in
Next, consider a continuous-time Markov process
, on the state space
, with the full jump rate 1, jump size
$\pm 1$
, and probabilities of jumps
. There is a positive probability that this process lives in
. In Lemma 2.1 and later we refer to the two processes as
Lemma 2.1. (cf. [Reference Mogulskii, Pechersky and Yambartsev17, Reference Vvedenskaya, Logachov, Suhov and Yambartsev33].) The distribution of the random process
is absolutely continuous with respect to that of a process
. The corresponding Radon–Nikodym density
has the form

$\eta(x) = \lambda(x) + \mu(x)$
; cf. (1.1). Here we suppose that the function
has jumps at time points
and set
$\tau_i = t_i-t_{i-1}$
, with
. Further, the value
$\nu(u(t_{i-1}),u (t_i))$
is given by

be the number of jumps in process
on the interval [0,T]. The claim of Lemma 2.1 is equivalent to the fact that, for any measurable set


The symbols
represent indicators of events in the
The representation in (2.2) is used in the analysis of the value
$\ln \mathbb{P}(\xi_{T}({\cdot})\in\mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f))$
. We set
. In what follows, we write
instead of
, and
instead of
The proof of Theorem 2.2 is based on the analysis of
. This is a common method in LD theory, particularly, in the specification of an LD functional. Namely, we analyze the Radon–Nikodym density
on the event
and prove a
$(\mathbb{V},\mathbb{L},\rho )$
-LLDP by using the independence of increments in process
, together with the Stirling formula and properties of the functional space
$(\mathbb{L},\rho )$
; see also Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 and their proofs in the Appendix. Next, we prove that the family
is ET (cf. Lemma A.6). Then, by using a standard implication LLDP plus ET
LDP (cf. [Reference Dembo and Zeitouni5, Lemma 4.1.23], [Reference Puhalskii20]), we obtain an
-LDP for processes
Lemma 2.2. Assume condition (1.2) and one of conditions (1.5) or (1.6). Then, for all
$f\in \mathbb{V}$
$\rho(f,0)> 0$

Lemma 2.3. Assume condition (1.2) and one of conditions (1.5) or (1.6). Then, for all
$f\in \mathbb{V}$
$\rho(f,0)> 0$

3. Proofs of Theorem 2.2 and Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3
Proof of Theorem 2.2. First, consider the case where
. Obviously,

It is easy to see that

Now, suppose that
. We start by evaluating
. As follows from (2.3),

Condition (1.2) implies that, for any given
$\varepsilon, \gamma\in(0,1)$
, for T large enough,

Here and below,
$a\vee b=\max(a,b)$
. Furthermore, the values
will tend to zero.
Let us upper-bound the integral in (3.1). Suppose
$\zeta _T\in \mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)$
. Then the right bound in (3.2) implies that, for any
, if T is large enough, we have the inequalities

Next, consider a lower bound for the integral in (3.1). Due to the asymptotic character of condition (1.2), we need some caution when dealing with the regions where the scaled process approaches level zero. We set

$\zeta_T\in \mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)$
, the left-hand bound in (3.2) implies that, once more, for any given small
within the interval (0,1), and with a sufficiently large value of T, we have

$\zeta_T\in \mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)$
, the Lebesgue measure of the set
defined by (3.5) has the following upper bound. Since
$f(s)-\zeta_T(s) \ge \sqrt{\varepsilon}$
for all
$s\in G_\varepsilon$
we have

By virtue of (2.2), (3.1), (3.3), and (3.6), we obtain that, for T large enough,

The bounds in (3.8) conclude an initial part of the proof of Theorem 2.2. Subsequent parts establish assertions (i) and (ii) based on (3.8), while assuming conditions (1.5) and (1.6), respectively.
First, assume condition (1.5). According to the upper bound in (3.8), for any

Because of (3.7),
$\lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}L(G_\varepsilon)=0$
, and, by the definition of H and
(see (3.4)),
$H_\varepsilon\subseteq H$
$\lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}L(H\setminus H_\varepsilon)=0$

