1 Introduction
Superhydrophobic surfaces are typically no-slip surfaces endowed with additional microstructural features such as grooves, posts or holes and they can significantly reduce fluid drag in microchannels (Rothstein Reference Rothstein2010). In many cases, in the Cassie state the microstructural surface features are occupied by pockets of gas rather than being liquid-filled (as in the Wenzel state). The spanning gas–liquid interfaces, or menisci, that can protrude into or out of the fluid are then often close to being shear-free and allow slip. The drag reduction characteristics of such a surface have a strong dependence on the geometrical properties of these gas–liquid interfaces (Steinberger et al.
Reference Steinberger, Cottin-Bizonne, Kleimann and Charlaix2007) and it is an important matter to be able to quantify them. For shear flows with shear rate
over such a surface occupying the plane
the velocity field far from the plane of the surface takes the form

is the flow direction. The constant
is the effective slip length and is a measure of the frictional properties of the surface: it is the fictional distance below the surface at which the shear flow would extrapolate to zero.
In applications an important class of superhydrophobic surfaces comprises those with a periodic array of grooves aligned with the principal flow direction. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of such a surface in the Cassie state when a periodic array of parallel circular menisci of width
and period
, each having protrusion angle
, span unidirectional grooves aligned along a
-axis, say, with no-slip regions in between. Also shown is the period window
with the meniscus lying in the subinterval
. An important geometrical characteristic of such a ‘bubble mattress’ is the no-shear fraction
. When no-shear conditions are imposed on the menisci a complete analytical characterization of the effective slip properties of such surfaces is known in the dilute limit of small no-shear fraction. Davis & Lauga (Reference Davis and Lauga2009) derived an explicit formula for transverse slip length over such a surface; Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) derived the corresponding result for longitudinal slip length. These results are valuable together because, for small no-shear fractions and zero capillary number, the slip length for a linear shear in a general direction over the surface is a linear combination of these results.

Figure 1. Longitudinal shear flow over a surface comprising a unidirectional periodic array, with period
, of menisci of width
protruding at angle
with intermediate no-slip zones.
In other analytical work, Sbragaglia & Prosperetti (Reference Sbragaglia and Prosperetti2007) used a boundary perturbation analysis to investigate the effects of small interface curvature/protrusion on the effective slip length in a pressure-driven flow in channels. Their analysis is valid for any no-shear fraction, but it is limited to small protrusion angles of the menisci (close to flat). Numerical calculations of the slip lengths associated with such bubble mattresses have been performed by Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010) and Ng & Wang (Reference Ng and Wang2011).
The present paper extends the author’s earlier result (Crowdy Reference Crowdy2010) beyond the dilute limit and produces formulae for the longitudinal slip length over these unidirectional surfaces that are accurate over a much larger range of no-shear fractions. Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) derived the longitudinal slip length
in the dilute limit as

The first of two new results of the present paper is to derive the more accurate formula:

where we use
to denote the improved result. We also write down the associated flow field. For no-shear fractions as high as
(1.3) gives agreement with maximum relative errors (across protrusion angles) of 6–7 % compared to the numerical results of Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010). Clearly (1.3) reduces to (1.2a−c
) to leading order in
(or, equivalently, to leading order in the no-shear fraction
). We have not presented (1.3) as an expansion in powers of
because the functional form (1.3) arises naturally in our analysis and it turns out to give more accurate results than a truncated formal expansion.
The second result is to derive an even higher-order approximation, denoted by
, reported later in (4.13). It is not as simple to write down as (1.3), but it is nonetheless explicit and reduces the maximum relative errors in the slip length to as little as 1–2 % for no-shear fraction
; even for a no-shear fraction as high as
, it is still accurate to within a maximum relative error of 8–9 % (see figure 3). Moreover, an approximation of the higher-order formula (4.13) (which ignores certain terms in (4.13) that are sixth order in the no-shear fraction) is the more concise, and only slightly less accurate, expression


