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Glaciological Literature

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  30 January 2017

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Copyright © International Glaciological Society 1966

This is a selected list of glaciological literature on the scientific study of snow and ice and of their effects on the earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the “applied” aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of the Polar Record. For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr. J. W. Glen of publications of glaciological interest. It should be noted that the Society does not necessarily hold copies of the items in this list, and also that the Society does not possess facilities for microfilming or photocopying.



Adie, R. J., ed. Antarctic geology: proceedings of the first international symposium on Antarctic geology, Gape Town, 16–21 September 1963. Sponsored by Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (S.C.A.R.). Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1964. xx, 758 p.Google Scholar
[Union Géodésique et géophysique Internationale.] Symposium International sur les Aspects Scientifiques des Avalanches de Neige et de Glace. Davos (Suisse), 5–10 Avril 1965. Bulletin de l’Association Internationale d’Hydrologie Scientifique, 10e An., No. 2, 1965, p. 10308. [Day by day programme.]Google Scholar

General glaciology

Chung-Ying, Chang. Huo-hsing ti ti-hsia ping-hai . K’o-hsüeh Ta-chung , 1963, No. 9, p. 29. [Suggests ice layer with maximum thickness 2 km. covering Mars.]Google Scholar
Dauvillier, A. Albédos planétaires et périodes glaciaires. La glaciation de Vénus. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 256, No. 4, 1963, p. 83638. [Infers that Venus is permanently glaciated.]Google Scholar
Grave, N. A., and others. Promerzaniye zemnoy poverkhnosti i oledeneniye Khrebta Suntar-Khayata (vostochnaya Yakutiya) . [By 8 authors.] Rezul’taty Issledovaniy po Programme Mezhdunarodnago Geofizicheskogo Goda. Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG , No. 14, 1964, 143 p. [Permafrost and glaciological results of I.G.Y. expedition to this area.]Google Scholar
Kalesnik, S. V. Ocherki glyatsiologii Moscow, Izdatel’stvo “Geografgiz” [Publishing House “Geografgiz”], 1963. 551 p. [Summary of present knowledge on ice and glaciers.]Google Scholar
Pounder, E. R. The physics of ice. Oxford, etc., Pergamon Press, 1965. vii, 151 p. (The Commonwealth and International Library. Geophysics Division.) [Book primarily concerned with physics of lake, river and sea ice.]Google Scholar
Theakstone, W. H. Recent studies in the Svartisen area. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bd. 19, Ht. 7–8, 1963–64, [pub. 1965], p. 31834. [Summary of geomorphological and glaciological researches in this area between 1956 and 1963.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Glaciological instruments and methods

Henning, H. Zur Bestimmung des Wassergehaltes einer Schneedecke unter Benutzung von Gamma-Strahlen an der meteorologischen Station Fichtelberg. Zeitschrift für Meteorologie, Bd. 17, Ht. 7–8, 1964, p. 22933. [Study of suitability of M-31 Gamma Snow Sonde made in U.S.S.R.]Google Scholar
Williams, G. P. Use of a thermopile to measure the supercooling of water. Canada.National Research Council. Division of Building Research. Building Research Note No. 49, 1965, 6 p. [The thermopile has one side coated with a non-ice-nucleating material, the other side is uncoated. In supercooled water ice will grow on the uncoated side only.]Google Scholar

