Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 June 2007
The efficacy of a biocompatible, surgically implantable, antimicrobial release system (IARS) as the exclusive antimicrobial therapy of necrotizing external otitis (NEO) was evaluated in six NEO patients. Gentamicin incorporated polymethyl-methacrylate beads were implanted, following surgical debridement and were removed two months later. Post-implantation alleviation of clinical symptoms: pain, periauricular tissue swelling, otorrhoea, eradication of pseudomonal infection (100 per cent) and substantially shortened hospitalization (4–15 days) were the salient results of this therapeutic modality. Three patients recovered. Two patients who died, one of sudden cardiac arrest and the other of paralytic ileus, 15 and 60 days postoperatively while the beads were still implanted, were symptomless. Recurrence was seen in one patient with early bead extrusion. Ipsilateral sensorineural hearing loss (one patient) and external meatal stenosis were the main complications. IARS appears to offer an effective alternative to long-term systemic antibiotic administration for the eradication of NEO-pseudomonal infection in patients who are sensitive, develop resistance, or when quinolone medical treatment has failed or is contra-indicated.