Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 April 2009
For ε>0, let Σε={z∈ℂ:∣arg z∣<ε}. It has been proved (D. E. Marshall and W. Smith, Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana15 (1999), 93–116) that ∫ f−1(Σε)∣f(z)∣ dA(z)≃∫ 𝔻∣f(z)∣ dA(z) for every ε>0, uniformly for every univalent function f in the classical Bergman space A1 that fixes the origin. In this paper, we extend this result to those conformal maps on 𝔻 belonging to weighted Bergman–Orlicz classes such that f(0)=∣f′(0)∣−1=0.
The first author has been supported in part by the grant of MEC-Spain MTM2005-07347. Both authors are members of the Spanish Thematic Network MTM2006-26627-E.