Physics of ice

Bachasson, B. Chaillou, A. Thermoluminescence de la glace déformée artificiellement. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 260, No. 6, 1965, p. 170911. [Up to four peaks found.]Google Scholar
Bogorodskiy, V. V. Uprugiye moduli kristalla l’da . Akusticheskiy Zhurnal , Tom 10, No. 2, 1964, p. 15255. [Calculated from velocity of longitudinal and shear waves at 4 Mc./sec. and 0°,10° and 15°C. Translation in Soviet Physics—Acoustics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1964, p. 124–26.]Google Scholar
Burley, G. Ice nucleation by photolyzed silver iodide. Philosophical Magazine, Eighth Ser., Vol. 10, No. 105, 1964, p. 52734. [Change of shape of ice crystals with time for which silver iodide has been exposed to light.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Cobb, A. W. Salt incorporation in natural ices. Science, Vol. 141, No. 3582, 1963, p. 733. [Difference in ion concentration in lake ice with horizontal and verticalc-axes.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Cremers, A. Laudelout, H. Conductivité electrique des gels argileux en fonction de la température. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 259, No. 12, 1964, p. 197577. [Electrical conductivity measurements in frozen water-clay systems. Variation of activation energy with porosity of ice.]Google Scholar
Delaney, L. J., and others. The rate of vaporization of water and ice, by L. J. Delaney, R. W. Houston and L. C. Eagleton. Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1964, p. 10514. [Measurement of condensation coefficient from 13°C. to 2°C. for ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
De Micheli, S. M. de Iribarne, J. V. La solubilité des électrolytes dans la glace. Journal de Chimie physique et de Physico-chimie biologique, Tom. 60, No. 6, 1963, p. 76774. [Experimental study of extent to which various electrolytes freeze into ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Dengel, O., and others. Small-angle scattering of subthermal neutrons on heavy ice, [by] O. dengel, J. christ and W. Schniatz. Physics Letters, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1965, p. 23132. [Increase in scattering when ice samples are heated above 80°C. suggests a low-temperature structure is re-arranging itself at this temperature.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Eigen, M., and others. Über das kinetische Verhalten von Protonen und Deuteronen in Eiskristallen, von M. Eigen, L. de Maeyer und H.-C. Spatz. Berichte der Bvneengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, Bd. 68, Nr. 1, 1964, p. 1929. [Measurements of d.c. conductivity, saturation current and dissociation field effect used to deduce thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of reaction in ice. Large isotope effect attributed to difference in jump frequency of H+ and D+.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Engelhardt, H. Riehl, N. Space-charge-limited proton currents in ice. Physics Letters, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1965, p. 2021. [Observation of currents at high fields and low temperature. Evidence for proton traps.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gelin, H. Stubbs, R. Ice electrets. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1965, p. 96771. [Successful preparation of ice electrets at −196°C.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hallett, J. Experimental studies of the crystallization of supercooled water. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 6, 1964, p. 67182. [Detailed study of number and orientation of grains formed when supercooled water freezes under various conditions. Also includes measurement of growth rates.]2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hallett, J. Field and laboratory observations of ice crystal growth from the vapor. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1965, p. 6469.2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hallett, J. Growth mechanism of small ice crystals. Philosophical Magazine, Eighth Ser., Vol. 11, No. 113, 1965, p. 1093. [Discussion of paper by G. Burley, ibid., Vol. 10, No. 105, 1964, p. 52734, pointing out that small ice crystals must have special distribution of imperfections.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Haygood, J. D. Steady-state sorption of gases during vapor deposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 67, No. 10, 1963, p. 206164. [Sorption of nitrogen and air during deposition of water vapour.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Kobayashi, T. The growth of ice crystals on covellite and lead iodide surfaces. Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science (Sapporo), Ser. A, No. 20, 1965, p. 122. [Growth was studied photomicrographically under low supersaturations and at substrate temperatures to 42°C. Thermoelectric elements were successfully adapted for cooling the substrates.]Google Scholar
