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Glaciological Literature

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  30 January 2017

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Copyright © International Glaciological Society 1960

This selected list of glaciological literature has been prepared by J. W. Glen with the assistance of T. H. Ellison, W. B. Harland, Miss D. M. Johnson, and the Staff of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Its field is the scientific study of snow and ice and of their effects on the earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the “applied” aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of the Polar Record. For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr. Glen of publications of glaciological interest.


General Glaciology

Cordini, I. R. Glosario de hielos. (In Derrotero Argentina. Parte 5. Antártsda y archipiélagos subantártficos argentinos. Vol. 1. Buenos Aires, Servicio de Hidrografia Naval, 1958, p. 13465.) [Glossary of Spanish terms for ice and English equivalents.]Google Scholar
Crohn, P. W. A contribution to the geology and glaciology of the western part of Australian Antarctic Territory. Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions. Reports, Ser. A, Vol. 3, Geology, 1959, 103 p. [Results of field work, 1955–56.]Google Scholar
SirFuchs, V. E. Research in the Antarctic during 1960. British programme. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4690, 1959, p. 85152. [Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey programme.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Haefeli, R. Die internationale glaziologische Grönlandexpedition 1957 bis 1960 (E.G.I.G.). Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Jahrg. 77, Ht. 29, 1959, 8 p. [Reprint.] [Organization, programme and work of International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland, 1957–60.]Google Scholar
Model’, Yu. M. O glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniyakh v rayone observatorii Mirnyy, provedennykh v pervoy kompleksnoy antarkticheskoy ekspeditsii Akademii Nauk SSSR . Gyatsiologicheskiye Issledovaniya v Period MGG. Sbornik Statey , No. 1, 1959, p. 2128. [Snow cover, snow and ice temperatures, velocity of land ice, 1955–57. English summary.]Google Scholar
Paschinger, V. Firn und Gletschereis als Handelsguter. Schlern-SckrfiRen, Bd. 190, 1958, p. 18994. [Commercial exploitation of glacier ice.]Google Scholar
Tushinskiy, G. K., ed. El’brusskaya ekspeditsiya Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta i Instituta Prikladnny Geofiziki Akademii Nauk SSSR . Informcttsionryy Sbornik o Rabotakh po Mczhdrerdrodnomu Goo/izicheskomu Godu , No. 2, 1958, 212 p. [Colleetcd pales on glaciological results.]Google Scholar
[Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale.] Symposium de Chamonix. Comptes rendus des discussions. Bulletin de l’association Internationale d’Hydrologie Scientifique, No. 13, 1959, p. 953. [Report of proceedings and list of participants at Symposium on physics of Ice Movement, 1958, and discussions of papers. For papers themselves see special volume (Publication No. 47 de l’Association Internationale d’Hydrologie Scientifique.]Google Scholar
Zubov, N. N. O predel’noy tolshchine morskikh i materikovykh l’dov . Metearologiya i Gidrologiya , 1959, No. 2, p. 2227. [Ways of calculating these approximately from air temperatures.]Google Scholar

Glaciological Instruments and Methods

Borovinskiy, B. A. Makarevich, K. G. Primeneniye elcktrometrii pri izuehenii dvizheniya lednikov . Vestnik Akademii Nauk Kazakiskoy SSR , 1959, No. 7, p. 45–50. [Experiments in Zailiyskiy Alatau, 1957–59.]Google Scholar
Higuchi, K. Muguruma, J. Etching of ice crystals by the use of plastic replica film. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Ser. 7, Vol. 1, No. 2. 1958, p. 8191. [Etching technique described is a simple method for determining crystal axes of ice grains.]Google Scholar
Hoinkes, H. Über ein neues Instrument zur Messung der Strahlungsdurchlässigkeit von Gletschereis oder Schnee. La Météorologie, Sir. 4, No. 45–46, 1957, p. 33537. [New instrument for measuring radiation through ice or snow.]Google Scholar
Hoinkes, H. Zur Bestimmung der Jahrcsgrenzen in mehrjährigen Sehneeanammlungen. Archiv für llietearololie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 8, Ht. 1, 1957, p. 5660. [Determination of annual layers of snow by density distribution.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Iveronova, M. I. K voprosu ob opredelenii izmeneniy kontsov lednikov sredney Azii metodom povtornykh stereofotos”yemok . Glyatsiologicheskiye Issledooaniya n Period MGG. Shornik Matey , No. 1. 1959, p. 53–61. [Comparison of 1948 and 1955 surveys of Lednik Karabatkak used as example. English summary.]Google Scholar
Queille-Lefèvre, C., and others. Premier essai de mesure électrique d’épaisseur d’un glacier (Glacier de Saint-Sorlin). [By] C. Queille-Lefivre, Albert Bauer,—Girard. Annales de Géophysique, Tom. 15, No. 4, 1959, p. 56467. [Depth measurements by electrical methods of Glacier de Saint-Sorlin, France, 1957.]Google Scholar
Sil’nitskaya, V. I. Cheremnykh, G. D. O metodike izmereniya skorostey dvizheniya l’da povcrkhnostnykh chasrey nekotorykli lednikov Antarktidy po materialam dvukratnoy acrofotos”yemki . Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograftcheskaya , 1959, No. 5, p. 9095. [Comparison of air photographs taken in 1956 of two glaciers near “Mirnyy”.]Google Scholar

