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Jill Beckman, Michael Jessen & Catherine Ringen
Empirical evidence for laryngeal features: German vs. true voice languages
Rui P. Chaves
An expectation-based account of subject islands and parasitism
Barbara Citko & Martina Gračanin-Yuksek
Towards a new typology of coordinatedwh-questions
João Costa & Fernanda Pratas
Embedded null subjects in Capeverdean
Gabi Danon
Agreement alternations with quantified nominals in Modern Hebrew
Raffaella Folli & Heidi Harley
The syntax of argument structure: Evidence from Italian complex predicates
John Harris
Wide-domainr-effects in English
Dejan Matic´ & Daniel Wedgwood
The meanings of focus: The significance of an interpretation-based category in cross-linguistic analysis
Joy Philip
(Dis)harmony, the Head-Proximate Filter, and linkers
Michael Ramsammy
Word-final nasal velarisation in Spanish
Maggie Tallerman
Join the dots: A musical interlude in the evolution of language? (Review article on Tecumseh W. Fitch, The evolution of language)
Shiao Wei Tham
Change of state verbs and result state adjectives in Mandarin
Rosalind Thornton & Graciela Tesan
Sentential negation in early child English
Elena Titov
Do contrastive topics exist?
Els van der Kooij & Onno Crasborn
The prosody of focus in Sign Language of the Netherlands