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Social Policy Digest: Number Eighty-Four February–April 1992
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009

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1 Poor Britain: Poverty, Inequality and Low Pay in the Nineties, Low Pay Unit.
2 Cohen, Ruth, Coxall, Jill, Craig, Gary and Sandiq-Sangster, Azra, Hardship Britain: Being Poor in the 1990s, CPAG, 1–5 Bath Street, London, EC1V 9PY.Google Scholar
3 The Social Fund: A New Structure, HMSO, London, 1992.Google Scholar
4 Understanding the Underclass, Policy Studies Institute, 100 Park Village East, London, NW1 3SR.
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6 Noble, Michael and Smith, George, The Take-Up of Family Credit, Department of Applied Social Studies, Barnett House, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2ER.Google Scholar
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38 Pupil/Teacher Ratios for each Local Education Authority in England–January 1991, Statistical Bulletin 2/92, DBS.
39 Resourcing Education in London, ALA, 36 Great Queen Street, London, SW1H 9JF.
40 Housebuilding in 1991, Information Bulletin 87, DoE.
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43 Building for the Future, Shelter.
44 Four in Ten: Report on Young Women who became Homeless as a Result of Sexual Abuse, CHAR, 5–15 Cromer Street, London, WC1H 8LS.
45 Silt-up or Move On?, LGBU, Regal House, London Road, Twickenham, TW1 3QS.
46 Housing and Community Care: Bricks and Mortar or Foundation for Action?, School of Social and Professional Studies, Humberside Polytechnic.
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51 Mortgage Arrears: Services to Borrowers in Debt, NCC, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W ODH.
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53 Community Care: Managing the Cascade of Change, HMSO, London, 1992.Google Scholar
54 Peck, Edward, Ritchie, Pete, Smith, Helen, Contracting and Case Management in Community Care, CCETSW.Google Scholar
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57 Children Now, National Children's Bureau, 8 Wakley Street, London, EC1V 7QE.
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59 Summary of the Report of the Committee of Enquiry into Children and Young People who Sexually Abuse Other Children, NCH, 85 Highbury Park, London, N5 1UD.
60 Joint Police and Social Services Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse in Nottinghamshire, Report and Executive Summary, DH.
61 Runaways: Exploding the Myths, NCH.
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63 Education in Social Service Establishments, DBS.
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67 A Review of the Literature on Day Services for Adults, HMSO, London, 1992.Google Scholar
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69 Smith, Steve and Jordan, Antoinette, What the Papers Say, and Don't Say, about Disability, The Spastics Society, 12 Park Crescent, London, W1N 4EQ.Google Scholar
70 Guide to the Social Services 1992, FWA, 501–505 Kingsland Road, London, E8 4AU.
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75 A Joint Manifesto for Prison Reform, Penal Affairs Consortium.
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77 Sentencing for Assault on a Police Officer, Home Office Statistical Bulletin 3/92.
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81 Offending While on Bail: A Survey of Recent Studies, Research and Planning Unit Paper 65, Home Office.
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86 People, Jobs and Opportunity, HMSO, London, 1992.Google Scholar
87 New Role for Employment Department, DE.
88 The Great Skills Divide, ALA, 36 Old Queen Street, London, SW1 9JF.
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90 Bird, Derek, Kirosingh, Michael and Stevens, Mark, ‘Membership of trade unions in 1990’, Employment Gazette, 04 1992.Google Scholar
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92 Wareing, Andrew, ‘Working arrangements and patterns of working hours in Britain’, Employment Gazette, 03 1992.Google Scholar
93 Daly, Michael and McCann, Andrew, ‘How many small firms?’, Employment Gazette, 02 1992.Google Scholar
94 Minimum Wage: An Analysis of the Issues, IPM, 35 Camp Road, London, SW19 4UX.
95 Gregg, Paul, A National Minimum Wage, Poverty and Benefit Dependance, NIESR, 2 Dean Trench Street, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HE.Google Scholar
96 Wilkinson, Frank, Why Britain Needs a Minimum Wage, IPRR, 30–32 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7RA.Google Scholar
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114 The Individual and the Community: The Role of the Voluntary Sector, Voluntary Services Unit, Home Office.
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116 Charities Digest 1992, FWA.
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