From this and (3.9), for any

Passing to the limit
$\gamma\rightarrow 0$
and using Lemma 2.2, we get, for
$f\in \mathbb{V}$

Because of the lower bound in (3.8), and using an argument similar to the one above, together with Lemma 2.3, we obtain, for
$f\in \mathbb{V}$

This completes the proof of
-LLDP in assertion (i).
Now, assume condition (1.6). Then the bound in (3.8), along with Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, implies that

This completes the proof of
-LLDP in assertion (ii).
Furthermore, Lemma A.6 implies the ET property for the family
, and the fact that
$f\in \mathbb{L}\setminus \mathbb{V}$
under any of the conditions in (1.5) or (1.6). As a result, we get an LDP under each of conditions (1.5) and (1.6).
The proofs of Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 are based on upper and lower bounds for the expected value
$E \,:\!=\, \mathbb{E}(\exp\{B_T+N_T(\zeta)\ln2\}\textbf{1}[\zeta_T\in\mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)])$
Proof of Lemma 2.2. Given
$a\in (0,\infty )$
, let
be the set of functions
$0\leq f(0)\leq a$
$\mathrm{Var}\,f\leq a$
. Next, given
$C\in (0,\infty)$
, define the set
$a(C) \,:\!=\, {3C}/({1-l})$
. According to Lemma A.1,
is compact in
. We write
$E\leq E_1+E_2$
, where

represents the complement of set
Let us upper-bound the term
. Obviously, process
can be represented as
, where
are independent Poisson processes of rate
, with
$\mathbb{E}(\zeta^+(t)) = \mathbb{E}(\zeta^-(t)) = t/2$
. Note that if
then, by virtue of (1.2), for any
$\gamma\in (0,1)$
and T large enough, we can upper-bound
as follows:

Recall that the processes
are independent and non-decreasing. Also note that
$N_T(\zeta) \leq a(C) \varphi(T)$
. Because of this, and due to representation in (3.10), Lemmas A.4 and A.5 imply that

$\lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}\delta(\varepsilon)=0$
, and
$\zeta^+_T(t)\,:\!=\,{\zeta^+(t T)}/{\varphi(T)}$
$\zeta^-_T(t)\,:\!=\,{\zeta^-(t T)}/{\varphi(T)}$
Observe that, as
, for
small enough,
$f^+_\mathbb{D}(1) -\delta(\varepsilon)>0$
. By utilizing the definition of
in (3.10) and once more taking advantage of the boundedness of the total number of jumps
$N_T(\zeta) \leq a(C) \varphi(T)$
, we can deduce, for sufficiently large values of T, that

$\lfloor b\rfloor$
denotes the integer part of b. To streamline the upcoming calculations, we write
$g_1(T) \,:\!=\, \lfloor \varphi(T)a(C) \rfloor\ln(Qa(C)(1+\gamma))$
According to Lemma A.7, the terms in the last sum in (3.12) constitute an increasing sequence for T large enough (specifically, when
), and their maximum value is attained in the final term:

Therefore, continuing from (3.12), for a sufficiently large T we obtain

$g_2(T) \,:\!=\, \lfloor\varphi(T)a(C)\rfloor\ln(T/2) - T/2$
. Finally, the fact that
$g_1(T) + g_2(T) = o(\varphi(T)\ln\varphi(T))$
, together with the Stirling approximation, guarantee that the right-hand side of (3.13) is

By the definition of
in (3.10), the expected value
$\mathbb{E}\Big(\mathrm{e}^{B_T^+}\textbf{1}\Big[\zeta^+_T(1) \geq f^+_\mathbb{D}(1)-\delta(\varepsilon)\Big]\Big)$
in (3.11) is bounded in the following manner. For T large enough,

From the bounds in (3.11), (3.14), and (3.15) we get that, for T large enough,

Further, Lemma A.6 implies that, for T large enough,

$C>(1-l)\big(f^+_\mathbb{D}(1) -\delta(\varepsilon)\big)$
and using the inequalities
$E\leq E_1+E_2$
, (3.16), and (3.17), we obtain

