By the death on 14 December of Professor Sir James Gray, K.T., C.B.E., M.C., Criox de Guerre, M.A., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., at the age of 84, both zoology and marine biology have lost one of their great figures. His connexion with the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom stretches from his first visit as a research worker to the Plymouth Laboratory in 1912, when he became a member of the Association, through his long service on the Council (first in 1920 and then continuously from 1928 to 1969), to his Presidency (1945–55) and his election as Vice-President in 1955 and Honorary Member in 1965. He was also a member of the Scottish M.B.A. since 1921 and served on its Council for six years (1960–66) and was elected a Vice-President in 1965.