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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 February 2018
The disease described by Heberden (1768) as Angina Pectoris, which is sometimes also termed Stenocardia, is not an anatomically definable cardiac affection, but rather a group of symptoms, originating in very different and for the most part unknown conditions. Although, therefore, we include a short account of it in this essay, we do not wish to indicate it as our belief that it is caused exclusively by changes in the sympathetic system, but that it seems to us that the latter, inasmuch as it takes the principal part in the formation of the cardiac plexus—which is almost certainly the starting point of angina pectoris—is undoubtedly in some way connected with the occurrence of the phenomena under consideration.
* It should be stated that it was for this Essay that the Astley Cooper Prize for 1877 was originally awarded to Dre. Eulenburg and Guttmann—a decision, however, which was subsequently overthrown on the technical ground that the paper was the work of two authors, and not of one only—as the terras of Sir A. Cooper's will eeem to require. This essay having been handed in in October, 1876, there are no references to any papers on the subject written since then. Google Scholar
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