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Microstructural theory and the rheology of concentrated colloidal suspensions
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 December 2012
A theory for the analytical prediction of microstructure of concentrated Brownian suspensions of spheres in simple-shear flow is developed. The computed microstructure is used in a prediction of the suspension rheology. A near-hard-sphere suspension is studied for solid volume fraction $\phi \leq 0. 55$ and Péclet number
$Pe= 6\lrm{\pi} \eta \dot {\gamma } {a}^{3} / {k}_{b} T\leq 100$;
$a$ is the particle radius,
$\eta $ is the suspending Newtonian fluid viscosity,
$\dot {\gamma } $ is the shear rate,
${k}_{b} $ is the Boltzmann constant and
$T$ is absolute temperature. The method developed determines the steady pair distribution function
$g(\mathbi{r})$, where
$\mathbi{r}$ is the pair separation vector, from a solution of the Smoluchowski equation (SE) reduced to pair level. To account for the influence of the surrounding bath of particles on the interaction of a pair, an integro-differential form of the pair SE is developed; the integral portion represents the forces due to the bath which drive the pair interaction. Hydrodynamic interactions are accounted for in a pairwise fashion, based on the dominant influence of pair lubrication interactions for concentrated suspensions. The SE is modified to include the influence of shear-induced relative diffusion, and this is found to be crucial for success of the theory; a simple model based on understanding of the shear-induced self-diffusivity is used for this property. The computation of the microstructure is split into two parts, one specific to near-equilibrium (
$Pe\ll 1$), where a regular perturbation expansion of
$g$ in
$Pe$ is applied, and a general-
$Pe$ solution of the full SE. The predicted microstructure at low
$Pe$ agrees with prior theory for dilute conditions, and becomes increasingly distorted from the equilibrium isotropic state as
$\phi $ increases at fixed
$Pe\lt 1$. Normal stress differences are predicted and the zero-shear viscosity predicted agrees with simulation results obtained using a Green–Kubo formulation (Foss & Brady, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 407, 2000, pp. 167–200). At
$Pe\geq O(1)$, the influence of convection results in a progressively more anisotropic microstructure, with the contact values increasing with
$Pe$ to yield a boundary layer and a wake. Agreement of the predicted microstructure with observations from simulations is generally good and discrepancies are clearly noted. The predicted rheology captures shear thinning and shear thickening as well as normal stress differences in good agreement with simulation; quantitative agreement is best at large
$\phi $.
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- ©2012 Cambridge University Press

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