1 Introduction
One model for the origin of the solar wind relies upon Alfvén waves (AWs) with wavelengths much larger than the proton gyroradius and frequencies much smaller than the proton cyclotron frequency. In this model, photospheric motions and/or magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere launch AWs into the corona and solar wind, where the AWs undergo partial non-WKB (Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin) reflection (Velli, Grappin & Mangeney Reference Velli, Grappin and Mangeney1989; Zhou & Matthaeus Reference Zhou and Matthaeus1989). Subsequent interactions between counter-propagating AW packets transfer fluctuation energy from large scales to small scales. At sufficiently small scales, the fluctuation energy dissipates. Large-scale AWs also exert an outward force on the plasma. Several studies have found that this dissipation and momentum deposition can account for much of the heating and acceleration of the solar wind (e.g. Cranmer, van Ballegooijen & Edgar Reference Cranmer, van Ballegooijen and Edgar2007; Verdini et al. Reference Verdini, Velli, Matthaeus, Oughton and Dmitruk2010; Chandran et al. Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011; van der Holst et al. Reference van der Holst, Sokolov, Meng, Jin, Manchester, Tóth and Gombosi2014).
A number of authors have investigated different aspects of reflection-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. For example, Heinemann & Olbert (Reference Heinemann and Olbert1980), Velli (Reference Velli1993) and Hollweg & Isenberg (Reference Hollweg and Isenberg2007) investigated the linear AW propagation problem, accounting for radial variations in the density, outflow velocity and magnetic-field strength. Dmitruk et al. (Reference Dmitruk, Matthaeus, Milano, Oughton, Zank and Mullan2002), Cranmer & van Ballegooijen (Reference Cranmer and van Ballegooijen2005), Verdini & Velli (Reference Verdini and Velli2007), Chandran & Hollweg (Reference Chandran and Hollweg2009) and Zank et al. (Reference Zank, Adhikari, Hunana, Tiwari, Moore, Shiota, Bruno and Telloni2018) investigated the radial evolution of MHD turbulence in the solar atmosphere and solar wind accounting for reflection and nonlinear interactions. Cranmer et al. (Reference Cranmer, van Ballegooijen and Edgar2007), Verdini et al. (Reference Verdini, Velli, Matthaeus, Oughton and Dmitruk2010), Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011), van der Holst et al. (Reference van der Holst, Sokolov, Meng, Jin, Manchester, Tóth and Gombosi2014) and Usmanov, Goldstein & Matthaeus (Reference Usmanov, Goldstein and Matthaeus2014) incorporated reflection-driven MHD turbulence into one-dimensional (1-D) and 3-D solar-wind models. Verdini, Velli & Buchlin (Reference Verdini, Velli and Buchlin2009) and Verdini et al. (Reference Verdini, Grappin, Pinto and Velli2012) carried out numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence, in which they approximated the nonlinear terms in the governing equations using a shell model. Dmitruk & Matthaeus (Reference Dmitruk and Matthaeus2003) carried out direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence (i.e. without approximating the nonlinear terms) in the corona in the absence of a background flow. van Ballegooijen et al. (Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011) carried out direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the chromosphere and corona without a background flow. Perez & Chandran (Reference Perez and Chandran2013), van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016) and van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) carried out direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence from the low corona to the Alfvén critical point (at a heliocentric distance
$r_{\text{A}}\sim 10R_{\odot }$
) and beyond, taking into account the solar-wind outflow velocity.
In § 3 of this paper, we present three new direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence extending from the photosphere, through the chromosphere, through a coronal hole and out to
$r=21R_{\odot }$
. These simulations go beyond previous simulations extending to
$r\gtrsim r_{\text{A}}$
by incorporating the chromosphere. This enables us to account, at least in an approximate way, for the strong turbulence that develops in the chromosphere, which launches a broad spectrum of fluctuations into the corona (van Ballegooijen et al.
Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011). Our simulations also reach larger
than the simulations of Perez & Chandran (Reference Perez and Chandran2013) and contain 16 times as many grid points in the field-perpendicular plane as the simulations of van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017).
To offer some insight into the physical processes at work in our simulations, we present an analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in § 4. This model accounts for the generation of inward-propagating AWs by non-WKB reflection, nonlinear interactions between counter-propagating AW packets and the development of alignment between outward-propagating and inward-propagating fluctuations. For reasons that we describe in §§ 3 and 4, we divide the outward-propagating fluctuations into two populations with different characteristic radial correlation lengths. Our model reproduces our numerical results reasonably well.
The power-law scalings of the inertial-range power spectra in our simulations vary with radius. We discuss the causes of these variations in § 6, after reviewing several relevant studies in § 5. We briefly discuss other wave-launching parameter regimes in § 7 and phase mixing in § 8, and we present our conclusions in § 9.
2 Transverse, non-compressive fluctuations in a radially stratified corona and solar wind
We focus exclusively on non-compressive fluctuations, which are observed to dominate the energy density of solar-wind turbulence (Tu & Marsch Reference Tu and Marsch1995), and which carry an energy flux in the low corona that is sufficient to power the solar wind (De Pontieu et al.
Reference De Pontieu, McIntosh, Carlsson, Hansteen, Tarbell, Schrijver, Title, Shine, Tsuneta and Katsukawa2007). A disadvantage of our approach is that we neglect nonlinear couplings between compressive and non-compressive fluctuations (see, e.g. Cho & Lazarian Reference Cho and Lazarian2003; Chandran Reference Chandran2005; Luo & Melrose Reference Luo and Melrose2006; Chandran Reference Chandran2008; Yoon & Fang Reference Yoon and Fang2009; Shoda et al.
Reference Shoda, Suzuki, Asgari-Targhi and Yokoyama2019), which are likely important in the solar atmosphere and solar wind. For example, the plasma density varies by a factor of
over a distance of a few thousand km perpendicular to the background magnetic field
in the low corona (Raymond et al.
Reference Raymond, McCauley, Cranmer and Downs2014), which suggests that phase mixing (Heyvaerts & Priest Reference Heyvaerts and Priest1983) is an efficient mechanism for cascading AW energy to small scales measured perpendicular to
near the Sun.Footnote
We also neglect the parametric decay of AWs into slow magnetosonic waves and counter-propagating AWs (e.g. Galeev & Oraevskii Reference Galeev and Oraevskii1963; Sagdeev & Galeev Reference Sagdeev and Galeev1969; Cohen & Dewar Reference Cohen and Dewar1974; Tenerani, Velli & Hellinger Reference Tenerani, Velli and Hellinger2017), which may cause outward-propagating AWs in the fast solar wind to acquire a
$k_{\Vert }^{-1}$
spectrum by the time these fluctuations reach
(Chandran Reference Chandran2018), where
$k_{\Vert }$
is the wave-vector component parallel to the background magnetic field, and 1 au is the mean Earth–Sun distance. Nevertheless, the simulations that we report in § 3 describe an important subset of the full turbulent dynamics.
Our analysis begins with the continuity, momentum and induction equations of ideal MHD,


are the mass density, velocity and magnetic field,
is the gravitational potential,
is the total pressure and
is the plasma pressure. We set

and take the background flow velocity
to be aligned with
. We neglect density fluctuations, setting

We assume that the fluctuations are transverse and non-compressive, i.e.

and we take
to be steady-state solutions of (2.1) through (2.3) (as well as the MHD energy equation). The Alfvén velocity and Elsasser variables are given by

. Rewriting (2.2) and (2.3) in terms of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
, we obtain (Velli et al.
Reference Velli, Grappin and Mangeney1989; Zhou & Matthaeus Reference Zhou and Matthaeus1990)

As in homogeneous MHD turbulence, the
term in (2.8) cancels the compressive part of the
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\mp }\boldsymbol{\cdot }\unicode[STIX]{x1D735}\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
term to maintain the condition
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D735}\boldsymbol{\cdot }\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }=0$
We assume that the background magnetic field
possesses a field line that is purely radial. Working, temporarily, in spherical coordinates
, with
coinciding with this radial field line, we restrict our analysis to

We further assume that


$\boldsymbol{z}^{\mp }\boldsymbol{\cdot }\boldsymbol{B}_{0}=0$
, these assumptions imply that to leading order in
(Chandran et al.
Reference Chandran, Perez, Verscharen, Klein and Mallet2015a



We take
to be directed away from the Sun, so that
) corresponds to outward-propagating (inward-propagating) fluctuations (when viewed in the local plasma frame), and we define vector versions of the variables introduced by Heinemann & Olbert (Reference Heinemann and Olbert1980),


is the value of
at the Alfvén critical point, at which
. Mass conservation and flux conservation imply that

which in turn implies that

With the use of (2.15) and (2.18), we rewrite
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
in (2.8) in terms of
, obtaining the nonlinear Heinemann–Olbert equations (Heinemann & Olbert Reference Heinemann and Olbert1980; Chandran & Hollweg Reference Chandran and Hollweg2009),