Korst, N. N., and others. Vtoroy moment signala YaMR i stroyeniye l’da . [By] N. N. Korst, V. A. Savel’yev [and] N. D. Sokolov. Fizika Tverdogo Tela , Tom 6, No. 4, 1964, p. 124243. [Comparison of calculations and experiment shows protons may exchange positions randomly in ice by quantum mechanical tunnel effect. Translation in Soviet Physics—Solid State, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1964, p. 965–66.]Google Scholar
Levi, L. Arias, D. Conductivité en courant continu de la glace dopée avec différents hydracides. Journal de Chimie physique et de Physico-chimie biologique, Tom. 61, No. 5, 1964, p. 66873. [Conductivity measurements and their interpretation for ice doped with HF, HCI, HBr, HI and .]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Luck, W. Beitrag zur Assoziation des flüssigen Wassers. I. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Ultcarotbänder des Wassers, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, Bd. 67, Nr. 2, 1963, p. 18689. [Includes data on infrared absorption in ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Magono, C. Shiotsuki, Y. On the effect of air bubbles in ice on frictional charge separation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 6, 1964, p. 66670. [Rod of bubbly ice becomes negatively charged when rubbed on less bubbly rod.]2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Matsuo, S., and others. Vapor pressure of ice containing D2O, [by] S. Matsuo, H. Kuniyoshi [and] Y. Miyake. Science, Vol. 145, No. 3639, 1964, p. 145455. [Measured from 0° to −38°C.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Moorthy, P. N. Weiss, J. J. Formation of colour centres in irradiated alkaline ice. Philosophical Magazine, Eighth Ser., Vol. 10, No. 106, 1964, p. 65974. [Electron spin resonance used to study defects after y-irradiation.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Papée, H. M., and others. Ice nucleation and growth in supercooled water films condensed on a hydrophobic surface, [by] H. M. Papée, A. C. Montefinale [and] T. W. Zawidzki. Nature, Vol. 203, No. 4952, 1964, p. 134345. [Study of growth of ice on nuclei of ice and silver iodide.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Peschanskiy, I. S., and others. Mekhanicheskiye svoystva uprochnennogo l’da . Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki , Vyp. 16, 1964, p. 4553. [Structural properties of ice strengthened with wood fibre.]Google Scholar
Rowland, S. C., and others. Photolytic activation of silver iodide in the nucleation of ice, [by] S. C. Rowland, R. G. Layton and D. R. Smith. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 6, 1964, p. 698700. [Clean single crystals of silver iodide are very poor ice nucleators; controlled introduction of impurities increases nucleation greatly.]2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Savel’yev, V. A. Sokolov, N. D. Raschet temperaturnoy zavisimosti chastoty mezhmolekulyarnykh kolebaniy l’da . Optika i Spekiroskopiya, Tom 17, Vyp. 1, 1964, p. 3537. [Translation in Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1964, p. 17–18.]Google Scholar
Stiller, H. Spectrum of low frequencies in, H2O, D2O and solutions of HF in H2O. Physica, Deel 30, No. 4, 1964, p. 93136. [By neutron scattering.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Zakembovitch, A. Kahane, A. Détermination des vitesses de propagation d’ondes ultrasonores longitudinales dans la glace. Étude de leur variation avec la température. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 258, No. 9, 1964, p. 252932. [Optical determination of velocity of longitudinal sound waves in ice single crystal as a function of temperature.]Google Scholar

Land ice. glaciers. Ice shelves

Abbasi, A. A. A study of Minapin Glacier. Indus. Journal of the West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Lahore, Vol. 3, No. 9, 1962, p. 2934. [Brief description, summaries of earlier accounts, retreat of snout.]Google Scholar
Ambach, W. Eisner, H. Racíioaktivitätsmcssungcn zur Bestimmung der Firnrücklagen tines Alpengletschers. Die Naturwissenschaflen, Jahrg. 52, Ht. 7, 1965, p. 154. [Use of radioactivity resulting from atomic bomb tests to date firn profiles in alpine glaciers.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ardus, D. A. Surface deformation, absolute movement and mass balance of the Brunt Ice Shelf near Halley Bay, 1961. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, No. 6, 1965, p. 2141.Google Scholar
Bennett, H. F. A gravity and magnetic survey of the Ross fee Shelf area, Antarctica. University of Wisconsin. Geophysical and Polar Research Center. Research Report Series, 64–3, 1964, vi, 97 p. [Results of recent ground traverses and of 1947 airborne magnetic flight. Map gives traverse routes.]Google Scholar
Bentley, C. R. The structure of Antarctica and its ice cover. (In Odishaw, H., ed. Research in geophysics. Vol. 2. Solid earth and interface phenomena. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, [c1964], p. 33589.) [Review of I.G.Y. work and estimations of accuracy. Emphasis on surface elevation and ice thickness measurements.]Google Scholar
Bentley, C. R., and others. Physical characteristics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, by C. R. Bentley, R. L. Cameron, C. Bull, K. Kojima and A. J. Gow. Antarctic Map Folio Series (New York, American Geographical Society), Folio 2, 1964, 10 p., 10 maps.Google Scholar
Black, R. F. Berg, T. E. Glacier fluctuations recorded by patterned ground, Victoria Land. (In Adie, R. J., ed. Antarctic geology. Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1964, p. 10722.)Google Scholar
Bryan, R. Observations on snow accumulation patterns at Adelaide Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, No. 6, 1965 p. 5162. [An ice piedmont of about 1,400 km.2 on the west coast. Rime deposits play a large part in its regime which is now at last thought to be positive.]Google Scholar
Chizhov, O. P. Koryakin, V. S. Sovremennyye izmeneniya rezhima Novozemel’skogo lednikovogo pokrova . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 17274. [Amplifies paper by same authors in [No.] 8 of same journal.]Google Scholar
Dolgushin, L. D., and others. O sovremennoy evolyutsii antarkticheskogo lednikovogo pokrova . [By] L. D. Dolgushin, S. A. Yevteyev [and] V. M. Kotlyakov. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 13241.Google Scholar
Fleet, M. The occurrence of rifts in the Larsen Ice Shelf near Cape Disappointment. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, No. 6, 1965, p. 6366. [Short description and discussion.]Google Scholar
Gilmour, A. E. Hydrological heat and mass transport across the boundary of the ice shelf in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1963, p. 40222. [Estimate of heat brought in by sea-water currents.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hewitt, K. Glaciers and the Indus. Indus. Journal of the West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Lahore, Vol. 2, No. 9, 1961, p. 414. [Account ofvisit to Biafo Gyang Glacier.]Google Scholar
Hewitt, K. The great ice dam. Indus. Journal of the West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Lahore, Vol. 5, No. 6, 1964, p. 1830. [Speculation on an ice dam burst on the Bialb Glacier.]Google Scholar
Hofmann, W. Geodätisch-glaziologische Arbeiten in der Antarktis. Das Ross Ice Shelf Survey (RISS)—Unternehmen 1962/63. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Bd. 88, Ht. 6, 1963, p. 25565. [Description of programme of Ross Ice Shelf Survey.]Google Scholar
Huang, Mao-Huan. Hsi-hsia-pang-ma ti ping hsüeh shih chieh (Snow and ice on Mt. Hsi-hsia-pang-maj. K’o-hsüeh Ta-chung , 1964, No. 9, p. 34041. Description of glacier with sub-zero temperature.]Google Scholar
Klyukin, N. K. Klimaticheskiye usloviya akkumulyatsii na lednikakh Khrebta Suntar-Khayata . Rezul’taty Issledovaniy po Programme Mezhrlunarodnogo Gec flzicheskogo Goda. Glvatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG; , No. 13, 1964, p. 9092. [Yakutskaya A.S.S.R.]Google Scholar
Konovalov, G. V. Morfologiya oledeneniya Zemli Korolevy Mod v Antarktide . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 14248. [Character of land ice.]Google Scholar
Kruchinin, Yu. A. Opyt klassifikatsii shel’fovykh lcdnikuv Antarktidy . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 14850.Google Scholar
Kruchinin, Yu. A. Shel’fovyye ledniki . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 25153. [Definitions, in Russian and English.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Glacier flow and analogue simulation. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1965, p. 16. [Results obtained by the use of an analogue field plotter suggest that this process may be useful in gauging the economy of ice sheets.]Google Scholar
Miller, M. M. Alaskan glacier variations and the implications of recent tectonic activity. Science in Alaska, 1964. Proceedings, fifteenth Alaskan Science Conference, College, Alaska, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 1964, 1965, p. 90. [61% of the major Alaskan glaciers are shrinking, 33% are in equilibrium, and 6% are advancing.]Google Scholar
Pal’gov, N. N. Bol’shealmatinskiye ledniki Khrebta Zailiyskiy Alatau za 37 let nablyudeniy . Geografrcheskiy Sbornik , 17, 1964, p. 94101.Google Scholar
Rickmers, W. R. The Pamir glaciers. Geographical journal, Vol. 131, Pt. 2, 1965, p. 21720. Comparisons with glaciers in other parts of the world, particularly the preservation of geomorphological features.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Shumskiy, P. A., and others. Ice and its changes, by P. A. Shumskiy, A. N. Krcnke and I. A. Zotikov. (In Odishaw, H., ed. Research in geophysics. Vol. 2. Solid earth and interface phenomena. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, [c 1964], p. 42560.) [Role of ice in geophysical processes and general laws of its distribution and changes.]Google Scholar
Simonov, I. M. Izucheniye snezhnogo pokrova v verkhnikh gorizontov I’da na kupolakh Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa . Geograflcheskiy Sbornik , 17, 1964, P. 14957. [Work done in 1960.]Google Scholar
[Soviet Central Asia: Mass Balance of Glaciers.] Rezul’taty meleurulogInheskikh i gidrologicheskikh isslcduvaniy Leningradskogo Universiteta na Lednike Fedchenko . Materialy CIyaIsIobgisheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 22750. [Heat balance and runoff.]Google Scholar
Vinogradov, O. N. Morfometricheskaya kharakteristika oledeneniya Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa i voprosy yego sovremennoy evolyutsii . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 16671.Google Scholar
Zotikov, I. A. Donnoye tayaniye v tsentral’noy zone ledyanogo shchita Antarktidy i yego viiyaniye na sovremennyy balans massy I’da . Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya , 10, 1964, p. 15056.Google Scholar

