Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 December 2018
The present study is aimed at assessing the existing results concerning the stability of canonical shear flows in channels and tubes with deformable walls, in light of consistent formulations of the nonlinear solid constitutive model and linearised interface conditions at the fluid–solid interface. We show that a class of unstable shear-wave modes at low Reynolds number, predicted by previous studies for pressure-driven flows through neo-Hookean tubes and channels, is absent upon use of consistent interfacial conditions. Furthermore, we analyse the consequences of the change in solid model on the stability of the canonical shear flows by using both neo-Hookean and Mooney–Rivlin models. We show that the salient features of the stability of the system are adequately captured by a consistent formulation of the neo-Hookean solid model, thus precluding the need to employ more detailed solid models. The stability analysis of planar flows past a neo-Hookean solid subjected to three-dimensional disturbances showed that two-dimensional disturbances are more unstable than the corresponding three-dimensional disturbances within the consistent formulations. We show that prior inconsistent formulations of the solid constitutive equation predict a physically spurious spanwise instability in disagreement with experiments thereby demonstrating their inapplicability to predict instabilities in flow past deformable solid surfaces. Using the consistent formulation, the present work provides an accurate picture, over a range of Reynolds numbers, of the stability of canonical shear flows through deformable channels and tubes. Importantly, it is shown how inconsistencies in either the bulk constitutive relation or in the linearisation of the interface conditions can separately lead to physically spurious instabilities. The predictions of this work are relevant to experimental studies in flow through deformable tubes and channels in the low and moderate Reynolds number regime.