This formula gives the required slip length with maximum relative error 2 % for no-shear fractions in the range
$c/l\in [0,0.75]$
and 12 % for
Formulae (1.3), (4.13) and (1.4) are the main results of this paper. They are valid without restriction on the protrusion angle
. We show that they extend an analytical result of Sbragaglia & Prosperetti (Reference Sbragaglia and Prosperetti2007) beyond the limit of small protrusion angle. The formulae can, in principle, be derived using the usual formalisms of matched asymptotic expansions but we derive them using our own mathematical approach, which is of theoretical interest in itself.
2 The dilute limit
Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) has previously derived the formula (1.2a−c
) for the longitudinal slip length relevant in the dilute limit
$c/l\rightarrow 0$
; it is natural to think of fixing
, say, and taking
$l\rightarrow \infty$
. Those prior results can be summarized as follows. With
we consider a complex potential
, analytic in the fluid region, such that

The imposed far-field condition of simple shear requires that
$w(x,y)\sim \dot{{\it\gamma}}y$
, hence

To satisfy the no-slip condition on the wall we need

while the no-stress condition on the meniscus requires that

which follows from the condition
$\partial w/\partial n=0$
on use of the Cauchy–Riemann equations.
To solve this problem Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) employed conformal mapping techniques. With
the conformal mapping transplanting the upper half of the unit disc in a parametric complex
-plane to the fluid region, and its inverse mapping function, are

Having derived these, Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) uses them to establish that


Actually, only
is needed to derive (1.2a−c
) based on a simple superposition argument.
Since his focus was to find the slip length Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010) did not report the corresponding dilute-limit complex potential, but it will be useful for what follows. It turns out to be

We now explain this result because it helps to understand our derivations of the higher-order approximations. If
denotes the exact solution to the periodic problem then
must be analytic in the period window
shown in figure 1 and satisfy the quasi-periodicity condition

in order that the velocity
is periodic; the quasi-periodicity here is induced by the far-field
behaviour. Similarly,
is required to be analytic in
. This is true of
given in (2.8) since
is analytic there – it is analytic, by construction, everywhere in the upper half-plane and above the meniscus – while the apparent singularity of
, which is inside the period window if
, is in any case removable by the choice of
. Moreover, the cotangent function has a periodic array of singularities along the real axis but the two closest to the one at
are in the two period windows neighbouring
and not inside
The first term added to
in (2.8) serves the purpose of removing the
behaviour of
$z\rightarrow \infty$
so that, as
$z\rightarrow \infty$

where we have used the fact that
$\cot ({\it\delta}z)\rightarrow -\text{i}$
$y\rightarrow +\infty$
and the known far-field asymptotics (2.6) of
. This means that, on the edges of the period window where
$|z|\geqslant l$
, the function

which is a good approximation to the quasi-periodicity condition (2.9) if
is small. It is easily checked that
is real when
is real since this is true of
, implying that
satisfies the no-slip condition on the wall. Also, provided
is small, then on the meniscus

also satisfies the meniscus boundary condition correct to
. In this way we have verified that
is the approximation to the required complex potential provided that
is small.
3 An improved slip length formula
To produce an improved formula for the slip length, accurate at even larger no-shear fractions, it is natural to seek a higher-order approximation in
. Consider the modified complex potential

now chosen to satisfy

With this choice the
term in the far-field expansion of the three non-cot terms

vanishes. This ensures that, as
$z\rightarrow \infty$

where we have again used the fact that
$\cot ({\it\delta}z)\rightarrow -\text{i}$
$y\rightarrow +\infty$
and the known far-field asymptotics (2.6) of
. Hence
has the correct far-field behaviour with slip length
. On the edges of the period window where
$|z|\geqslant l$
, we still have

which is a good approximation to the required quasi-periodicity (2.9) if
is small. The apparent singularity of the function (3.1) at
is again removable while the nearest other singularities of the cotangent function are in the neighbouring period windows as before. It is therefore confirmed that
is analytic in
. When
is real, which is true on the no-slip wall, so is
, confirming that the no-slip condition is satisfied there. Finally, on expansion of the cotangent for small
, notice that on the meniscus,

