Francisque Sarcey says that originality consists, not in thinking new things, but in thinking for yourself things that thousands of generations have thought before you, and that your idea will appear new because you will strongly impress upon it the turn of your mind and tinge it with the colour of your imagination. Something of this kind has occurred in the presentation of dementia præcox. Kraepelin does not even claim the term as his own invention, but refers to it as the original proposal of Pick. We have duly recognised the distinguished position attained by them both, and appreciated Kraepelin's work, especially in investigation and teaching, and his achievements in elucidating morbid mental phenomena. If one is led to differ with him in the light of observations already made in this country and years of personal experience, that difference must be expressed in terms of esteem and respect.
The discussion on this subject was adjourned from the Annual Meeting till the next Quarterly Meeting, which will be held on the igth November, 1908. The adjourned discussion will be opened by Dr. Thomas Johnstone, and his contribution will be followed by a series of short papers by other members of the Association.Google Scholar The General Secretary will be glad if members who desire to contribute to the discussion, whether able to be present or not, will send him a synopsis of their papers.Google Scholar
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