Proof of Lemma 2.3. Here the goal is to establish a lower bound for E. As usual, obtaining lower bounds is a more difficult task. Let us outline the idea of the proof. The main step is to extract from the event
a smaller event:

is a constant that depends on
, and
is a continuous function such that:
$\widetilde{g}_\varepsilon$ is close to f in the
$\rho$ metric (in the proof,
$\rho(f, \widetilde{g}_\varepsilon) < {3\varepsilon}/{4}$ );
• the variation
$\mathrm{Var}\,\widetilde{g}_\varepsilon$ is close to the variation of f;
$\widetilde{g}_\varepsilon$ is equal to a small constant
$\delta$ on the interval
$[0,\Delta]$ (in the proof,
$\delta = \varepsilon/4$ ) and
$\widetilde{g}_\varepsilon$ is greater than
$\delta$ on
$[\Delta, 1]$ .
Then the expected value E will be lower-bounded by a product
(see (3.24)), where
) controls the variations of
). Finally, the quantity
will give us the bound (3.27) claimed in the lemma.
Let us proceed with the formal proof. First, consider the case where
. We start by proving the existence of the function
. We construct
by using an auxiliary function g (see below). From the point of view of future arguments, it is convenient to set
. Observe that since
, we have
small enough and, as
is right-continuous at 0, we also have that

Recall that
$a\vee b=\max(a,b)$
. It is easy to see that
. Note that function g is convenient because it does not vanish on [0, 1].
Let us decompose
into an increasing and a decreasing component:

From the definition of the constant
it follows that

The functions
are monotone and continuous on
and left-continuous at the end point 1. Also,

Hence, there exist monotone continuous functions
such that

$\widetilde{g}^+_\varepsilon(1) = g^+_\mathbb{D}(1)$
$\widetilde{g}_\varepsilon^-(1) = g^-_\mathbb{D}(1)$
, and
. Let
. Then

Using the decomposition
, we have, for T large enough,


From the bound in (3.19) it follows that

Let us first estimate
from below. According to the definition of
in Lemma 2.1, the sum
can always be separated into two sums: the one over negative jumps,
, and the one over positive jumps,

The lower bound for
is constructed in the following way. Note that, according to
, there are no negative jumps of the process
during the time interval
and, according to
, the process belongs to an
neighborhood (in the uniform metric) of the function
. Then, due to (1.2), for any
and T sufficiently large we obtain

Let us bound sum
from below. Note that, for each
, any trajectory from the event
$\mathbb{S}_1\cap \mathbb{S}_2\cap \mathbb{W}_2$
positive jumps, when the trajectory is not lower than
. Thus, on these jumps, for any
and T sufficiently large,
$\nu(\zeta(t_{i-1}),\zeta(t_i))\geq{\varepsilon P\varphi^l(T)(1-\gamma)}/{8r}$
On the remaining
positive jumps,
$\nu(\zeta(t_{i-1}),\zeta(t_i))\geq \lambda_{\min}$
; here,
$\lambda_{\min}\,:\!=\,\min_{x\in \mathbb{Z}^+}\lambda(x)$
. Finally,

The new parameter r introduced will further tend to infinity,
Thus, on the event
$\mathbb{W}_1\cap\mathbb{W}_2\cap \mathbb{S}_1\cap \mathbb{S}_2$
, due to (3.21) and (3.22), we obtain that, for any
, and T large enough,

$J\,:\!=\,\min({\varepsilon P(1-\gamma)}/{8r},{\varepsilon Q(1-\gamma)}/{8})$
. From (3.20), (3.23), and the independence of processes
, we get

Let us lower-bound the value
. Consider a partition
such that
. By virtue of the independence of increments in process
, for T large enough,

With the help of the Stirling formula, we get, for T large enough,

From the bounds in (3.25) and (3.26), it follows that, for T large enough,

Next, let us lower-bound the quantity
. If

then we consider the partition
such that
. By using the independence of increments in process
and the Stirling formula, for T large enough,

