Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
In this paper we consider various generalizations of the notion of hugeness. We remind the reader that a cardinal κ is huge if there exist a cardinal λ > κ, an inner model M which is closed under λ-sequences, and an elementary embedding i: V → M with critical point κ such that i(κ) = λ. We shall call λ a target for κ and shall write κ → (λ) to express this fact. Equivalently, κ is huge with target λ if and only if there exists a normal ultrafilter on P=κ(λ) = {X ⊆ λ:X has order type κ}. For the proof and additional facts on hugeness, see [3].
We assume that the reader is familiar with the notions of measurability and supercompactness. If κ is γ-supercompact for each γ < λ, we shall say that κ is < λ-supercompact. We note that if κ → (λ), it follows immediately that κ is < λ-supercompact.
Throughout the paper, n shall be used to denote a positive integer, the letters α, β, and δ shall denote ordinals, while κ, λ, γ, and η shall be reserved for cardinals. All addition is ordinal addition. V denotes the universe of all sets.
All results except for Theorems 6b and 6c and Lemma 6d can be formalized in ZFC.
This paper was written while the first named author was at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. We wish to thank the department of mathematics at R.I.T. for secretarial time and facilities.