Physics of Ice

Bakayev, V. A., and others. Ponizheniye temperatury plavleniya vody v kapillyarakh poristogo tela . [By] V. A. Bakayev V. F. Kiselev K. G. Krasil’nikov. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR , Tom 125, No. 4, 1959, p. 83134. [Method of measurement.]Google Scholar
Carte, A. E. Probability of freezing. Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), Vol. 73, No. 470, 1959, p. 324. [Theory of freezing probability as a function of volume, temperature and time.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Conway, B. E. Bockris, J. O’M. On the theory of proton conductance in water and ice. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1959, p. 113334.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Dansgaard, W., and others. Isotopic distribution in a Greenland iceberg, by W. Dansgaard G. Nief E. Roth. Nature, Vol. 185, No. 4708, 1960, p. 232. [Snow samples from Greenland Ice Sheet show parallelism between deuterium and oxygen-18 content. Analyses of iceberg ice show this parallelism to be conserved during several hundred years.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Giguère, P. A. On the anomalous thermodynamic properties of ice. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 11, No. 3–4, 1959, p. 24956. [Discussion of heat capacity of ice and explanation in terms of disorder of structure.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gonfiantini, R. Picciotto, E. Oxygen isotope variations in Antarctic snow samples. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4698, 1959, p. 155758. [Measurements of samples from “Roi Baudouin” base, Prinsesse Ragnhild Kyst, and interpretation of seasonal variations.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Heuvel, A. P. Van den Mason, B. J. Habit of ice crystals grown in hydrogen, carbon dioxide and air at reduced pressure. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4685. 1959, p. 51920. [Authors unable to confirm Japanese research that habit of ice crystals grown from vapour is essentially modified by growth in hydrogen or air at reduced pressure.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Jaccard, C. Étude théorique et experimentale des propriétés électriques de la glace. Helvetica Physica Acta, Vol. 32, Fasc. 2, 1959, p. 89128. [Study of effect of hydrogen-ion defects in ice and their effects on electrical properties.]Google Scholar
Jellinek, H. H. G. Adhesive properties of ice. Journal of Colloid Science, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1959. p. 26880. [Tests on strength of adhesion of ice to steel, polystyrene and “Lucite”.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Lippincott, E. R., and others. Infrared studies of dense forms of ice. [By] E. R. Lippincott C. E. Weir A. Van Valkenburg, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1960, p. 61214. [Results of experiments used to discuss nature of bonding in ice up to 9000 bars.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Mason, B. J. Some recent investigations on the nature and properties of natural and artificial freezing nuclei. Geojsica Pura e Apglicata, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1959, p. 5052.Google Scholar
Mellor, M. Creep tests on Antarctic glacier ice. Nature, Vol. 184. No. 4687. 1959, p. 717. [Tests on Antarctic glacier ice cumparrd with those on laboratory produced specimens.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Nakaya, U. Visco-elastic properties of scow and ice in Greenland ice cap. Journal of the Faculty of the Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 2, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1958. p. 11963. [Déterminas ion of resonant frequency and damping of’ ice and snow sample,. Variation of Young’s modulus and viscosity with density. temperature and frequency deduced.]Google Scholar
Nazintsev, Yu. L. Eksperinsental’aoye opredcleniye teployemkosti i temperaturoprovodnosti morskogo l’da . Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki , 1959, Vyp. 1, p. 6571 Google Scholar
Roberts, L. On the inciting of a semi-infinite body of ice placed in a hot streatn of air. Jarunal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 4, Pt. 5. 1958, p. 50528. [Mathematical treatment of theoretical model.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Schulz, W. Untersuchung zur Frage der Entstehung der Eisphase aus unterkühlten Wassertropfen. Archie für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. A. Bd. 11, ht. 1. 1959. p. 6483. [Experiments on supercooling of tsater on metal plates.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Serikov, M. L. Opredeleniye modulya uprugosti l’da rezunaesym metodom . Problemy Arktiki , 1959, Vyp. 6, p. 8187. [Laboratory experiments on river ice.]Google Scholar
Shimaoka, K. Electron diffraction study of ice. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 15, No. 1. 1960. p. 10619. [Experiments and interpretation in favour of Pauling model for structure of ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Land Ice. Glaciers. Ice Shelves