Equations (2.19) and (2.20) are equivalent to the equations solved by Perez & Chandran (Reference Perez and Chandran2013) and van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016), van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017).Footnote 2
Because (2.6) is also satisfied by non-compressive fluctuations in reduced MHD (RMHD), equations (2.19) and (2.20) could be viewed as an inhomogeneous version of RMHD. However, the way in which we have arrived at (2.19) and (2.20) – in particular, starting with (2.5) and (2.6) as assumptions – differs from the usual derivation of the RMHD equations (see, e.g. Schekochihin et al.
Reference Schekochihin, Cowley, Dorland, Hammett, Howes, Quataert and Tatsuno2009), which begins by assuming that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}B\ll B_{0}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\ll l$
, where
) is the characteristic length scale of the fluctuations measured perpendicular (parallel) to
. We conjecture that (2.19) and (2.20) may provide a reasonable description of transverse, non-compressive fluctuations and their mutual interactions even when the assumptions
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}B\ll B_{0}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\ll l$
fail. For example, if collisionless damping (Barnes Reference Barnes1966) or passive-scalar mixing (Schekochihin et al.
Reference Schekochihin, Parker, Highcock, Dellar, Dorland and Hammett2016; Meyrand et al.
Reference Meyrand, Kanekar, Dorland and Schekochihin2019) removes compressive and longitudinal fluctuations, then (2.5) and (2.6) may be reasonable approximations even if
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}B\sim B_{0}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\sim l$
. We note that neither our derivation of (2.19) and (2.20), nor the derivation of RMHD as a limit of the Vlasov equation (Schekochihin et al.
Reference Schekochihin, Cowley, Dorland, Hammett, Howes, Quataert and Tatsuno2009), requires that
be ordered as either large or small.
3 Direct numerical simulations
We have carried out three direct numerical simulations of (2.19) and (2.20) using the pseudo-spectral/Chebyshev REFLECT code (Perez & Chandran Reference Perez and Chandran2013). In each simulation, the numerical domain is a narrow magnetic flux tube with a square cross-section, as illustrated in figure 1. This flux tube extends from the photosphere at
$r=r_{\text{min}}=1R_{\odot }$
, through the chromosphere, the ‘transition region’ (the narrow layer at the top of the chromosphere), and a coronal hole and then out to a heliocentric distance of

We model the transition region in our simulations as a discontinuity in the density at

a distance of roughly 1800 km above the photosphere. (We have collected in table 2 several heliocentric distances that we refer to repeatedly in the discussion to follow.) The walls of the simulation domain are parallel to the background magnetic field
. As
increases and
decreases, the width
of the simulation domain perpendicular to
grows according to the relation

drops sharply between the photosphere and the transition region (see (3.16) below),
$L_{\text{box}}(r_{\text{tr}})\simeq 10L_{\text{box}}(1R_{\odot })$
. The values of
$L_{\text{box}}(1R_{\odot })$
in our three simulations are listed in table 1. We discuss why we choose these values for
$L_{\text{box}}(1R_{\odot })$
in § 3.2.

Figure 1. Numerical domain of the REFLECT code.
Table 1. Simulation parameters.

is the root mean square (r.m.s.) amplitude of the velocity fluctuation at the photosphere,
is the correlation time of the photospheric velocity and
is the perpendicular dimension (along either the
direction) of the numerical domain.
Table 2. Glossary of heliocentric distances.

, the field lines of
are nearly radial, even though we allow for super-radial expansion of the magnetic field. This is because the flux-tube width is much smaller than the characteristic radial distance over which
varies by a factor of order unity. Because the flux tube is narrow and
is nearly radial, we can ignore the curvature of the field-perpendicular surfaces to a good approximation at
. We thus use Cartesian coordinates,
, to denote position in the plane perpendicular to the radial line that runs down the centre of the simulation domain.
, our assumption in § 2 that
is nearly radial breaks down, because the flux tube expands so rapidly with height above the photosphere. Because of this, and because we neglect compressive fluctuations, our simulations provide only a crude approximation of chromospheric turbulence. Nevertheless, we retain the chromosphere in our simulations, because turbulence in the actual chromosphere launches a broad spectrum of AWs into the corona (van Ballegooijen et al.
Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011), and our model chromosphere gives us a way of approximating this turbulent wave-launching process.
3.1 Radial profiles of
We choose the radial profiles of
to approximate the conditions found in coronal holes and the fast solar wind. Above the transition region, at
, we set



is the super-radial expansion factor, and
is the proton mass. Equation (3.4) is adapted from the coronal-hole electron-density measurements of Feldman et al. (Reference Feldman, Habbal, Hoogeveen and Wang1997). We have modified those authors’ density profile by adding the
term in (3.4) so that the model extrapolates to a reasonable density at large
and by increasing the coefficient of the
term in order to match the low-corona density in the model of Cranmer & van Ballegooijen (Reference Cranmer and van Ballegooijen2005). Equation (3.5) is taken from Hollweg & Isenberg (Reference Hollweg and Isenberg2002). The general form of (3.6) follows from (2.17). The numerical coefficient on the right-hand side of (3.6) is chosen so that


is a heliocentric distance just larger than
that we take to correspond to the base of the corona. Given the radial profiles in (3.4) through (3.6), the Alfvén critical point is at

the Alfvén speed reaches its maximum value at


Below the transition region, we set


is the photospheric density,
$c=[s_{\text{tr}}/(1-s_{\text{tr}})]\ln (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{\text{tr},<}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{\text{ph}})$
$s_{\text{tr}}=r_{\text{tr}}/R_{\odot }$
is the density just below the transition region, which we take to be 100 times greater than the value of the density at
from (3.4). We then set (cf. van Ballegooijen et al.
Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011)

, where

is the assumed magnetic-field strength in the photospheric footpoint of the simulated flux tube, and
is the value of
from (3.5).
We plot the radial profiles of
in figure 2. We also plot the
travel time between the photosphere and radius

Figure 2. The radial profiles of the solar-wind outflow velocity
, Alfvén speed
, plasma density
divided by the proton mass
, background magnetic-field strength
travel time from the transition region
in our direct numerical simulations. We use the same profiles when evaluating quantities in the analytic model that we present in § 4.
3.2 Boundary conditions
We take the
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
fluctuations to satisfy periodic boundary conditions in the
-plane. At the photosphere, we impose a time-dependent velocity field. We set the velocity Fourier components at the photosphere equal to zero when
$k_{\bot }>3\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })$
, where

are the
components of the wave vector
. We set the amplitudes of the velocity Fourier components at
$k_{\bot }\leqslant 3\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })$
equal to a constant, which we choose so that the r.m.s. amplitude of the fluctuating velocity at the photosphere is

consistent with observational constraints on the velocities of solar granules (Richardson & Schwarzschild Reference Richardson and Schwarzschild1950). We then assign random values to the phases of these velocity Fourier components at the discrete set of times
, where
in Run 1 and
in Runs 2 and 3. To determine the phases at times between successive
, we use cubic interpolation in time. We define the correlation time of the photospheric velocity
to be the time lag over which the normalized velocity autocorrelation function decreases from 1 to 0.5. The resulting velocity correlation times are listed in table 1.
Our choices of
$L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })$
determine (at least in part – see § 3.7) the correlation time
and perpendicular correlation length
$L_{\bot }$
of the AWs launched by the Sun. (Since we only drive photospheric velocity modes with
$k_{\bot }\leqslant 3\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })$
$L_{\bot }$
is a few times smaller than
.) Estimates of
$L_{\bot }(r_{\text{b}})$
range from
$\simeq 10^{3}~\text{km}$
(Cranmer et al.
Reference Cranmer, van Ballegooijen and Edgar2007; Hollweg et al.
Reference Hollweg, Cranmer and Chandran2010; van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016; van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) to more than
(Dmitruk et al.
Reference Dmitruk, Matthaeus, Milano, Oughton, Zank and Mullan2002; Verdini & Velli Reference Verdini and Velli2007; Verdini et al.
Reference Verdini, Grappin, Pinto and Velli2012), and estimates of
range from
$\simeq 1$
–5 min (Cranmer & van Ballegooijen Reference Cranmer and van Ballegooijen2005; van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016; van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) to one or more hours (Dmitruk & Matthaeus Reference Dmitruk and Matthaeus2003). Given the uncertainty in
$L_{\bot }(r_{\text{b}})$
, we vary
$L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })$
by factors of 4 and 5, respectively, in our different simulations in order to investigate how the values of
$L_{\bot }(r_{\text{b}})$
influence the properties of the turbulence at larger
No information flows into the simulation domain through the outer boundary at
, because
. We thus do not impose an additional boundary condition at the outer boundary.
3.3 Hyper-dissipation
To dissipate the fluctuation energy that cascades to small wavelengths, we add a hyper-dissipation term of the form

to the right-hand side of (2.19), and a hyper-dissipation term of the form

to the right-hand side of (2.20). We choose the magnitude and radial dependence of the hyper-dissipation coefficients
so that dissipation becomes important near the grid scale at all radii in each simulation. In particular, we take
to be proportional to
$[L_{\text{box}}(r)/L_{\text{box}}(R_{\odot })]^{8}$
3.4 Numerical algorithm
The REFLECT code solves (2.19) and (2.20) using a spectral element method based on a Chebyshev–Fourier basis (Canuto et al.
Reference Canuto, Hussaini, Quarteroni and Zang1988). In each of our three simulations, we split the numerical domain into 1024 subdomains. Each subdomain covers the full flux-tube cross-section pictured in figure 1 using 256 grid points along both the
directions, but only part of the flux tube’s radial extent. Along the
axis, each subdomain contains 17 grid points, two of which are boundary grid points. The total number of radial grid points is 16 385. Except at
$r_{\max }$
, these boundary grid points are shared by neighbouring subdomains. Eight of the subdomains are in the chromosphere.

