Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Ribeiro, Pedro Floriano
From Trade Unions to the Government: The National Organization of the Brazilian Workers’ Party from 1980 to 2005 (Dos Sindicatos ao Governo: A Organização Nacional do PT de 1980 a 2005).
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Figueroa, Dante
Veintiuna Tesis Sobre el Legado Jurídico de la Revolución Francesa en Latinoamérica (Twenty-One Theses on the Legal Legacy of the French Revolution in Latin America).
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von Soest, Christian
Bechle, Karsten
Korte, Nina
How Neopatrimonialism Affects Tax Administration: A Comparative Study of Three World Regions.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
von Soest, Christian
Bechle, Karsten
Korte, Nina
How Neopatrimonialism Affects Tax Administration: A Comparative Study of Three World Regions.
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Cuzan, Alfred G.
A Constitutional Framework for a Free Cuba.
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Kroenig, Matthew
Pugnacious Presidents: Democratic Constitutional Systems and International Conflict.
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