Ambach, W. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lichtstreuung im Gletscheteis. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 9, Ht. 3–4, 1959, p. 44163. [Discussion of need for determining extinction of radiation in ice in order to assess energy balance in a glacier.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ambach, W. Mocker, H. Messungen der Strahlungsextinktion mittels eines kugelförmigen Empfängers in der oberflächennahen Eisschicht eines Gletschers und im Altsehnec. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. to. Ht. 1. 1959, p. 8499. [Measurement of absorption of solar radiation in glacier ice and firn. English and French summaries.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
[Antarctic regions; Measurement of dimensions of glaciers.] Antarctic traverse reports. Transactions. American Geophysical Union, Vol. 40, No. 3, 1959. p. 27782. [Material relating to possible existence of trans-Antarctic trough between Ross and Weddell seas. Based on 1958–59 traverses.]Google Scholar
Arnold, K. C. Operation Hazen survey 1957–58. Ottawa, Defence Research Board, 1959. iii, 96 p. (Hazen 5.) [Location of points for taking of seismic soundings or gravity observations. Determination of rate of movement of Gilman Glacier.]Google Scholar
Barvenko, N. Ya. Novyye dannyye o dvizhenii i prostranstvannom sostoyanii lednika Tsentral’nogo Tuyuksuyskogo . Voprosy Geografii üazakhstana , Vyp. 4, 1959, p. 20508. [Zailiyskiy Alatau.]Google Scholar
Bout, P. Cônes de poussières sur neige et sur glace en Islande. Jökull, Ár 8, 1958, p. 1011. [Dirt cones in Iceland.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Brockamp, B. Erweiterter Nachtrag zu den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen der Deutschen Grønland-Expedition Alfred Wegener. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschqflen. Reihe B. Angewandte Geodäsie, Ht. Nr. 48, 1959, 76 p. [Supplement to scientific results of Wegener’s Greenland expedition, 1931: the ice sheet: barometrically determined height profiles, thickness and bed rock (seismic measurements), physical properties. Plans for a new Greenland expedition.]Google Scholar
Cailleux, A. Remarques sur le Vatnajükull. Jökull, Ár 8, 1358, p. 1214. [Thickness, morphology of rock foundation, origin. definition, of this ice cap in Iceland.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Eriksson, B. E. An experimental study of heat transmission in the surface layers of the Skagastöl Glacier. Meddelanden frân Uppsala Universitets Geografiska Institution, Ser. A. Nr. 141, 1959, 10 p. [Based on author’s field work in Jotunheimen, Norway, 1955 and 1956.]Google Scholar
Georgi, J. Der Rückgang des Jacobshavns Isbræ (West-Grenland 69cN.). Meddelelser om Grenland, Bd. 158, Nr. 5. 1959, p. 5170. [Retreat of Jakobshavns Isbræ, West Greenland, since 1850.]Google Scholar
Gorham, E. Soluble salts in a temperate glacier. Tellus, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1958, p. 49697.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hemmingsen, L. Permeation of gases through ice. Tellus, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1959, p. 35559. [Permeation rate of carbon dioxide and oxygen.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hoinkes, H. Das glazial-meteorologische Forschungsprogramm in den Ötztaler Alpen. Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, Nr. 54. 1958, p. 54/8–54/13. [Mass and energy balance, radiation through ice and micro-meteorology close to ice surface. Research on these subjects in Ötztal Alps.]Google Scholar
Ivan’kov, P. A. Oledeneniye Bol’shogo Kavkaza i yego dinamika za gody 1890–1946 . Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva , Tom 91, Vyp. 3, 1959, p. 22035.Google Scholar
Kamb, W. Ice petrofabric observations from Blue Glacier, Washington, in relation to theory and experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 64, No. 11, 1959, p. 18911909.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Kravtsov, G. S. Terent’yeva, A. G. Rezul’taty seysmicheskikh issledovaniy na vysokogornykh lednikakh tsentral’nogo Altaya v 1957 g. . Glyatsiologicheskiye Issledovaniya e Period MGG. Sbornik Statey , No. 1, 1959, p. 6268. [Depth measurements of two Altay glaciers. English summary.]Google Scholar
Lister, H. Pratt, G. Geophysical investigations of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Geographical Journal, Vol. 125. Pt. 3–4, 1959, p. 34356. [1955–58. Part 1, by H. Lister, the climate and ice mass balance: part 2, by G. Pratt, seismic and gravitational investigations.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Maksimov, Ye. V. Sovremennoye oledeneniye basseynov rek Say-Tentek i Kyzyl-Tentek v Dzhungarskom Alatau . Voprosy Geografii Kazukhstana , Vyp. 4, 1959, p. 4172. [Description by expedition of 1957.]Google Scholar