where we have used (2.4) twice as well as the Laurent expansion of
$\cot ({\it\delta}z)$
. Hence, (3.1) satisfies the boundary conditions on the meniscus, the no-slip wall and the edges of the period window correct to
. The quantity
as given by (3.2) is now the required slip length at this order of approximation and produces the result (1.3). Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010) report the slip lengths
, say, with the renormalizations

where we have taken
. Figure 2 shows
, as a function of protrusion angle
, for
, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.9 together with corresponding data points from Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010), which serve as our benchmark solution. The maximum relative error of this approximation for
is between 6 and 7 % and for
is around 25 %.

Figure 2. Normalized slip length (3.7) as a function of protrusion angle
(a), 0.25 (b), 0.5 (c), 0.75 (d) and 0.9 (e). Crosses show numerical data from Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010).
4 Higher-order analysis
The analysis of the previous section is readily extended to even higher order. We introduce
as the complex potential for a single protruding bubble with all the same boundary conditions as for
but now satisfying the modified far-field condition

This far-field flow is no longer a simple shear. By the same conformal mapping arguments (Crowdy Reference Crowdy2010) used to find
it can be shown that

where we have used (2.5) and

Now consider the new complex potential, constructed using
, given by

where the real parameters
are chosen to satisfy

We claim that
is the required higher-order solution. To see this, the expansions

reveal that the third-order singularity of
is removable. Furthermore,

where we have used the facts that
$\cot ({\it\delta}z)\rightarrow -\text{i}$
$\cot ({\it\delta}z)\text{cosec}^{2}({\it\delta}z)$
decays exponentially as
$y\rightarrow +\infty$
, as well as the far-field forms (2.6) and (4.2) of
. Then on the edges of the period window where
$|z|\geqslant l$

so that
satisfies the required quasi-periodicity condition there (now to higher order than before).
is the required slip length. For
on the no-slip wall
is real, implying that the no-slip condition is satisfied there. On expanding (4.4) for small
, and on use of (4.5),

where we have used the Laurent expansions (4.6) and the fact that

Hence the meniscus boundary condition is satisfied correct to
. The solution of the
$2\times 2$
system (4.5) gives the required slip length
. In matrix form it is


In view of (2.7) and (4.3) all matrix elements are known as explicit functions of
, consequently an explicit formula for the slip length

The normalized slip length (3.7) – but now with
replaced by
as given by (4.13) – is plotted in figure 3, as a function of
, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.9. It gives markedly better agreement with the numerical solution at
than that shown in figure 2. The maximum relative error of this approximation for
is between 1 and 2 %, and for
it is between 8 and 9 %.

Figure 3. Normalized slip length, now based on the approximation
in (4.13), as a function of
(a), 0.25 (b), 0.5 (c), 0.75 (d) and 0.9 (e). Crosses show numerical data from Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010).
Our analysis leads naturally to formula (4.13) but if we use the second equation in (4.5) to approximate

then, on substitution of this into the first equation in (4.5), we find the approximation

On eliminating
in favour of
, it can be shown that

Equation (4.15) is now equivalent to (1.4) reported earlier. The maximum relative error of this approximation is not quite as good as for formula (4.13), but is still impressive: at
the maximum relative error is around 2 % (about the same as for (4.13)) and for
it is around 12 % (slightly worse). The surprisingly wide range of no-shear fractions for which these formulae give good accuracy arguably obviates the need for higher-order approximations, but these are easily derivable in principle.
5 Verification against previous results
When formally expanded in powers of the no-shear fraction our formulae cross-check with other known results. First, Philip (Reference Philip1972) has shown that for a flat meniscus with
and at any no-shear fraction,

But for
we find
and it can be verified that (1.4) agrees with (5.1) to this order of expansion in
By taking their microchannel width to infinity, Sbragaglia & Prosperetti (Reference Sbragaglia and Prosperetti2007) performed an analytical study for small protrusion angles
in a semi-infinite domain. The expansion of (4.15) for small

