Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 October 2023
The smooth development of large parts of mathematics hinges on the idea that some sets are ‘small’ or ‘negligible’ and can therefore be ignored for a given purpose. The perhaps most famous smallness notion, namely ‘measure zero’, originated with Lebesgue, while a second smallness notion, namely ‘meagre’ or ‘first category’, originated with Baire around the same time. The associated Baire category theorem is a central result governing the properties of meagre (and related) sets, while the same holds for Tao’s pigeonhole principle for measure spaces and measure zero sets. In this paper, we study these theorems in Kohlenbach’s higher-order Reverse Mathematics, identifying a considerable number of equivalent and robust theorems. The latter involve most basic properties of semi-continuous and pointwise discontinuous functions, Blumberg’s theorem, Riemann integration, and Volterra’s early work circa 1881. All the aforementioned theorems fall (far) outside of the Big Five of Reverse Mathematics, and we investigate natural restrictions like Baire 1 and quasi-continuity that make these theorems provable again in the Big Five (or similar). Finally, despite the fundamental differences between measure and category, the proofs of our equivalences turn out to be similar.