To have your meeting considered for listing below, please email details to
DOHaD Society World Congresses
2011, September:
7th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Marriott Portland Hotel, Downtown Waterfront, Portland, Oregon, USA. In partnership with Oregon Health Sciences University
18–21 September 2011
8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Singapore
In partnership with the Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences and the National University of Singapore
2013 (dates and venue to be announced)
Other Meetings Associated With/Sponsored by the DOHaD Society
2010, March:
Perinatal Programming – The State of the Art Charite Campus Mitte, Berlin, Germany
4–6 March 2010
2010, May:
The Power of Programming
Großhadern Campus, University Hospital, Munich, Germany
Abstract deadline 15th February 2010
Earlybird registration deadline 28th February 2010
6–8 May 2010
2010, June:
International Workshop on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Beijing, China
Official language English
27 June 2010
Further details available by Email
2010, July:
Fetal and Neonatal Physiological Society
King Alfred’s College, Winchester, UK
Abstract and registration deadline: 26th March 2010
4–7 July 2010
Other Important Meetings
2010, March:
57th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI)
Orlando, Florida, USA
24–27 March 2010
2010, April:
Developmental Origins and Epigenesis in Health and Disease
Swissotel The Stamford, Singapore
26–30 April 2010
2010, May:
22nd European Congress on Perinatal Medicine
Granada Conference and Exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain
26–29 May 2010
2010, August:
2010 Aspen Perinatal Biology Conference
Intrauterine Stress and Adverse Fetal Outcomes – Linked by Perinatal Mechanisms of Adaptation
The Given Institute, Aspen, Colorado, USA
28–31 August 2010
Contact Information: