Among the many genuine works of Greek Sculptors in the Museums of Athens there are three colossal heads and a piece of richly sculptured drapery, more striking perhaps in their originality than any others to be found there. Shortly after their discovery they were published with photographs by the Director of Antiquities, M. Cavvadias, under the title Fouilles de Lycosura, Athènes, 1893, and carefully described and appreciated. My excuse in venturing to bring them again to notice is the undeserved neglect with which works of such fine and unexpected quality have been treated.
1 Hermes, 1894 p. 429.
2 ϕψ. Ἀρχ. 1896, p, 104, No. 4.
3 ϕφ. Ἀρχ. 1896. p. 101, No. 3.
4 Röm Mitth. iv., p. 218.
5 Meisterw, p. 644, Note 3.
6 Gesch. d. griech. Künstler, Vol. 1, p. 289.
7 Furtwängler, Ant. Gemmen, Pl. XXXI.,No. 41.
8 Bronze Room, Table Case A, from Corinth (no number).