Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 May 2009
Loxosoma phascolosomatum was first described under that name by Vogt (6) in 1876 when he discovered it at Roscoff on the posterior extremity of Phascolosoma elongatum and P. margaritaceum, where it forms a small tuft. It had probably been observed previously by Norman (4), and described by him in 1861 (3) as tentacular appendages of “Strephenterus claviger”; he found it on gephyreans dredged in 1858 from Bantry Bay. Barrois (2, p. 8) mentions that he also saw this species in 1874–75, before the publication of Vogt's paper, at Roscoff, where it was abundant on sipunculids. Since then it has been recorded as occurring on Phascolion by Andersson (1) in East Greenland, and by Norman (5) in East Finmark.