Figure 3. Panels (a,b,c) show the r.m.s. amplitudes of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
in Runs 1 through 3 and in the analytic model described in § 4. The lower-right panel shows
in Runs 1 through 3, where
is the r.m.s. amplitude of the magnetic-field fluctuation.
A Chebyshev/Fourier transform of (2.19) and (2.20) leads to a system of ordinary differential equations for the Chebyshev–Fourier coefficients in each subdomain. These equations are coupled through matching conditions (continuity of
) at the boundaries between neighbouring subdomains. The REFLECT code advances the solution forward in time using a third-order Runge–Kutta method, with an integrating factor to handle the hyper-dissipation terms. Within each subdomain, the REFLECT code discretizes the radial interval using a Gauss–Lobatto grid, which makes it possible to compute the Chebyshev transform using a fast cosine transform.
3.5 Duration of the simulations
We run each simulation from
. Between
, the magnetic and kinetic energies in the simulations fluctuate while trending upwards. For reference, it takes 1.3 h for an outward-propagating AW to travel from the photosphere to the Alfvén critical point at
$r_{\text{A}}=11.1R_{\odot }$
, and 3 h for an outward-propagating AW to travel from the photosphere to
$r_{\text{max}}=21R_{\odot }$
(see figure 2). After
$t\simeq 4~\text{h}$
, the magnetic and kinetic energies fluctuate around a steady value. We regard the turbulence as being in a statistical steady state at
. All the numerical results that we present are calculated from time averages between
, except for the
profiles in Run 2; those profiles, because of technical difficulties, were only computed from averages between
3.6 Radial profiles of the fluctuation amplitudes
In figure 3, we plot the r.m.s. amplitudes of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
, denoted
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }$
, as a function of
in Runs 1 through 3 and in the analytic model discussed in § 4. The lower-right panel of figure 3 shows the fractional variation in the magnetic-field strength as a function of
in our three numerical simulations. In all three simulations,
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
in the chromosphere, because of strong AW reflection at the transition region and photosphere. On the other hand,
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\gg z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
in the corona and solar wind because of the limited efficiency of reflection in these regions and because
fluctuations are rapidly cascaded to small scales by the large-amplitude
The value of
increases between
$r=R_{\odot }$
$r=5R_{\odot }$
because of the radially decreasing density profile. Equation (2.19) implies that the r.m.s. amplitude of
) is independent of
when (i) the fluctuations are in a statistical steady state, (ii)
$z_{\text{rms}}^{-}\ll z_{\text{rms}}^{+}$
and (iii) nonlinear interactions can be ignored. At
$r<5R_{\odot }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(r)\gg \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(r_{\text{A}})$
, and it follows from (2.15) that
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\propto g_{\text{rms}}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{-1/4}$
. Equations (2.15) and (2.19) thus imply that the linear physics of AW propagation causes
to increase rapidly with increasing
$r<5R_{\odot }$
, since
$z_{\text{rms}}^{-}\ll z_{\text{rms}}^{+}$
in this region. When nonlinear interactions are taken into account,
becomes a decreasing function of
, but the linear physics ‘wins out’ at
$r<5R_{\odot }$
, in the sense that
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\propto g_{\text{rms}}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{-1/4}$
remains an increasing function of
. Since the rate of non-WKB reflection vanishes at
$r=r_{\text{m}}=1.71R_{\odot }$
, the
fluctuations seen at
in all three simulations must be generated elsewhere. At
fluctuations propagate with a negative radial velocity once they are produced, and thus the
fluctuations seen at
in the simulations originate at
3.7 Two components of outward-propagating fluctuations
In our simulations, the transition region, which acts like an AW antenna, is characterized by two time scales at the perpendicular outer scale of the turbulence, which we take to be

The first time scale is the correlation time of the photospheric velocity field,
, which we define as the time increment required for the normalized velocity autocorrelation function at the photosphere to decrease from 1 to 0.5. This time increment is 3.3 min, 9.6 min and 9.3 min in Runs 1, 2 and 3, respectively, as displayed in table 1. The second time scale is the nonlinear time scale

of the balanced turbulence (‘balanced’ meaning that
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
) just below the transition region at
, where
is an infinitesimal distance, and
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }(r_{\text{tr},<})\simeq 30~\text{km}~\text{s}^{-1}$
. (Section 3.10 discusses an effect that shortens this second time scale relative to the estimate in (3.24) in Runs 1 and 2.) Although the right-hand side of (3.24) contains a
sign, we do not include a
sign on the left-hand side, because we will only evaluate (3.24) at locations at which
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
. We define

Given the values of
listed in table 1,
is 0.8 min, 0.8 min and 3 min in Runs 1, 2 and 3, respectively, values that are several times smaller than
. This suggests that the transition region in our simulations launches two populations of
fluctuations characterized by different time scales and hence different radial correlation lengths.
To investigate this possibility, we define


, and
$\langle \cdots \rangle$
denotes an average over
. The quantity

is the approximate radial correlation length in the low corona of a
fluctuation that is generated by a disturbance at the transition region whose correlation time is

is a dimensionless constant of order unity. We set

which enables us to carry out the radial average in (3.26) in a computationally efficient way, using an integer number of subdomains. Given the above definitions,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}=0.08R_{\odot }$
in Runs 1 and 2, and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}=0.32R_{\odot }$
in Run 3. We define

We emphasize that, although we use the subscripts ‘LF’ and ‘HF’ as shorthand for ‘low frequency’ and ‘high frequency’, the defining difference between
is the difference in their radial correlation lengths.
In figure 4 we plot the radial profiles of
in our numerical simulations and the analytic model of § 4. As this figure shows, all three simulations contain both
fluctuations, and these fluctuations evolve in different ways as they propagate away from the Sun. In all three runs,
$z_{\text{HF},\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq z_{\text{LF},\text{rms}}^{+}$
in the low corona. As
decreases, particularly in Run 2, suggesting that the high-frequency component of
cascades and dissipates more rapidly than the low-frequency component.
3.8 Alignment
Figure 5 shows the characteristic value of the sine of the angle between

in both our numerical simulations and the model we present in § 4. As
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
decreases, particularly in Run 2, causing nonlinear interactions between
to weaken (see, e.g. Boldyrev Reference Boldyrev2005, Reference Boldyrev2006; Perez & Chandran Reference Perez and Chandran2013; Chandran, Schekochihin & Mallet Reference Chandran, Schekochihin and Mallet2015b
3.9 Turbulent heating
In figure 6 we plot the rate
at which energy is dissipated per unit mass by hyper-dissipation in our simulations (see Perez & Chandran Reference Perez and Chandran2013) as a function of
, as well as the turbulent heating rate in the analytic model described in § 4. The amplitudes of the turbulent fluctuations in our simulations are consistent with the results of several observational studies that were summarized in figure 9 of Cranmer & van Ballegooijen (Reference Cranmer and van Ballegooijen2005), including non-thermal line widths in coronal holes inferred from SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) and UVCS (Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer) measurements (Banerjee et al.
Reference Banerjee, Teriaca, Doyle and Wilhelm1998; Esser et al.
Reference Esser, Fineschi, Dobrzycka, Habbal, Edgar, Raymond, Kohl and Guhathakurta1999). For comparison, the r.m.s. amplitudes of the fluctuating velocity
in Runs 1, 2 and 3 are, respectively,
The values of
$r=2R_{\odot }$
in Runs 1, 2 and 3 are, respectively,
. Because the turbulence amplitudes in our simulations are consistent with the aforementioned observations, the turbulent heating rate in each of our simulations can be used to estimate the rate at which transverse, non-compressive MHD turbulence would heat the solar wind as a function of
if the correlation lengths and correlation time at
in the simulation were realistic.Footnote

Figure 6. The turbulent-heating rate per unit mass
in Runs 1 through 3 and in the analytic model of § 4. The dotted line labelled C11 is the turbulent-heating rate in the solar-wind model of Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011), which approximates the heating needed to power the fast solar wind.
To estimate the amount of turbulent heating that would be needed to power the solar wind, we also plot in figure 6 the turbulent-heating rate in the one-dimensional (flux-tube) solar-wind model of Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011). This model included Coulomb collisions, super-radial expansion of the magnetic field, separate energy equations for the protons and electrons, proton temperature anisotropy, a transition between Spitzer conductivity near the Sun and a Hollweg collisionless heat flux at larger
and enhanced pitch-angle scattering by temperature-anisotropy instabilities in regions in which the plasma is either mirror or firehose unstable. The model agreed with a number of remote observations of coronal holes and in situ measurements of fast-solar-wind streams.
The turbulent-heating rate in the Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011) model, which we denote
, is for the most part comparable to (i.e. within a factor of 3 of) the heating rate in our numerical simulations. The simulated heating rates in Runs 1 and 3 are in fact strikingly close to
$r\gtrsim 4R_{\odot }$
. However, in all three runs,
$r=2-3R_{\odot }$
. This latter discrepancy is largest in the case of Run 2, in which
$Q\simeq 3Q_{\text{C11}}$
$r=2R_{\odot }$
. Although Run 2 has the largest heating rate of all three simulations at
$r=2R_{\odot }$
, the simulated heating rate in Run 2 is smaller than
$r\gtrsim 5R_{\odot }$
by a factor of
The only region in which the simulated heating rate differs from
by a factor
is at
$r<1.3R_{\odot }$
in Run 3, where
falls below 0.1. Even in Runs 1 and 2, the simulated heating rate at
$r<1.3R_{\odot }$
is smaller than
by a factor of
. The finding that
$Q\lesssim 0.5Q_{\text{C11}}$
$r<1.3R_{\odot }$
in all three runs may indicate the presence of additional heating mechanisms in the actual low corona, such as compressive fluctuations, a possibility previously considered by Cranmer et al. (Reference Cranmer, van Ballegooijen and Edgar2007) and Verdini et al. (Reference Verdini, Velli, Matthaeus, Oughton and Dmitruk2010).
Recently, van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016), van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) carried out a series of direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence and concluded that such turbulence is unable to provide enough heating to power the solar wind. The reason we reach a different conclusion is likely that we use the two-fluid solar-wind model of Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011) to estimate the amount of heating required, whereas van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2016), van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) used a one-fluid solar-wind model (A. van Ballegooijen, private communication). In the Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011) two-fluid model, the electron temperature is lower than the proton temperature, and thus less heat is conducted back to the chromosphere than in a one-fluid solar-wind model.
3.10 Simulation results: Elsasser power spectra
We define the perpendicular Elsasser power spectra

$\tilde{\boldsymbol{z}}^{\pm }(k_{\bot },\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
is the Fourier transform of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
(see figure 1),
is the polar angle in the
plane and
$\overline{(\ldots \,)}$
indicates a time average. As illustrated in figure 7(a), we find that
$E^{\pm }(k_{\bot })$
exhibits an approximate power-law scaling of the form

$k_{\bot }\simeq 3\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}$
$k_{\bot }\simeq 15\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}$
at all
in all three of our simulations. We evaluate
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }(r)$
by fitting
$E^{\pm }(k_{\bot },r)$
to a power law within this range of wave numbers, and plot the resulting values of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }(r)$
in figure 7.