Marcus, M. G. Periodic drainage of glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, British Columbia. Geographical Review, Vol. 50, No. 1, 1960, p. 89106. [Hypotheses on drainage mechanics.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Marussi, A. Les résultats des recherches géophysiques de l’expédition italienne au Karakoroum, 1954–1955. Ciel et Terre, Vol. 75. No. 7–8, 1959, p. 23745. [Results of gravity depth measurements on Baltoro Glacier and comparison with surface velocities.]Google Scholar
Mellor, M. Antarctic ice terminology: ice dolines. Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 64. 1960, p. 92. [Description of feature for which new name is proposed.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Mellor, M. McKinnon, G. The. Amery Ice Shelf and its hinterland. Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 64, 1960, p. 3034. [Geographical description. Results of work by Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Miller, R. D. Crandell, D. R. Time-lapse motion picture technique applied to the study of geological processes. Science. Vol. 130, No. 3378. 1959, p. 79596. [Photographs taken of Emmons Glacier. U.S.A., at 15 min. intervals.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Møller, J. T. A west Greenland glacier front. A survey of Sermikaysak near Umanak in 1957. Meddelelser ont Crønland. Bd. 158, Nr. 5, 1959, p. 317.Google Scholar
Moser, R. Die Gletscher des Dachsteins seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Alpenvereins, Bd. 83, 1958, p, 1620. [Description of Austrian glaciers and their fluctuations since 1850.]Google Scholar
Nutt, D. C. Recent studies of gases in glacier ice: a summary. Polar Notes (Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.), No. 1, 1959, p. 5765. [Results of Arctic Instinue Greenland Expedition, 1958.]Google Scholar
Nye, J. F. Surface topography of the Antarctic ice sheet. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4689, 1959, p. 78687. [Theory of propagation of surface waves in an ice sheet and its application to interpret waves in Antarctica.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Péguy, C.-P. Les glaciers de l’Elbourz. Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français, No. 284–85, 1959, p. 4449. [Observations on glaciers of Elbarz mountains, north Persia, 1958.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Philberth, B. Beseitigung radioaktiver Abfallsubstanzen in den Eiskappen der Erde. Alornkernenergie, Jahrg. 4, Ht. 3. 1959, p. 11619. [Discussion of various problems associated with disposal of radioactive waste in ice sheets.]Google Scholar
Radok, U. Temperatures in polar ice caps. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4692, 1959, p. 105657. [Theory of temperature distribution.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Rigsby, G. I’. Mountain glaciation. Geophysical Monograph, No. 2, 1958, p. 18285. [Summary of American I.G.Y. programme in glaciology.]Google Scholar
Robin, G. De Q. Progress report on the Antarctic ice sheet. Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 64. 1960, p. 310. [Summary discussion of information collected during International Geophysical Year, 1957–58.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Shipton, E. Explorations in Patagonia. Geographical Magazine, Vol. 32, No. in, 1960, p. 493505. [Leader’s narrative of expedition in neighbourhood of Lago Argentino and Lago Viedma, 1958–59; includes glaciological observations.]Google Scholar
Stepanov, I. N. Nekotoryye novyye glyatsiologicheskiye nablyudcniya v doline reki Kok-Su (zapadnyy Tyan’Shan’) . Nauchnyye Doklady Vysshey Shkoly, Geologo-Geograficheskiye Nauki , No. 1, 1959, p. 14042. [Description of glacier.]Google Scholar
Tollner, H. Strahlungsmessungen auf einer Querung von Zentral-nach Nord-Spitzbergen im Sommer 1955. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 10, Ht. 1, 1359, p. 6983. [Observations of albedo and correlation with state of cryoconite holes. English and French summaries.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Tschaen, L. Groenland 1948–1949–1950. Astronomie—nivellement géodésique sur l’Inlandsis. Nouveau calcul. Paris, Expéditions Polaires Françaises, 1959. 114 p. (Expeditions Polaires Françaises. Missions Paul-Émile Victor, Publication 207.) [Critical study of observations for altitude and position made during summer traverses on ice sheet.]Google Scholar
Tsykin, Ye. N. O nekotorykh zakonomernostyakh formirovaniya temperaturnogo rezhima lednikov Tyan’-Shanya . Glyatsiologicheskiye lssledovaníya v Period MGG. Sbornik Statey , No. 1, 1959, p. 6982. [English summary.]Google Scholar
Whittow, J. B. The glaciers of Mount Baker, Ruwenzori. Geographical Journal, Vol. 125, Pt. 3–4, 1959, p. 37079. [Uganda. Results of Makerere College expeditions, 1957 and 1358.]Google Scholar
Wiche, K. Die Österreichische Karakorum-Expedition 1958. Milteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Wien, Bd. 100, Ht. 3, 1958, p. 28094. [Description of glaciers and glacial geology in Haramosh region of Karakoram.]Google Scholar

