Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017
This paper looks in detail at the evidence for cult practices during the Neolithic in Italy, especially cave sites in southern Italy. The problems of recognising cult activities are highlighted; whether the simple borrowing of ethnographic parallels or the application of ethnographically derived models such as initiation rites, rites of passage, or hunting magic. Careful contextual archaeology is used to isolate phenomena best seen as special rites rather than variation of general practice, for example the rare cremations at Grotta Continenza alongside normal inhumations. The presence of pits or stone circles, imitative creations, art, the use of ochre or clay, human remains, intentional breakage of artefacts, the deposition of animal or vegetable’ offerings’, these are just some of the elements that need special investigation when suggesting cult practices in the Neolithic. The paper argues strongly against drawing hasty conclusions or proposing appealing but speculative interpretations of supposed agricultural fertility rites, child sacrifices, or male initiation rituals, for the truth is we still know much too little about Neolithic cults or even Neolithic society.
Dans cet article on considère quelques manifestations du Néolithique italien que l'on peut rattacher à la sphère symbolique et on pose le problème d'interpréter d'une façon correcte ces phénomènes, tout en faisant ressortir les difficultés liés à l'analyse des données de fouille et des attributions culturelles. Quelques cas des plus évidents, liés aux rituels funéraires, et dont les contextes restent en dehors de la sphére des activités ‘quotidiennes’, sont décrits. Ils peuvent être considérés, même si très prudemment, comme témoignage d'un monde idéologique très complexe.
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Kulterscheinungen des italienischen Neolithikums, die in den aus den alltäglichen Kulthandlungen herausragenden Bestattungsritualen eine besonders aussagekräftige Form kulturellen Verhaltens finden und Zeugnis einer komplexen Weltideologie geben. Im Vordergrund der Darlegung steht das Problem der richtigen Analyse der Ausgrabungsfunde und ihrer Kontextinterpretation.
Questo articolo prende in esame alcune manifestazioni del Neolitico italiano che possono essere ricondotte alla sfera dei culti e poni il problema della corretta interpretazione di questi fenomeni, accentuando Ie difficoltá relative alla corretta analisi dei dati di scavo e delle attribuzioni culturali. Vengono quindi illustrati alcuni dei casi piú evidenti, collegati anche a riti funebri, i cui contesti esulano dalla sfera del quotidiano e sono, sia pure con estrema prudenza, considerabili come testimonianze di un complesso mondo ideologico.