Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2017
Studies of species assemblages and community structure are of vital importance in the deep-sea realm. Data for the present study were collected during the research expedition of FORV ‘Sagar Sampada’ in the latitude 8.02°N and 11.58°N, longitude 74.16°E and 78.35°E. High Speed Demersal Trawl – Crustacean Version (HSDT-CV) was used for the operations at a depth of 200 and 1000 m. The total catch came to 2148.35 kg from 10 stations. An analysis of the catch composition was made. Total catch was dominated by Priacanthus hamrur (27.66%) followed by Neoepinnula orientalis (15.57%), Psenopsis cyanea (10.05%), Glyptophidium oceanium (3.55%), Lamprogrammus niger (3.17%), Narcine timlei (3.08%), Lamprogrammus sp. (2.6%), Pterigotrygla hemisticta (2.17%). About 76 species recorded from 22 orders were identified. The diversity indices, Cluster analysis, k-dominance plot were analysed using PRIMER v6 software. The diversity indices including Margalef richness index (d), Shanon index (log e2), Pielou's evenness index (J′) and Simpson diversity index (1 − λ) were calculated. Diversity indices were compared with the previous studies in the same area, and this can be a reference point for future studies.