Icebergs. Sea, River and Lake Ice

Bryazgin, N. N. K voprosu ob al’bedo poverkhnosti dreyfuyushchikh Nov . Problemy Arkliki i Antarktiki , 1959, Vyp, 1. p. 3339. [Difference with differing surfaces, from observations at SP-6, in Central Arctic basin, 1956–57.]Google Scholar
Doronin, Yu. P. K voprosu o narastanii morskogo l’da [Growth of sea ice]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki , 1959, Vyp. 1, p. 7380. [Theoretical interpretation of data.]Google Scholar
Kusunoki, K. Measurement of gas bubbles content in sea ice. I. Low Temperature Science, Ser. A. No. 17, 1958, p. 12334. [Method of analysis and discussion of results. In Japanese with English summary.]Google Scholar
Murauchi, S., and others. Seismic prospecting of the [an] Antarctic iceberg and fast ice near the Syowa Base, by S. Murauchi T. Tateishi T. Matumoto. Antarctic Record, No. 5. 1958, p. 4050. [Analysis of P wave velocity measurements in a tabular iceberg and in fast ice, Prins Harald Kyst, February 1957. In Japanese with English abstract.]Google Scholar
Sala, I. Merijään lujuusominaisuuksista [On the strength characteristics of sea ice]. Teknillinen Aikakauslehti, [Vol.] 49, [No.] 17, 1959, p. 50304, 507–08, 51 1–12. 536. [Tests on tensile strength of sea ice of various salinities. Comparison with theory of Anderson and Weeks. English summary.]Google Scholar
Schwarzacher, W. Pack-ice studies in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 64. No. 12, 1959, p. 235767. [Study on structure and growth of ice floe.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Untersteiner, N. Arctic sea-ice studies. Transactions. American Geophysical Union, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1958. p. 60105: IGϒ Bulletin (Washington, D.C.), No. 12, 1958, p. 11–15. [On University of Washington I.G.Y. drifting station A, Arctic Ocean, 1957–58.]Google Scholar
Williams, G. P. Frazil ice: a review of its properties with a selected bibliography. Engineering Journal. Vol. 42, No. 11, 1959, p. 5560. [Also issued as: Canada. National Research Council. Division of Building Research. Technical Paper No. 81, 1959.]Google Scholar
Yakovlev, G. N. Teplovoy potok ispareniya s poverkhnosti ledyanogo pokrova v tsentral’noy Arktike . Problemy Arkliki i Antarktiki , 1959. Vyp. 1, p. 5963. [Temperature and humidity observations over ice floes at drifting station SP-2, 1950.]Google Scholar