A Taylor expansion of
to linear order in the protrusion angle

On substitution of (5.3) into (5.2), we find

The first term agrees with (5.1), valid for
, once we set
. On setting
the normalized leading-order correction due to the meniscus curvature is

where, for small meniscus deflection downwards into the grooves,
${\it\theta}\approx \sin {\it\theta}=-c/R$
. We thus retrieve the result in (45)–(47) of Sbragaglia & Prosperetti (Reference Sbragaglia and Prosperetti2007), who derived it using quite different techniques. In summary, various series expansions of our formulae (1.3) and (4.13), or (1.4), give results that are consistent with other studies. Note, however, that we continue to present (1.3) and (1.4) in the unexpanded form arising naturally from our analysis.
6 A reciprocity result
In view of their convenient explicit forms we expect that the slip length formulae (1.3) and (1.4), and the associated complex potentials (3.1) and (4.4), will be useful in a variety of studies of superhydrophobic surfaces where, for example, additional physical effects are included (such as heat transfer, Marangoni or thermocapillary effects, or the influence of an enclosed gas phase). We end by showing how to combine the new formulae with a useful reciprocity result based on one of Green’s identities.
, with associated slip length
. Suppose
is the solution of the same problem of shear flow over the bubble mattress with all the same boundary conditions imposed on
except on the meniscus, where we now require

is some specified function (derived, say, from inclusion of additional physical effects). Let the slip length for this modified problem be
. By Green’s identity, the harmonicity of
, and the divergence theorem, we deduce that

$\partial D$
is the boundary of
. On the edges of the period window for which
$|z|\geqslant l$

where we have used (4.7). Hence the contributions to the right-hand side of (6.2) from the side edges are small (for small
) while the no-slip portions of the surface do not contribute at all. We then arrive at the approximation

where we have integrated around
$\partial D$
in an anticlockwise direction and used the far-field conditions. By virtue of the results of this paper the right-hand side of (6.4) is an integral expression for the required slip length
accurate to the same order in the no-shear fraction as the solution
used to obtain it.
7 Discussion
An asymptotic analysis similar to that presented here is, in principle, possible to generalize the dilute approximation to the transverse slip length over this class of surfaces found by Davis & Lauga (Reference Davis and Lauga2009); the biharmonic nature of the field equations there render the technical details more challenging. But complementary results in this direction would provide a fuller analytical description of the so-called slip tensor (Bazant & Vinogradova Reference Bazant and Vinogradova2008; Asmolov & Vinogradova Reference Asmolov and Vinogradova2012) for these surfaces, thereby generalizing the fairly complete analytical description in the dilute limit already available on combining the analytical formulae of Davis & Lauga (Reference Davis and Lauga2009) and Crowdy (Reference Crowdy2010).
The study here has imposed idealized shear-free boundary conditions at the liquid–gas interfaces and ignores additional dissipation associated with an enclosed gas. Incorporating dissipation in the gas subphase is a topic of much recent research: Schönecker & Hardt (Reference Schönecker and Hardt2013) and Schönecker, Baier & Hardt (Reference Schönecker, Baier and Hardt2014) have proposed a semianalytical method that approximates the liquid–gas interface as a constant shear-stress boundary (leading to a non-uniform local slip length); Nizkaya, Asmolov & Vinogradova (Reference Nizkaya, Asmolov and Vinogradova2014) have put forward a general ‘gas cushion model’ based on an operator method. Those authors have executed detailed studies of their models in the case of unidirectional (one-dimensional) surfaces with flat interfaces. Our results here – especially coupled with the reciprocity result of § 6 – might well be useful in extending those investigations to the important case of curved menisci.
This work is supported by EPSRC Fellowship EP/K019430/1, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and EPSRC grant EP/K041134/1. The author is grateful to the authors of Teo & Khoo (Reference Teo and Khoo2010) for providing comparison data.