Icebergs. Sea, river and lake ice

Anderson, G. S., and others. A preliminary study on freezing in turbulent streams of interior Alaska, by G. S. Anderson, C. S. Benson, D. Grybeck and J. Stout. Science in Alaska, 1964. Proceedings, fifteenth Alaskan Science Conference, College, Alaska, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 1964, 1965, p. 95. [In turbulent streams supercooled water persists and its rapid flow causes removal of the latent heat of freezing from anchor and frazil ice.]Google Scholar
Bilello, M. A. Method for predicting river and lake ice formation. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1964, p. 3844. [Method for using past dates of freezing to predict future formation.]2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Brown, J. R. Reverberation under Arctic ice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1964, p. 60103. [Measurements.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Entz, B. Tanulmányok a Balaton Jegének megismeréséhez . Vizügyi Közlemények, No. 2, 1964, p. 26983. [Results of 16 years of detailed study.]Google Scholar
Green, R. E. jr. Reflection of an underwater shock wave from overlying ice layer. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1964, p. 603 [Theoretical study.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Greene, C. R. Beaumont, M. B. Arctic. Ocean ambient noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 6, 1964, p. 121820. [Measurements and analysis of noise under sea ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gudkovich, Z. M. K izucheniyu dreyfa “ledyanogo ostrova” “T-3” v 1952–54 gg. . Problemy Artiki i Antarktiki , Vyp, 17, 1964, p. 3035. [Analysis of course of drift.]Google Scholar
Kawasaki, S., and others. Kaisuichū ni shōshutsu suru hyōkesshō. I. Shoki kareikyakudo to kakimaze sokudo no eikyō . [By] S. Kawasaki, H. Komizu [and] T. Uchida. Kōgyō Kagaku Zasshi , Vol. 67, No. 6, 1964, p. 85559. [Laboratory study.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Koptev, A. P. Al’bedo snezhno-ledyanogo pokrova morya Problemy Arktiki i Antarkliki , Vyp. 15, 1964, p. 2536. [Values obtained for different snow-ice mixtures at different latitudes.]Google Scholar
Kort, V. G. Antarctic oceanography. (In Odishaw, H., ed. Research in geophysics. Vol. 2. Solid earth and interface phenomena. Cambridge. Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, [c 1964], p. 30933.) [Review of I.G.Y. results including sea-ice and iceberg distribution.]Google Scholar
Leschack, L. A. Long-period vertical oscillation of the ice recorded by continuous gravimeter measurements from drift station T-3. Arctic, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1964, p. 27279.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Mackay, D. K. Mackay, J. R. Historical records of freeze-up and break-up on the Churchill and Hayes rivers. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1965, p. 716. [Long-term records of ice conditions.]Google Scholar
Marshall, E. W. Classification of lake-ice sheets. Science in Alaska, 1964. Proceedings, fifteenth Alaskan Science Conference, College, Alaska, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 1964, 1965, p. 96. [Lake-ice sheets classified under (1) structure, (2) composition, (3) duration, (4) formation under static or dynamic conditions, and (5) whether floating or non-floating.]Google Scholar
Milne, A. R. Clark, S. R. Resonances in seismic noise under Arctic sea-ice. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 54, No. 6, 1964, p. 17971809. [Vertical bobbing of sea ice generates seismic resonance within layers down to Mohorovičić discontinuity.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Milne, A. R. Ganton, J. H. Ambient noise under Arctic sea ice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 5, 1964, p. 85563. [Analysis of noise attributable to ice cover.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Payne, F. A. Effect of ice cover on shallow-water ambient sea noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 10, 1964, p. 194347.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Peschanskiy, I. S. Ledoviedeniye i ledotekhnika . Leningrad, Izdatel’stvo “Morskoy Transport” [Publishing House “Morskoy Transport”], 1963, 345 p. [Book on ice, its properties, uses of ice cover and methods of ice breaking and destruction.]Google Scholar
Shesterikov, N. P. K metodike rascheta tayaniya l’da , Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki , Vyp. 15, 1964, p. 1924. [Sea ice.]Google Scholar
Valdez, A. J. Nawratil, R. Fenómeno glatiológico en el mar de Bellingshausen durante la campaña Antártica 1959–60. Contribución del Instituto Antártico Argentin, No. 59, 1961, 26 p. [Effect of north-easterly gale on pack ice off Adelaide Island.]Google Scholar

