Propagation characteristics of two magnetosonic waves, the fast and slow modes, in layered plasmas with different β values are studied, where β is the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure. In the first part we consider the efficiency of wave penetration from one region to another with different β ratios, β1 and β2. In particular, the condition for the total reflexion, amplitude and phase of the reflexion and transmission coefficients at the interface are obtained for both modes. The results indicate that the range of deviation of the ratio β2/β1 from unity is very small for penetration of the slow mode, while the ratio for the fast mode covers a wide range. In the second part, the fast and slow normal modes of magnetosonic waves in layered plasmas are discussed and their phase and group velocities, and the spatial damping rate due to partial leakage of wave energy are compared between two modes. From these, it is concluded that the presence of the slow magnetosonic waves is restricted to within the high-β plasma region. Finally, application of these to the earth's magnetosphere is given qualitatively.