Figure 7. (a) The Elsasser power spectra
$E^{\pm }(k_{\bot },r)$
defined in (3.34) as functions of perpendicular wavenumber
$k_{\bot }$
$r=20R_{\odot }$
in Run 1. (b,c,d) The spectral indices
defined in (3.35) in our three numerical simulations.
Although we drive only large-scale (
$k_{\bot }\leqslant 3\times 2\unicode[STIX]{x03C0}/L_{\text{box}}$
) velocity fluctuations at the photosphere, figure 7 shows that there is broad-spectrum turbulence throughout the chromosphere. This is because of the strong reflection of
fluctuations at the transition region and the strong reflection of
fluctuations (at all
$k_{\bot }$
) at the photosphere (enforced by the fixed-velocity boundary condition at
$r=R_{\odot }$
), which together lead to comparatively ‘balanced’ turbulence (meaning that
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
) in the chromosphere, as shown previously by van Ballegooijen et al. (Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011). In the low chromosphere,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }\simeq 1.3{-}1.5$
in all four simulations, which is similar to the value
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }\simeq 3/2$
that arises in numerical simulations of homogeneous, balanced, RMHD turbulence (Mason, Cattaneo & Boldyrev Reference Mason, Cattaneo and Boldyrev2008; Beresnyak Reference Beresnyak2012; Perez et al.
Reference Perez, Mason, Boldyrev and Cattaneo2012). On the other hand,
decreases from
$\simeq 1.5$
$\simeq 0.8$
increases from
$1.001R_{\odot }$
$r_{\text{tr}}=1.0026R_{\odot }$
in Runs 1 and 2. This spectral flattening arises because the Alfvén-speed gradient in the upper chromosphere acts as a high-pass filter on outward-propagating AWs in Runs 1 and 2, causing lower-
$k_{\bot }$
(and hence lower-frequency – see Goldreich & Sridhar (Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1995))
fluctuations to undergo non-WKB reflection, and allowing higher-
$k_{\bot }$
(and hence higher-frequency)
fluctuations to propagate unhindered to the transition region (Velli Reference Velli1993; Réville, Tenerani & Velli Reference Réville, Tenerani and Velli2018). The difference in Run 3 is that
is larger, and thus
fluctuations do not reach sufficiently large
$k_{\bot }$
values that they can avoid non-WKB reflection in the upper chromosphere.Footnote
The idea that
fluctuations at the high-
$k_{\bot }$
end of the inertial range propagate through the chromosphere more easily in Runs 1 and 2 than in Run 3 is consistent with the fact that
are somewhat larger in Runs 1 and 2 than in Run 3 (see table 1 and figure 3).
increases from
and beyond,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }$
$\simeq 3/2$
in all three runs. In Runs 1 and 2, the increase in
increases from
is not steady. In Run 1,
decreases as
increases from
$2.8R_{\odot }$
$4.2R_{\odot }$
, and in Run 2,
plateaus around a value of 1 between
$r=2R_{\odot }$
$r=3R_{\odot }$
. This behaviour suggests that, in these two simulations, the turbulent dynamics at
$2R_{\odot }\lesssim r\lesssim 4R_{\odot }$
towards a value close to 1, and the tendency for
to evolve towards 3/2 sets in at
$r\gtrsim 4R_{\odot }$
. We discuss these trends further in § 6.
4 Two-component analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence
Chandran & Hollweg (Reference Chandran and Hollweg2009) (hereafter CH09) developed an analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar corona and solar wind. This model can reproduce the radial profile of
in our numerical simulations fairly accurately, provided the constant
introduced in equation (34) of CH09 is treated as an adjustable free parameter that is allowed to take on different values in different simulations. With the best-fit values of
, the CH09 model also reproduces the turbulent-heating profiles in Runs 1 and 2 reasonably well. However, the model is significantly less accurate at reproducing
in Run 3 and deviates markedly from the
profiles in all three runs. Moreover, the CH09 model does not explain the differences between the best-fit values of
for Runs 1, 2 and 3 (which are, respectively, 0.55, 0.72 and 0.36), or explain how these values can be determined from the perpendicular correlation length and correlation time of the AWs launched by the Sun. These shortcomings indicate that there are important physical processes operating in our numerical simulations that were not accounted for by CH09.
In order to elucidate these processes, we develop a new analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence at

is the radius of the coronal base defined in (3.10). The reader who is not interested in the technical details may wish to skip to § 4.6, which summarizes the free parameters and boundary conditions of the model and compares the model with our simulation results.
We begin by dividing the
fluctuations into two components as described in § 3.7:

The quantities,
have different radial correlation lengths (see (3.26)), but we take them to have the same perpendicular outer scale
$L_{\bot }$
We make the simplifying approximation that the HF and LF fluctuations are uncorrelated; i.e.
$\overline{\boldsymbol{g}_{\text{HF}}\boldsymbol{\cdot }\boldsymbol{g}_{\text{LF}}}=0$
, where
$\overline{(\ldots )}$
indicates a time average. Non-WKB reflection is more efficient for low-frequency AWs than for high-frequency AWs (Heinemann & Olbert Reference Heinemann and Olbert1980; Velli Reference Velli1993). We thus take
to be a ‘low-frequency quantity’ that is correlated with
but not
. Upon taking the dot product of (2.19) with
, averaging and assuming a statistical steady state, we obtain

(with analogous definitions for
), and
represents the right-hand side of (2.19). The nonlinear term on the right-hand side of (2.19) acts to cascade
fluctuations to small scales at which the fluctuations dissipate. We set
$\overline{\boldsymbol{R}\boldsymbol{\cdot }\boldsymbol{g}_{\text{HF}}}=-\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{\text{HF}}^{+}g_{\text{HF},\text{rms}}^{2}$
, where
is the cascade rate of the outer-scale
fluctuations. Equation (4.3) then becomes

We follow Velli et al. (Reference Velli, Grappin and Mangeney1989) and Verdini et al. (Reference Verdini, Velli and Buchlin2009) in taking the outer-scale
fluctuations to be anomalously coherent in a reference frame that propagates outward with the
fluctuations, because the
fluctuations are produced by sources that propagate outward at speed
. We thus estimate
using a strong-turbulence scaling regardless of the value of
, setting

is a dimensionless free parameter.
Using a similar procedure, but this time for
, we find that

is the rate at which outer-scale
fluctuations cascade to small scales and dissipate. In writing (4.6), we have dropped a term containing
$\overline{\boldsymbol{f}\boldsymbol{\cdot }\boldsymbol{g}_{\text{LF}}}$
on the assumption that
$f\ll g_{\text{LF}}$
. We set

where the dimensionless coefficient
models the weakening of nonlinear interactions between
as these two fluctuation types become increasingly aligned with each other. We discuss how we determine
in § 4.3 below. In order to compare our model with our simulation results, we take
to be related to
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
in (3.33) via the equation

which expresses the idea that only low-frequency
fluctuations align with
fluctuations, while both low-frequency and high-frequency
fluctuations contribute to the average that is used to compute
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
in (3.33). The factor of 0.55 in (4.8) is included because this is the typical value of the right-hand side of (3.33) for outer-scale fluctuations in homogeneous RMHD turbulence (Chandran et al.
Reference Chandran, Schekochihin and Mallet2015b
4.1 Amplitude of the inward-propagating fluctuations
To determine
, we assume that
cascades primarily via interactions with
(or, equivalently,
). The outer-scale
cascade rate then depends upon the critical-balance parameter (Goldreich & Sridhar Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1995; Boldyrev Reference Boldyrev2006)

is the radial correlation length of the
fluctuations. The critical-balance parameter
is an estimate of the fractional change in an outer-scale
fluctuation that results from a single ‘collision’ with an outer-scale
fluctuation lasting a time
$\unicode[STIX]{x0394}t\sim L_{r,\text{LF}}^{+}/v_{\text{A}}$
(Lithwick, Goldreich & Sridhar Reference Lithwick, Goldreich and Sridhar2007).
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\text{LF}}^{-}\ll 1$
, then each such collision causes only a small perturbation to the outer-scale
fluctuation, and the turbulence is weak. In this limit, the effects of successive collisions add like a random walk, and roughly

collisions are needed for nonlinear interactions to cause an order-unity change in the outer-scale
fluctuation. The outer-scale
cascade time scale
is then
. The generation of outer-scale
) fluctuations by non-WKB reflection in this weak-turbulence regime can also be viewed as a random-walk-like process. Equation (2.20) implies that, in a reference frame
that propagates with radial velocity
, the increment to
from non-WKB reflection during a time
is of order

It follows from (2.15) that the corresponding increment to
is of order

The r.m.s. value of
is approximately the ‘amount’ of
that ‘builds up’ in frame
by non-WKB reflection during the cascade/damping time scale
. The resulting value of
, or, equivalently,