Glacial geology

Autenboer, T. Van. The geomorphology and glacial geology of Sør-Rondane, Dronning Maud Land. (In Adie, R. J., ed. Antarctic geology, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1964, p. 81103.)Google Scholar
Autenboer, T. Van. The geomorphology and glacial geology of the Sør-Rondane, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letreren en Schone Kunten van België. Klasse der Wetenschappen, Jaarg. 26, Nr. 8, 1964, p. 591 [The ice shelf, general glacierization, deglaciation, glacier fluctuation.]Google Scholar
Bergersen, O. F. Løsmateriale og isaysmeltning i nedre Gudbrandsdalen og Gausdal. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, No. 228, Årbok, 1963, p. 1271. [Deglaciation and analysis of glacial deposits in Gudbrandsdalen and Gausdal, central Norway. English summary.]Google Scholar
Cahen, L. Glaciations anciennes et dérive des continents. Annales de la. Société Géologique de Belgique, Torn. 86, No. 1, 1963, p. 1984. [General characteristics of tills and Lillites and their distribution.]Google Scholar
Feyling-Hanssen, R. W. Skagerakmorenen på Jæren. Norsk Geograpek Tidsskrift, Bd. 19, Ht. 7–8, 1963–64, [pub.] 1964, p. 30117. [Casts doubts on an end moraine at Jæren and discusses the possibility of erratics brought by floating ice.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
German, R. Filzer, P. Beiträge zur Kenntnis spät- und postglazialer Akkumulation im nördlichen Alpenvorland. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwarl, Bd. 15, 1965, p. 10822. [Late and postglacial profiles of the pre-alpine belt from periglacial and glacio-fluvial valleys are described.]Google Scholar
Heidenreich, C. Some observations on the shape of drumlins. Canadian Geographer, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1964, p. 10107.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Holmsen, P. Om glasiasjonssentra i Sør-Norge under slutten av istiden. En sammenligning mellow et østlig og et vcstlig område. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, No. 228, Årbok, 1963, p. 15161. [Glaciation centres in south Norway toward end of last ice age. Field-work in 1961 and 1963. English summary.]Google Scholar
Jørgensen, P. Kvartærgeologiske undersøkelser i Randsverkområdet, Jotunheimen. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, No. 228, Årbok, 1963, p. 16279. [Late Pleistocene deglaciation and drainage in Randsverk area of Jotunheimen, central Norway. English summary.]Google Scholar
Kozarski, S. Problem of Pleistocene glaciations in the mountains of east China., Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Neue Folge, Bd. 7, Ht. 1, 1963, p. 4970. [Review of present knowledge.]Google Scholar
Lang, H. D. Über glaziäre Stauchungen in den Mellendorfer und Brelinger Bergen nördlich von Hannover. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 15, 1965, p. 20720. [The Mellendorf and Brelingen hills are part of the large chain of contorted end moraines which can be followed from the Netherlands to the region north of Brunswick.]Google Scholar
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Frost action on rocks and soil. Frozen ground. Permafrost

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Meteorological and climatological glaciology

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