From (3.20) and (3.27)–(3.29) we obtain that, for any
small enough,

Passing to the limit

By definition,
. Also, by virtue of (3.18),
. This gives

Therefore, Lemma 2.3 has been proven when
In the case where
, we have
. It is easy to see that
, where

The rest of the proof is reduced to a lower bound for
on event
, which essentially repeats the above argument. For brevity, we omit it here.
4. Discussion
It is instructive to discuss Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 in connection with the question mentioned in Section 1: why under condition (1.4) do we get only an LLDP whereas (1.5) or (1.6) lead to an LDP? Consider an example where
. In this case we can write down a probability distribution for process
at the time point T explicitly [Reference Gnedenko, Belyayev and Solovyev8]:

. Following on from this, if

under any of conditions (1.4)–(1.6).
Consequently, under condition (1.4) the normalizing function
in the LDP on the state space
is different from the function
figuring in the LLDP on the functional space
. In other words, for any càdlàg function
$f\not\equiv 0$
we have

This is why under condition (1.4) the family of processes
, lacks the ET property in any reasonable functional space.
However, under condition (1.5) or (1.6) the normalizing functions coincide, and we manage to get an LDP in the functional space
as stated in Theorem 2.2.
Also, note that Theorem 2.2 allows us to get a rough asymptotic for the probability that a trajectory of
crosses a level
. Indeed, with the help of (2.2) and an argument similar to the one used in the proof of (3.15) we have that, under any of conditions (1.5) and (1.6),

Since process
is càdlàg, and the set
$\{f\in\mathbb{L}\colon\text{ess}\,\sup_{t\in[0,1]}f(t) > a\}$
is open, Theorem 2.2 implies that, under (1.5) or (1.6),


Appendix A. Auxiliary results
In this section we establish some auxiliary assertions.
Lemma A.1. For any fixed
the set
is compact in
Proof. The Helly theorem [Reference Natanson18] implies that from every sequence
we can extract a subsequence
convergent as
almost surely to some
. Applying the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem yields

denote the set of non-decreasing functions on [0, 1].
Lemma A.2. Suppose that the function
is represented as
, where
$g_1, g_2\in \mathbb{M}$
. Then, for any
$0\leq t_1 < t_2 \leq 1$
$g_1(t_2)-g_1(t_1)\geq f^+(t_2)-f^+(t_1)$
Proof. Assume the opposite; then there exist
$0\leq t_1 < t_2 \leq 1$
such that
. Observe that we will then also have
stand for the variation on
. Since the variation of a sum does not exceed the sum of the variations, we obtain

On the other hand,

The contradiction completes the proof.
be a compact set in
$(\mathbb{L},\rho )$
. Consider a family of functions
, such that
, where
$u^+_T, u^-_T\in \mathbb{M}\cap \mathbb{K}$
for all T. Given
, set

The following lemma then holds.
Lemma A.3. Suppose that, for
$f\in \mathbb{V}$

Then, for the functions
figuring in decomposition (2.1),

Proof. Let us prove that
$\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\inf_{g\in\mathbb{B}_{f^+}}\int_0^1|u^+_T(t)-g(t)|\,\mathrm{d} t=0$
. Suppose the opposite; then there exists
such that, for any
, there exists
such that
$\inf_{g\in\mathbb{B}_{f^+}}\int_0^1|u^+_T(t)-g(t)|\,\mathrm{d} t\geq \gamma$
. Since the functions
lie in a compact interval, this inequality implies that there exists a subsequence
and a function
such that