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\text{LF}}^{-}\gtrsim 1$
, then the outer-scale
fluctuations are sheared coherently throughout their lifetimes, the turbulence is strong and
$t_{\text{NL}}^{-}\sim L_{\bot }/(z_{\text{LF},\text{rms}}^{+}A)$
. In this case,
is approximately the rate at which
fluctuations are produced by non-WKB reflection multiplied by
, which again leads to (4.13). This estimate, with
$A\rightarrow 1$
, is the same as that obtained by Chandran & Hollweg (Reference Chandran and Hollweg2009) for the strong-turbulence limit. In the limits
$U\rightarrow 0$
$A\rightarrow 1$
, equation (4.13) is also the same as the estimate by Dmitruk et al. (Reference Dmitruk, Matthaeus, Milano, Oughton, Zank and Mullan2002) for the strong-turbulence limit.
Since (4.13) holds in both the weak and strong-turbulence regimes, we set

regardless of the value of
, where
is a dimensionless piecewise constant function that has one value at
and a smaller value at
$r\leqslant r_{\text{m}}$
, where
is defined in (3.12). Before discussing
further, we note an immediate consequence of (4.14), that
increases as
(or equivalently
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
) decreases. This is because reducing
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
decreases the rate at which outer-scale
fluctuations cascade without decreasing the rate at which they are produced by non-WKB reflection.
4.2 Suppression of inward-propagating fluctuations at
The reason we take
to have a smaller value at
than at
is that the non-WKB-reflection source term for
fluctuations reverses direction at
, since
changes sign. Since
has a large radial correlation length, when
fluctuations produced via non-WKB reflection at
propagate to
, they tend to cancel out the
fluctuations that are produced via non-WKB reflection at
, reducing
. If the
fluctuations at
can propagate a radial distance
${\sim}(r_{\text{m}}-R_{\odot })$
before cascading and dissipating, then this cancellation effect is large. On the other hand, if the
fluctuations at
can only propagate a radial distance
$\ll (r_{\text{m}}-R_{\odot })$
before cascading and dissipating, then little cancellation occurs. To account for this phenomenology, we set

is a dimensionless free parameter,

is a free parameter with dimensions of length, and
$L_{\bot m}$
, and
are the values of
$L_{\bot }$
. As we argue below (see (4.20)),
is of order unity at
, which means that
is the approximate radial distance an outer-scale
fluctuation at
propagates before cascading to smaller scales, divided by
. We can rewrite
in terms of quantities evaluated at
by making the approximations that
$v_{\text{A}}\gg U$
$r\leqslant r_{\text{m}}$
$g_{\text{LF},\text{rms}}(r_{\text{m}})\simeq g_{\text{LF},\text{rms}}(r_{\text{b}})$
and by using (2.17). This yields

$L_{\bot b}$
are the values of
$L_{\bot }$
4.3 Alignment factor and critical-balance parameter
To estimate the alignment factor
introduced in (4.7), we first note that nonlinear interactions between counter-propagating AWs produce negative residual energy, with
anti-parallel to
(i.e. an excess of magnetic energy over kinetic energy) (Müller & Grappin Reference Müller and Grappin2005; Boldyrev et al.
Reference Boldyrev, Perez, Borovsky and Podesta2011). At
, and it follows from (2.15) and (2.20) that non-WKB reflection also acts to produce negative residual energy. On the other hand, at
, and non-WKB reflection acts to produce positive residual energy. In other words, at
, linear processes (non-WKB reflection) and nonlinear processes have competing effects on the alignment of
. Based on these arguments, we conjecture that at
the outer-scale fluctuations do not develop significant alignment, and that at
the outer-scale
fluctuations become increasingly aligned as the
fluctuations ‘decay’ via nonlinear interactions. We also conjecture that
is a decreasing function of
, because a larger
increases the efficiency of non-WKB reflection, which produces
fluctuations that are aligned with
. In addition, we conjecture that
is a decreasing function of

which is the critical-balance parameter
in (4.9) without the factor of
. There are two reasons for taking
to decrease with increasing
. The first is that when
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}\ll 1$
, outer-scale
fluctuations can propagate through many different outer-scale
fluctuations before cascading to smaller scales. The
fluctuations that are co-located with a particular outer-scale
‘eddy’ of radial extent
are thus a mixture of the
fluctuations produced by the non-WKB reflection of that
eddy and
fluctuations that were initially produced by the non-WKB reflection of
eddies located farther from the Sun. The greater the number of distinct outer-scale
eddies whose reflections contribute to the value of
at any single point, the less aligned the
field will be with any individual
eddy. Moreover, when
, shearing of the
fluctuations by
rotates the
fluctuations into alignment with
, and the resulting value of
is a decreasing function of
(Chandran et al.
Reference Chandran, Schekochihin and Mallet2015b
). We quantify the foregoing conjectures by setting

where the dimensionless constant
and the time constant
are free parameters.
In the linear, short-wavelength, AW propagation problem, if an AW is launched into a coronal hole by a boundary condition imposed at the transition region and photosphere, and if the AW period is
, then the radial wavelength of the AW at radius
. That is, the wave period remains constant as the wave propagates away from the Sun, and the radial wavelength varies in proportion to the wave phase velocity. We take nonlinear, non-WKB
fluctuations to behave in the same way, setting

are the values, respectively, of
evaluated at
, and likewise for
. It then follows from (2.17), (3.3), (3.23) and (4.21) that

is the value of
4.4 Solving for the fluctuation-amplitude profiles
Upon combining (4.6), (4.7), (4.14) and (4.15), we obtain


After integrating (4.23), we find that

is the value of
. Upon combining (4.4), (4.5), (4.14) and (4.15), we obtain

With the aid of (4.20) and (4.22), we integrate (4.26) to obtain


is the value of
4.5 Turbulent-heating rate
The turbulent-heating rate in our model is


is the cascade rate of the outer-scale
fluctuations, and
) is the contribution to
from interactions between
fluctuations and LF (HF)
fluctuations. To allow for either weakly turbulent (
) or strongly turbulent (
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\text{LF}}^{-}\geqslant 1$
) shearing of
fluctuations by
fluctuations, we set

In analogy to (4.9), we define the critical-balance parameter for the shearing of
fluctuations by
fluctuations to be

where we have omitted the factor of
, because we take
to be aligned with
but not with
. We then set

4.6 Comparison with simulation results
To compare our model with one of our numerical simulations, we treat
$L_{\bot }(r_{\text{b}})=L_{\text{box}}(r_{\text{b}})/3$
as boundary conditions in our model, which we determine using the measured values of these quantities in that particular simulation. Also, motivated by figure 4, we set

in all our model solutions. We take
in our simulations to be the radial separation
at which
, where

is the radial autocorrelation function of the
fluctuations and
are defined following (3.28). On the other hand, because figure 4 shows that the LF fluctuations are energetically dominant at
, we define
to be the value of
at which
. Applying (4.21), we then set
. The values of
in our three simulations are listed in table 3.
Table 3. Boundary conditions in our analytic model for matching Runs 1 through 3.

is the r.m.s. amplitude of the outward-propagating Elsasser variable,
is the radial correlation length of the low-frequency outward-propagating Heinemann–Olbert variable
is the radial correlation length of the high-frequency outward-propagating Heinemann–Olbert variable
$L_{\bot }$
is the perpendicular outer scale (see (3.23)) and
is the radius of the coronal base defined in (3.10).
Table 4. Best-fit free parameters in our analytic model.

Note: The quantity
is a coefficient appearing in the cascade/damping rates
((4.5) and (4.7)),
is a coefficient in our estimate of
(see (4.14) through (4.16)),
are constants appearing in our estimate of the alignment angle (4.20) and
is a length scale that affects the degree to which
fluctuations produced by non-WKB reflection at
$r>r_{\text{m}}\simeq 1.7R_{\odot }$
cancel out the
fluctuations produced by non-WKB reflection at
(see (4.14) through (4.17)).
We take the free parameters
to be the same regardless of the simulation with which we are comparing our model. We then vary these free parameters to optimize the agreement between our model and all three simulations. We list the resulting parameters in table 4.
Figures 3 through 6 show the radial profiles of
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
that result from our model using the best-fit parameters in table 4 and the boundary conditions in table 3. As these figures show, our model reproduces a number of trends seen in the simulations. For example, in both the model and simulations,
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
decrease with increasing
, particularly in Run 2. The radial decrease in
is consistent with our expectation that high-frequency
fluctuations cascade and dissipate more rapidly than low-frequency
fluctuations, because high-frequency
fluctuations are not aligned with
. In our model, the radial decrease in
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
is related both to the comparatively rapid cascade of the unaligned high-frequency
fluctuations and the fact that the low-frequency
fluctuations become increasingly aligned with
as they interact nonlinearly with
. We note that the decrease in
$\sin \unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$
coincides with an increase in
for the reasons described following (4.14). The model reproduces the
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }$
profiles in the simulations fairly accurately. The turbulent-heating rates in the model and simulations also agree quite well, but the heating rate in the model is somewhat smaller than in Run 3 at
$r>3R_{\odot }$
. The most notable failing of the model is that
, because our estimate of
is proportional to the local value of
, which vanishes at
. A more realistic model would account for the fact that
fluctuations propagate a finite distance before cascading and dissipating, which would smooth out the profiles of
in the vicinity of
. Importantly, despite the aforementioned differences between the model and our numerical results, varying the boundary conditions in the model to match the measured conditions in the simulations largely accounts for the differences between the
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }$
profiles in Runs 1, 2, and 3 without any modification to the free parameters in table 4. This suggests that the model provides a reasonably accurate representation of the dominant physical processes that control these radial profiles.
5 Previous studies of the Elsasser power spectra in MHD turbulence
In this section, we review previous studies of the Elsasser power spectra in homogeneous RMHD turbulence and reflection-driven MHD turbulence. The reader already familiar with this literature may wish to skip directly to § 6. We follow the convention of describing the turbulent
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
fluctuations as collections of AW packets, using
to denote the length scale of a wave packet measured perpendicular to the magnetic field,
$l_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
to denote the correlation length measured along the magnetic field of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
wave packets with perpendicular scale
, and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
to denote the amplitude of wave packets at scale
– i.e. the r.m.s. increment in
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
across a distance
perpendicular to the magnetic field.
5.1 Balanced, homogeneous RMHD turbulence
In ‘balanced turbulence’, the statistical properties of
fluctuations are identical. In particular,

and the cross-helicity (the difference between the energies per unit mass of
fluctuations) is zero. In homogeneous RMHD turbulence, the strongest nonlinear interactions are local in scale, meaning that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
fluctuations are cascaded primarily by
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\mp }$
fluctuations at perpendicular scales comparable to
. To understand how a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packet cascades, it is helpful to consider a propagating ‘slice’ of the wave packet – i.e. a single cross-section of the wave packet in the plane perpendicular to the background magnetic field (see, e.g. Lithwick et al.
Reference Lithwick, Goldreich and Sridhar2007). This slice ‘collides’ with a series of counter-propagating
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\mp }$
wave packets. Each collision has a duration of