Glacial Geology

Birkenmajer, K. Report on the geological investigations of the Hornsund area. Vestspitsbergen, in 1958. Part III. The Quaternary geology. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des sciences chimiques, géologique.s et géographiques, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1959, p. 197202. [General geological and glaciological history: south Vestspitsbergen.]Google Scholar
Chemekov, Yu. F. Chetvertichnyye olcdeneniya dal’nego vostoka . Priroda , 1959, No. 7, p. 8689.Google Scholar
Fraser, J. K. Henoch, W. E. S. Notes on the glaciation of King William Island and Adelaide Peninsula, N. W. T. Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, [1959]. 39 p. (Miscellaneous Papers Series. Geographical Paper No. 22.) [Description of landforms caused by glacial erosion and deposition and reconstruction of glacial history.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Galon, R. Nowe badania geomorfologiczne na sandrze Brdy . Zeszyy Naukowe Uniwersytetu Nikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Nauki Matemayczno-Przyrodnicze , Zeszyt 4, 1958, p. 39. [Review of recent work on this outwash plain in Poland and introduction to issue devoted to papers on this topic. French summary p. 8–91Google Scholar
Ives, J. D. Mountain-top detritus and the extent of the last glaciation in northeastern Labrador-Ungava. Canadian Geographer, No 12, 1958, p. 2531. [Presence of disintegrated bed-rock in situ possible indication of ice-free area.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ives, J. D. Glacial drainage channels as indicators of late-glacial conditions in Labrador-Ungava: a discussion. Cahiers de Géographie de Québec, 3e An., No. 5, 1958–59. p. 5772. [Description of features and tentative conclusion that mean average temperature during final melting was comparable with, if not higher than, that of today.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
King, C. A. M. Geomorphology in Austerdalen, Norway. Geographical Journal, Vol. 125, Pt. 3–4, 1959, p. 35769. [Work by various parties, 1954–58, on glacier system of Austerdalsbre.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Lundholm, B. Problemet OM glacial övervintring. Övervintring på Nordsjölandet? Statens Naturvelenskapliga Forskningsråds Årsbok, Årg. 12, 1959, p. 13842. [Possibility of survival of flora and fauna in ice-free area in southern part of North Sea area during last Ice Age. English summary.]Google Scholar
Lundqvist, G. K. vartärgeologisk forskning i Sverige under ett sekel. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Avhandlingar och Uppsatser, Ser. C, No. 561, Årsbok 52, No. 4, 1958, 17 p. [Quaternary geological research in Sweden, 1858–1958, including Lapland.]Google Scholar
Mehdiratta, R. C. Indications of glariericatiou in the Sivalik system in India. Nature, Vol. 184, No. 4689, 1959, p. 83334. [Interpretation of deposits as showing glacierization of early Pleistocene age.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Tushinskiy, G. K. Nekotoryye prublemy glyatsiologii, voznikshiye v svyazi s izucheniyem El’brusa i Khibin . Glyatsiologicheskye Issledovaniya v Period MGG. Sbornik Statey , No. 1, 1959, p. 2935. [Argument that much alleged glacial action on topography and relief is caused by snow and not by glaciers. English summary.]Google Scholar
Webb, P. N. McKelvey, B. C. Geological investigations in south Victoria Land, Antarctica. Part 1. Geology of Victoria dry valley. New Zealand journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1959, p. 12036. [Glacier from main ice cut through mountains of south Victoria Land to Ross Sea. In McMurdo Sound area some glacier retreat has formed “dry valleys”.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Wissman, H. von. Die rezente und quartäre Vergletscherung des Yülungschan. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 101, Ht. 2, 1959, p. 16582. [Present-day glacicrization and former ice cover in Yulungshan mountains in Yunnan Province.]Google Scholar

Frost Action on Rocks and Soil. Frozen Ground. Permafrost

Cailleux, A. Observations sur quelques lacs ronds nord-américains. Cahiers de Géographie de Québec, 3e An., No. 6, 1959, p. 13947. [Air observations. Suggests possible periglacial origin for circular lakes.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Chichagov, V. P. Naledi i snezhniki v dolinakh Ingody i Shilki . Priroda , 1959, No. 7, p. 8596. [Observations on ice and snow patches in Chitinskaya Oblast’.]Google Scholar
Dollfus, O. Formes glaciaires et périglaciaires actuelles autour du lac Huampar. Bulletin de l’ Association de Géographes Français, No. 286–87, 1959, p. 3240. [Description of glaciers and frost action in this region of Peru.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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Meterological and Climatological Glaciology

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