$\tilde{g}_\mathbb{D}\in \mathbb{M}$
because the functions
, are monotone in t.
Therefore, it follows from (A.1) that
$\lim_{M\rightarrow\infty}\int_0^1|u^-_{T_M}(t)-(\tilde{g}(t)-f(t))|\,\mathrm{d} t = 0$
. Then, since
$u^-_T\in \mathbb{M}$
, from this it follows that
also belongs to
. Hence,
, where
$\tilde{g}_\mathbb{D}\not\in B_{f^+}$
, which contradicts Lemma A.2.
In a similar fashion we can prove that
$\lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\inf_{g\in\mathbb{B}_{f^-}}\int_0^1|u^-_T(t)-g(t)|\,\mathrm{d} t = 0$
The following result is a direct corollary of Lemma A.3.
Lemma A.4. Let
be a compact set in
$(\mathbb{L},\rho )$
. There exists
such that
$\lim\limits_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}\delta(\varepsilon)=0$
and for every
$u\in\mathbb{K}\cap \mathbb{U}_\varepsilon(f)$
from the decomposition
(cf. (2.1)) the distances between

Lemma A.5. Suppose the function
is increasing on [0, 1]. Let
. Then there exists
such that
$\inf_{g\in\mathbb{B}_\varepsilon}g(1)\geq u_\mathbb{D}(1)-\delta(\varepsilon)$
$\lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}\delta(\varepsilon)=0$
Proof. Since
is increasing and left-continuous at
, there exists a function
such that
$\lim_{\Delta\rightarrow 0}\gamma(\Delta)=0$
. Let us choose
so that
$\lim_{\varepsilon\rightarrow 0}\Delta(\varepsilon)=0$
. Put
. Suppose that
$\inf_{g\in\mathbb{B}_\varepsilon}g(1)< u_\mathbb{D}(1)-\delta(\varepsilon)$
. Then the condition
implies that there exists a function
such that

This contradiction completes the proof of the lemma.
Lemma A.6. (The ET property) Let condition (1.5) or (1.6) be satisfied. Then, for any
, there exists a set
, compact in
$(\mathbb{L},\rho )$
, such that

$\mathbb{K}_C^\mathrm{c} =\mathbb{L}\setminus\mathbb{K}_C$
Proof. Take
, where
$a(C) \,:\!=\, {3C}/({1-l})$
. Then

where the first inequality comes from (2.2), removing the
; the second inequality comes from the observation that the process should have at least
jumps during time interval [0, T] to belong to the set
. The last inequality means that if the number of jumps in the time interval [0, 1] is r, then to guarantee the inequality
$\inf_{t\in[0,1]}\zeta_T(t)\geq 0$
the number of positive jumps should be at least
Let us upper-bound
on the event
$\{\omega\colon N_T= r,\zeta^+(T)\geq{r}/{2}\}$
$r\geq\lfloor a(C)\varphi(T)\rfloor$
. From condition (1.2) it follows that, for any
and T large enough,

$M\,:\!=\, (1+\gamma)^2(Q\vee 1)(P\vee 1)$
By using (A.2), (A.3), and the Stirling formula, we obtain that, for
$r\geq\lfloor a(C)\varphi(T)\rfloor$
and T large enough,

where the last inequality is a consequence of the fact that under any of the conditions (1.5) or (1.6) the term
as T tends to infinity. The inequalities (A.2) and (A.4) imply that

$g_k \,:\!=\, \mathrm{e}^{k\ln\varphi(T)}{\mathrm{e}^{-T/2}(T/2)^k}/{k!}$
Lemma A.7. For any
$\max_{0\leq k\leq C\varphi(T)}g_k = g_{\lfloor C\varphi(T)\rfloor}$
Proof. Given
$1 \leq k \leq \lfloor C\varphi(T)\rfloor$
, we have

Thus, the sequence
increases for
$0 \leq k \leq \lfloor C\varphi(T)\rfloor$
The authors thank the referees for critical remarks and suggestions. A. L. thanks IME, Universidade de Sao Paulo, for hospitality. Y. S. thanks the Math Department, Penn State University, for hospitality and support. Y. S. also thanks St John’s College, Cambridge, for support.
Funding information
A. L. and A. Y. thank FAPESP for support under Grant 2022/01030-0 and 2017/10555-0. A. L. is also supported by the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok under agreement no. 075-15-2022-282 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.