The instantaneous rate at which
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\mp }$
wave packets shear
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packets is
${\sim}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\mp }/\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}$
. During a single collision, the aforementioned ‘slice’ of the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
fluctuation undergoes a fractional distortion of order (Goldreich & Sridhar Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1995; Goldreich & Sridhar Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1997; Lithwick et al.
Reference Lithwick, Goldreich and Sridhar2007)

5.1.1 Weak balanced turbulence
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }\ll 1$
, a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packet undergoes only a small fractional change during each collision, and the turbulence is weak. Ng & Bhattacharjee (Reference Ng and Bhattacharjee1996, Reference Ng and Bhattacharjee1997) and Goldreich & Sridhar (Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1997) advanced a phenomenological model of weak, incompressible, MHD turbulence in which the effects of consecutive collisions are uncorrelated and add like a random walk. After
collisions, the r.m.s. fractional change in a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packet is
${\sim}N^{1/2}\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
. After
$N\sim (\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm })^{-2}$
collisions, the r.m.s. fractional distortion of the wave packet grows to a value of order unity, and the energy contained within the wave packet cascades to smaller scales. The cascade time scale is thus

Because neither the
wave packet is altered significantly during any single collision, the leading and trailing edges of a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packet are sheared in virtually the same way during each collision, and the parallel length scale of the wave packets does not change as the fluctuation energy cascades to smaller
(Shebalin, Matthaeus & Montgomery Reference Shebalin, Matthaeus and Montgomery1983); i.e.

In the inertial range, the
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
energy-cascade rate (per unit mass),
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}^{\pm }$
, is independent of scale:

Equations (5.1), (5.4), (5.5) and (5.6) imply that

The scaling of the one-dimensional power spectrum of the
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
fluctuations, denoted
$E^{\pm }(k_{\bot })$
, follows from the relation

$k_{\bot }$
is the component of the wave vector perpendicular to the background magnetic field. Equations (5.7) and (5.8) imply that

The scaling in (5.9) has been found in direct numerical simulations (Perez & Boldyrev Reference Perez and Boldyrev2008) as well as in exact solutions to the weak-turbulence wave kinetic equations for incompressible MHD turbulence (Galtier et al.
Reference Galtier, Nazarenko, Newell and Pouquet2000). It is worth noting, however, that in weak-turbulence theory all AWs are cascaded by
$k_{\Vert }=0$
modes, where
$k_{\Vert }$
is the wave-vector component along
, and these zero-frequency modes violate the assumptions of weak-turbulence theory. Several studies have addressed this issue, as well as its consequences for imbalanced turbulence (Boldyrev & Perez Reference Boldyrev and Perez2009; Schekochihin, Nazarenko & Yousef Reference Schekochihin, Nazarenko and Yousef2012; Meyrand, Kiyani & Galtier Reference Meyrand, Kiyani and Galtier2015), as discussed further in § 5.2.1.
5.1.2 Strong balanced turbulence
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }\gtrsim 1$
, then each slice of a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{\pm }$
wave packet is strongly distorted during a single collision, the turbulence is strong and
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
energy at scale
cascades to smaller scales on the time scale

leading to a scale-independent energy-cascade rate

Equations (5.1) and (5.11) imply that

which implies via (5.8) that

Goldreich & Sridhar (Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1995) conjectured that in strong, balanced, RMHD turbulence (and also in anisotropic, incompressible, MHD turbulence), the linear and nonlinear time scales of each wave packet are comparable, i.e.

Numerical simulations confirm that this ‘critical-balance’ conjecture describes strong RMHD turbulence not only on average (Cho & Vishniac Reference Cho and Vishniac2000), but structure by structure (Mallet, Schekochihin & Chandran Reference Mallet, Schekochihin and Chandran2015). Together, equations (5.12) and (5.14) imply that

Several studies have argued, on the basis of numerical simulations and theoretical arguments, that the inertial-range power spectrum in strong, balanced, RMHD turbulence is flatter than in the Goldreich–Sridhar model and closer to
$k_{\bot }^{-3/2}$
, because of scale-dependent dynamic alignment (Boldyrev Reference Boldyrev2005, Reference Boldyrev2006; Mason et al.
Reference Mason, Cattaneo and Boldyrev2008; Perez et al.
Reference Perez, Mason, Boldyrev and Cattaneo2012) and/or intermittency (Maron & Goldreich Reference Maron and Goldreich2001; Chandran et al.
Reference Chandran, Schekochihin and Mallet2015b
; Mallet & Schekochihin Reference Mallet and Schekochihin2017). On the other hand, Beresnyak (Reference Beresnyak2012, Reference Beresnyak2014) argued for a scaling closer to
$k_{\bot }^{-5/3}$
based on the Reynolds-number scaling of the amplitude of dissipation-scale structures. A possible resolution of the disagreement between these two sets of studies was provided by Loureiro & Boldyrev (Reference Loureiro and Boldyrev2017a
), Loureiro & Boldyrev (Reference Loureiro and Boldyrev2017b
) and Mallet, Schekochihin & Chandran (Reference Mallet, Schekochihin and Chandran2017a
), Mallet, Schekochihin & Chandran (Reference Mallet, Schekochihin and Chandran2017b
), who investigated the disruption of sheet-like structures in RMHD turbulence by the tearing instability and magnetic reconnection (see also Pucci & Velli Reference Pucci and Velli2014; Pucci et al.
Reference Pucci, Velli, Tenerani and Del Sarto2018; Vech et al.
Reference Vech, Mallet, Klein and Kasper2018).
5.2 Imbalanced RMHD turbulence in homogeneous plasmas
In ‘imbalanced turbulence’, one of the Elsasser variables, say
, has a substantially higher r.m.s. amplitude than the other,

Equation (5.16) includes the highly imbalanced case, in which
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\gg z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
, as well as moderately imbalanced turbulence, in which, e.g.
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\simeq 2z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
5.2.1 Weak imbalanced turbulence
When (5.16) is satisfied and

the turbulence is both imbalanced and weak. Galtier et al. (Reference Galtier, Nazarenko, Newell and Pouquet2000) showed that in the weak-turbulence theory of imbalanced incompressible MHD turbulence,


the homogeneous-turbulence version of (3.35). Lithwick & Goldreich (Reference Lithwick and Goldreich2003) argued that in weak incompressible MHD turbulence, the spectra are ‘pinned’ at the dissipation wavenumber
$k_{\bot d}$
, with
$E^{+}(k_{\bot d})=E^{-}(k_{\bot d})$
, and that the more energetic Elsasser variable has the steeper inertial-range power spectrum. Boldyrev & Perez (Reference Boldyrev and Perez2009) espoused a different picture, in which a ‘condensate’ of magnetic fluctuations at
$k_{\Vert }=0$
dominates the energy cascade, leading to a state in which
. Schekochihin et al. (Reference Schekochihin, Nazarenko and Yousef2012) developed a theory accounting for both weakly turbulent AWs with non-zero
$k_{\Vert }$
and two-dimensional modes with
$k_{\Vert }=0$
, and found that
for the weakly turbulent modes and
for the two-dimensional modes in the imbalanced case.
5.2.2 Strong imbalanced turbulence
When (5.16) is satisfied and
, the turbulence is considered strong. A number of authors have developed models of strong imbalanced MHD turbulence (e.g. Beresnyak & Lazarian Reference Beresnyak and Lazarian2008; Chandran Reference Chandran2008a
; Beresnyak & Lazarian Reference Beresnyak and Lazarian2009; Perez & Boldyrev Reference Perez and Boldyrev2009; Perez & Boldyrev Reference Perez and Boldyrev2010; Podesta & Bhattacharjee Reference Podesta and Bhattacharjee2010). Here we focus on the study by Lithwick et al. (Reference Lithwick, Goldreich and Sridhar2007) (hereafter LGS), who explored an assumption about the forcing of outer-scale
fluctuations that turns out to be particularly relevant to inhomogeneous reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar wind.
LGS assumed, in addition to (5.16), that

Equation (5.20) implies that
fluctuations are sheared on a time scale
that is comparable to or less than the time
for a slice of a
wave packet to pass through a counter-propagating
wave packet. The cascade time scale for
wave packets is therefore

LGS argued that, since a
wave packet cascades after it has propagated along the background magnetic field for a distance
, the parallel correlation length of the
wave packet is

LGS further argued that, since
wave packets separated by a distance
along the magnetic field are sheared by uncorrelated

It follows from (5.3), (5.22) and (5.23) that

The apparent implication of the second half of (5.24a,b
), particularly when
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{-}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{+}\ll 1$
, is that
wave packets cascade in a weakly turbulent manner, through multiple, uncorrelated collisions with
wave packets, each of which leads to a small fractional change in the
wave packet of order
(see § 5.1.1). LGS argued, however, that each
wave packet is in fact sheared coherently throughout its lifetime, even when
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{+}\sim \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{-}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{+}\ll 1$
. To establish this conclusion, LGS considered the ‘
frame’, which moves with
fluctuations at speed
relative to the background plasma. They then proposed a thought experiment in which the amplitude of
is infinitesimal, so that
has negligible effect upon
. The
vector field is then time-independent in the
frame. If the
fluctuations are initialized with a power-law spectrum spanning the entire inertial range, and if
fluctuations are continuously injected at the outer scale with an arbitrarily long coherence time
in the
frame, then the
fluctuations will cascade to small scales and set up not just a statistical steady state, but an actual steady state in the
frame in which the
vector field is independent of time. This latter conclusion follows because
is nonlinearly distorted by
, which is constant in time in the
frame. The
fluctuations encountered by a
wave packet are therefore coherent for an arbitrarily long time, and in particular for a time much longer than the crossing time

required for a slice of the
wave packet to propagate through a
wave packet.
Building upon this thought experiment, LGS proceeded to consider the more realistic case in which
is finite, but still small compared to
at all
. They made a key assumption, which we call the ‘coherence assumption’, that the coherence time
(at a fixed position in the
frame) of the forcing of outer-scale
fluctuations is at least as long as the
cascade time at the outer scale, as was the case in the thought experiment above. When the coherence assumption holds, the dominant mechanism for decorrelating the
fluctuations encountered by a
wave packet is the variation of the
vector field, not the crossing of counter-propagating wave packets, and the
wave packet is sheared coherently throughout its lifetime. The
cascade time scale at scale
then becomes


