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Conodonts of the Williams Island and Long Rapids Formations (Upper Devonian, Frasnian-Famennian) of the Onakawana B Drillhole, Moose River Basin, Northern Ontario, with a revision of Lower Famennian species
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 July 2015
The upper part of cores of the Onakawana B Drillhole in the Moose River Basin in northern Ontario includes the upper part of the upper member of the Williams Island Formation (22.5 m, 16 samples), and the entire overlying Long Rapids Formation (75.1 m, 49 samples). The sequence of conodonts from the drillhole was analyzed by graphic correlation as well as conventional zonation.
The upper carbonate member of the Williams Island Formation correlates with lower Frasnian zones 2 to 5. Below this, mixed Frasnian and Famennian conodont faunas occur partly in a brecciated interval within the member and represent stratigraphic leak below the Frasnian. The lower member of the Long Rapids Formation correlates in its lowest part with Zone 5, followed by a hiatus of zones 6 to 8. This is succeeded by zones 9 and 10. Zone 11 is missing, followed by an interval that correlates with upper Frasnian zones 12 and 13 to within the lower Famennian Middle triangularis Zone. The Frasnian-Famennian boundary occurs within a narrow interval in the lower member. The Upper triangularis Zone and perhaps part of the Middle triangularis Zone are missing.
The middle member of the Long Rapids Formation correlates with the Lower to Uppermost crepida zones. A sequence from high in the rhomboidea Zone to within the Lower marginifera to perhaps slightly into the Upper marginifera Zone occurs in the upper member of the formation.
Sixteen species are described, of which seven are new: Palmatolepis angularis, P. angusta, P. mystica, P. nodosa, P. parva, Palmatolepis n. sp. A, and Mehlina? unica. Two species that affect definition and identification of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, P. triangularis and P. ultima (=P. praetriangularis), are revised.
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