Because of (5.24a,b
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{-}\sim \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}z_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{+}$

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}^{\pm }\propto \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}^{0}$
, LGS combined equations (5.27) and (5.28) to obtain

which, via (5.8), implies that

5.3 Anomalous coherence in reflection-driven MHD turbulence
Velli et al. (Reference Velli, Grappin and Mangeney1989) (hereafter VGM) proposed a model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in which the Elsasser power spectra were isotropic functions of the wavenumber
, denoted
$E^{\pm }(k)$
. They divided the
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
fluctuations into ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ components, where the primary components of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
had the usual phase velocities of
$\boldsymbol{U}\pm \boldsymbol{v}_{\text{A}}$
. The secondary components of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
were driven modes produced by the reflection of
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\mp }$
fluctuations and as a consequence had phase velocities of
$\boldsymbol{U}\mp \boldsymbol{v}_{\text{A}}$
. VGM considered the super-Alfvénic solar wind at
and took
to be dominated by secondary fluctuations. VGM estimated the r.m.s. amplitude of the secondary component of
at scale
, which we denote
, to be

is the r.m.s. amplitude of the primary component of
at scale
is the reflection time scale (which depends only on the radial profile of the background flow),
is the rate at which
fluctuations are produced by the reflection of
fluctuations and
is the time it takes for the secondary
fluctuations at scale
to propagate out of the primary
fluctuations that produced them. VGM argued that the secondary
fluctuations shear the
fluctuations coherently in time, since both fluctuation types have phase velocities of
. They then set the
cascade power to be

and took
to be independent of
, obtaining
$z_{k,\text{p}}^{+}\propto k^{0}$
. Equations (5.8) and (5.31) then yield

It is useful to compare the VGM model with the LGS model discussed in § 5.2.2. In both models, the
fluctuations are anomalously coherent in the reference frame of the
fluctuations. In the LGS model, this coherence is introduced via the ‘coherence assumption’ discussed in § 5.2.2. VGM argued that this coherence arises because of the physics of AW reflection. A key difference between the models is that VGM neglected the ‘tertiary’ small-scale
fluctuations that are produced as secondary
fluctuations cascade to small scales. In the LGS model, these tertiary
fluctuations are anomalously coherent in the
reference frame and drive the Elsasser spectra towards a
$k_{\bot }^{-5/3}$
scaling rather than a
5.4 Inverse cascade in reflection-driven MHD turbulence
van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) carried out direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar corona and solar wind using a methodology similar to the one we have employed. Using their simulation data, they computed the rate
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}^{\pm }(k_{\bot },r,t)$
at which nonlinear interactions transfer
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }$
energy from perpendicular wavenumbers less than
$k_{\bot }$
to perpendicular wavenumbers greater than
$k_{\bot }$
(their equation (17) divided by
, with
$R\rightarrow L_{\text{box}}/2$
$f_{\pm ,k}\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{\pm ,k}$
$a\rightarrow k_{\bot }L_{\text{box}}/2$

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{\pm k}$
is the Fourier transform (in
) of the Elsasser streamfunction
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{\pm }$
(defined such that
$\boldsymbol{z}^{\pm }=\unicode[STIX]{x1D735}\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{\pm }\times \boldsymbol{B}_{0}/B_{0}$
), and
is a dimensionless mode-coupling coefficient that depends upon
$k_{\bot l}$
$k_{\bot j}$
$k_{\bot i}$
, but not upon the mode amplitudes. They found that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}^{+}(k_{\bot },r,t)$
became negative across a broad range of
$k_{\bot }$
within a modest range of radii just larger than the radius (or radii) at which
changes signs – e.g. just beyond the Alfvén-speed maximum at
in the subset of their simulations in which the background density was smooth.
To explain their findings, they considered two locations, one just inside the
surface at
and one just outside the
surface at
, such that
was the same at the two radii. They noted that, because
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\gg z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
fluctuations cascade much more rapidly than
fluctuations. There thus exists a range of values of
for which the time
required for
fluctuations to propagate from
is small compared to the outer-scale
cascade time scale but large compared to the outer-scale
cascade time scale. For values of
in this range,

is the
propagation time between
. Equation (5.35) holds because nonlinear interactions do not have enough time to substantially alter the
fluctuations during their transit from
. Equation (5.36) follows from the change in sign of
changes sign and
remains almost unchanged,
in (5.34) changes sign between
. Between the coronal base and the Alfvén-speed maximum, nonlinear interactions set up the usual direct cascade of energy from large scales to small scales, causing
to be positive at
. At
thus becomes negative, indicating an inverse cascade.
van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) found that as the
fluctuations propagate farther beyond
, they gradually adjust to the new value of
, and the direct cascade of energy from large scales to small scales resumes. This transition back to a direct cascade occurs first at large
$k_{\bot }$
(at which the nonlinear time is short) and later at small
$k_{\bot }$
. In one of their simulations, there is an inverse cascade of
energy throughout the region between the Alfvén-speed maximum at
$1.4R_{\odot }$
and an outer radius of
$r=2.5R_{\odot }$
. In a second simulation, there is an inverse cascade between the Alfvén-speed maximum at
$1.6R_{\odot }$
and an outer radius of
$4R_{\odot }$
. Since the outer-scale
cascade time is comparable to the time required for
to change by a factor of 2 in the
reference frame (Dmitruk et al.
Reference Dmitruk, Matthaeus, Milano, Oughton, Zank and Mullan2002; Chandran & Hollweg Reference Chandran and Hollweg2009), the above results indicate that the inverse cascade persists (in the
reference frame) for a time comparable to the outer-scale
energy-cascade time scale.
became negative between
$r\simeq r_{\text{m}}$
$r\simeq 2r_{\text{m}}$
in the numerical simulations of van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017), the energy-dissipation rate (computed from the dissipation terms added to the governing equations) decreased by only a factor of
$\simeq 2$
within the inverse-cascade region. The reason for this is that the direct-cascade region at
had already ‘done the work’ of transporting
energy to large
$k_{\bot }$
, and the inverse cascade between
$r\simeq r_{\text{m}}$
$r\simeq 2r_{\text{m}}$
was unable to completely evacuate the high-
$k_{\bot }$
part of the spectrum.
6 The Elsasser power spectra in our numerical simulations
In our numerical simulations,
$\simeq 3/2$
increases to values
, as illustrated in figure 7. These spectral indices are broadly consistent with the LGS model of strong imbalanced turbulence. As discussed in § 5.2.2, the central assumption of the LGS model is the ‘coherence assumption’ – that outer-scale
fluctuations are injected in a manner that remains coherent over the lifetime of the outer-scale
fluctuations when viewed in the ‘
reference frame’, which moves along
at the same velocity (
) as the
fluctuations. It is difficult, at least for us, to justify this assumption with any generality for homogeneous RMHD turbulence. However, the coherence assumption is often satisfied in reflection-driven MHD turbulence, because the outer-scale
fluctuations are produced by the reflection of outer-scale
fluctuations, and by definition these
fluctuations remain coherent in the
reference frame throughout their lifetimes. A second requirement of the LGS model is that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D712}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}^{-}\gtrsim 1$
. This requirement is marginally satisfied at
$r\gtrsim r_{\text{A}}$
in all three simulations, as we will document in greater detail in a separate publication. The LGS model thus provides a credible explanation for the Elsasser power spectra at
$r\gtrsim r_{\text{A}}$
in Runs 1 through 3. The discrepancy between the predicted
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }=5/3$
scaling and the measured
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{\pm }\simeq 3/2$
scaling may result from some combination of intermittency and scale-dependent dynamic alignment, as in homogeneous RMHD turbulence (see § 5.1.2).
As discussed in § 3.10 (see also Velli Reference Velli1993; Réville et al.
Reference Réville, Tenerani and Velli2018), the steep Alfvén-speed gradient in the upper chromosphere acts as a high-pass filter. High-
$k_{\bot }$
fluctuations, which have large nonlinear frequencies and hence large linear frequencies (Goldreich & Sridhar Reference Goldreich and Sridhar1995), can propagate through this region with minimal reflection. In contrast, low-
$k_{\bot }$
fluctuations undergo strong non-WKB reflection as they propagate from the lower chromosphere to the transition region. This selective transmission accounts for the very small value of
just above the transition region in Runs 1 and 2. The
spectrum in Run 3 does not flatten in the same way, presumably because the nonlinear time scale is larger than in Runs 1 and 2 because of the larger value of
$L_{\bot }$
, causing all the
fluctuations in Run 3 to undergo significant reflection in the upper chromosphere.
As discussed in § 5.4, van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017) showed that the
fluctuations undergo a transient inverse cascade at
$r_{\text{m}}\lesssim r\lesssim 2r_{\text{m}}$
, where
is the location of the Alfvén-speed maximum (
$1.71R_{\odot }$
in our simulations). This inverse cascade results from the change in sign of
, which reverses the direction of the fast-cascading
fluctuations, which in turn reverses the sign of
in (5.34). The tendency for
fluctuations to reverse direction at
destroys the anomalous coherence of the
fluctuations in the
reference frame near
, making the LGS model inapplicable. We do not have a detailed theory for how the spectra should scale between
in the presence of this inverse cascade, but the simulation results indicates that the
spectrum flattens significantly in this region relative to the LGS prediction.
7 Other parameter regimes and lack of universality
One of the principal sources of uncertainty in modelling MHD turbulence in the solar-wind acceleration region concerns the dominant length scales and time scales of the AWs launched by the Sun. For the correlation lengths and correlation times that we have considered in this work, the two-component analytic model developed in § 4 reasonably approximates our simulation results, and the Elsasser power spectra in our simulations evolve, at least approximately, towards the scalings of the LGS model at
$r\gtrsim r_{\text{A}}$
. However, we have also carried out another simulation with higher-frequency photospheric forcing and the same perpendicular correlation length as in Run 3. This additional simulation is not well described by either our two-component model or the LGS model. For example, at very large
, the
power spectrum evolves towards a
$k_{\bot }^{-1}$
scaling, albeit at radii for which
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}B\simeq B_{0}$
. We will describe this simulation in more detail in a future publication, but we mention it now to caution the reader that the picture we have developed in this paper does not apply universally for all combinations of correlation times and correlation lengths at the photosphere.
8 Phase mixing
By focusing on transverse, non-compressive fluctuations and neglecting density fluctuations, we neglect ‘phase mixing’ (Heyvaerts & Priest Reference Heyvaerts and Priest1983), by which we mean the process in which an initially planar AW phase front becomes corrugated as it propagates through a medium in which
) varies across the magnetic field. This corrugation corresponds to a transfer of fluctuation energy to larger
$k_{\bot }$
. Phase mixing could provide the additional heating that seems to be needed (see figure 6) to power the fast solar wind at
$r\lesssim 1.3R_{\odot }$
over and above the heating provided by reflection-driven MHD turbulence. Observations of comet Lovejoy show that the density varies by a factor of
over distances of a few thousand km perpendicular to
$r=1.3R_{\odot }$
in both closed-field regions and open-field regions (Raymond et al.
Reference Raymond, McCauley, Cranmer and Downs2014). On the other hand, Helios radio occultation data indicate that the fractional density variations are
$\simeq 0.1-0.2$
$5R_{\odot }<r<20R_{\odot }$
(Hollweg et al.
Reference Hollweg, Cranmer and Chandran2010). We conjecture that the transition from large
$r\simeq 1.3R_{\odot }$
to small
$r\gtrsim 5R_{\odot }$
results from mixing of density fluctuations by the non-compressive component of the turbulence, which acts to reduce
as plasma flows away from the Sun. The limited radial extent of the large-
region suggests that most of the phase mixing occurs close to the Sun. Moreover, since phase mixing is more effective for AWs with larger parallel wavenumbers and frequencies, phase mixing at
$r\lesssim 5R_{\odot }$
may act as a low-pass filter, by preferentially removing high-frequency AW fluctuation energy. Future investigations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence that account for phase mixing will be important for developing a more complete understanding of solar-wind turbulence and its role in the origin of the solar wind.
9 Conclusion
We have carried out three direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven MHD turbulence within a narrow magnetic flux tube that extends from the photosphere, through the chromosphere, through a coronal hole and out to a maximum heliocentric distance of
$21R_{\odot }$
. Our simulations assume fixed, observationally motivated profiles for
and solve only for the non-compressive, transverse components of the fluctuating magnetic field and velocity. In each simulation, the turbulence is driven by an imposed, randomly evolving, photospheric velocity field that has a single characteristic time scale and length scale. Because outward-propagating AWs undergo strong reflection at the transition region, there is an approximately equal mix of
fluctuations in the chromosphere, and vigorous turbulence develops within the chromosphere (van Ballegooijen et al.
Reference van Ballegooijen, Asgari-Targhi, Cranmer and DeLuca2011). As a result, the waves that escape into the corona have a broad spectrum of wavenumbers and frequencies. In the corona and solar wind, outward-propagating
fluctuations undergo partial non-WKB reflection, thereby generating inward-propagating
fluctuations, but
$z_{\text{rms}}^{+}\gg z_{\text{rms}}^{-}$
In order to explain the radial profiles of
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }$
and the turbulent-heating rate in our simulations, we have developed an analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence that relies on the following conjectures: (i) the Sun launches two populations of
fluctuations into the corona, a short-radial-correlation-length (HF) population and a long-radial-correlation-length (LF) population; (ii) non-WKB reflection of LF
fluctuations is the dominant source of
fluctuations; (iii) LF
fluctuations become aligned with
, where
is defined in (3.12), causing LF
fluctuations to cascade and dissipate more slowly than HF
fluctuations; (iv) the change in sign of
leads to a reduction in
; and (v)
fluctuations are anomalously coherent in a reference frame that moves outward with the
fluctuations, because the
fluctuations are produced by the outward-propagating
fluctuations via non-WKB reflection (Velli et al.
Reference Velli, Grappin and Mangeney1989; Verdini et al.
Reference Verdini, Velli and Buchlin2009).
To compare our analytic model and numerical results, we determine the inner boundary conditions in our model by setting the quantities listed in the left column of table 3 equal to their measured or inferred values at the coronal base in our simulations. We then vary the five free parameters in our model (see table 4) to maximize the agreement between the model and simulations, using a single set of free-parameter values to match all three simulations. The resulting best-fit profiles of
$z_{\text{rms}}^{\pm }$
in our model agree reasonably well with our numerical results. The turbulent heating rate in our simulations is also comparable to the turbulent heating rate in the solar-wind model of Chandran et al. (Reference Chandran, Dennis, Quataert and Bale2011) at
$r\gtrsim 1.3R_{\odot }$
, which agreed with a number of observational constraints. This suggests that MHD turbulence can account for much of the heating that occurs in the fast solar wind.
The inertial-range Elsasser power spectra in our simulations vary with radius. In the lower chromosphere, the spectral indices
(defined in (3.35)) are
$\simeq 3/2$
, consistent with theories of balanced RMHD turbulence (§ 5.1). In Runs 1 and 2,
drops with increasing
in the upper chromosphere, reaching values less than 1 just above the transition region. We attribute this spectral flattening to the steep Alfvén-speed gradient in the upper chromosphere, which acts as a high-pass filter (Velli Reference Velli1993; Réville et al.
Reference Réville, Tenerani and Velli2018), as discussed in § 3.10. Much farther from the Sun, at
$r\gtrsim 10R_{\odot }$
are reasonably close to
in all three runs, in approximate agreement with the LGS model of strong imbalanced turbulence, which is reviewed in § 5.2.2. However, at smaller radii, between
$r\simeq r_{\text{m}}=1.7R_{\odot }$
$r\simeq 2r_{\text{m}}$
hovers near unity in Runs 1 and 2. We attribute this latter behaviour to a disruption of the anomalous coherence of inertial-range
fluctuations in the
reference frame. This disruption is caused by the sign change in
, which, as shown by van Ballegooijen & Asgari-Targhi (Reference van Ballegooijen and Asgari-Targhi2017), leads to an inverse cascade of
energy in this same region (§ 5.4).
As mentioned in § 7, we have carried out additional, as-yet-unpublished numerical simulations similar to the ones we report here, but with different photospheric boundary conditions. For some values of the correlation length and correlation time of the photospheric velocity field, the fluctuations at
$r\gtrsim 10R_{\odot }$
conform to neither the analytic model of § 4 nor the LGS model described in § 5.2.2. Determining how the properties of non-compressive turbulence at
$r\gtrsim 10R_{\odot }$
depend upon the photospheric boundary conditions remains an open problem. Further work is also needed to determine how compressive and non-compressive fluctuations interact and evolve as they propagate away from the Sun and also to investigate the role of non-transverse (e.g. spherically polarized) fluctuations (see, e.g. Vasquez & Hollweg Reference Vasquez and Hollweg1996; Horbury, Matteini & Stansby Reference Horbury, Matteini and Stansby2018; Squire et al.
Reference Squire, Schekochihin, Quataert and Kunz2019).
Observations have led to a detailed picture of solar-wind turbulence at
$r\simeq 1~\text{au}$
(e.g. Belcher & Davis Reference Belcher and Davis1971; Matthaeus & Goldstein Reference Matthaeus and Goldstein1982; Bruno & Carbone Reference Bruno and Carbone2005; Podesta, Roberts & Goldstein Reference Podesta, Roberts and Goldstein2007; Horbury, Forman & Oughton Reference Horbury, Forman and Oughton2008; Chen et al.
Reference Chen, Mallet, Schekochihin, Horbury, Wicks and Bale2012; Wicks et al.
Reference Wicks, Mallet, Horbury, Chen, Schekochihin and Mitchell2013a
). With the recent launch of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (Fox et al.
Reference Fox, Velli, Bale, Decker, Driesman, Howard, Kasper, Kinnison, Kusterer and Lario2016), it will soon become possible to measure velocity and density fluctuations (Kasper et al.
Reference Kasper, Abiad, Austin, Balat-Pichelin, Bale, Belcher, Berg, Bergner, Berthomier and Bookbinder2016) as well as electric-field and magnetic-field fluctuations (Bale et al.
Reference Bale, Goetz, Harvey, Turin, Bonnell, Dudok de Wit, Ergun, MacDowall, Pulupa and Andre2016) at heliocentric distances as small as
$9.8R_{\odot }$
. Such measurements will provide critical tests for numerical and theoretical models such as the ones we have presented here.
We thank M. Asgari-Targhi, A. Schekochihin and A. van Ballegooijen for helpful discussions. We also thank the three reviewers for their comments and suggestions, which helped improve the manuscript. This work was supported in part by NASA grants NNX11AJ37G, NNX15AI80, NNX16AG81G, NNX16AH92G, NNX17AI18G and 80NSSC19K0829, NASA grant NNN06AA01C to the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Experiment and NSF grant PHY-1500041. High-performance-computing resources were provided by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) at Argonne National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. The ALCF resources were granted under INCITE projects from 2012 to 2014. High-performance computing resources were also provided by the Texas Advanced Computing Center under the NSF-XSEDE Project TG-ATM100031.