Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 March 2011
Whilst engaged as a Research Student on “Mediaeval Arabian Musical Theory ” at Glasgow University, I had the good fortune to have access to several libraries, and among them the Bodleian, where I compiled for my needs a short but detailed catalogue of the Arabic musical MSS. in this famous library. As this catalogue may be of use to orientalists and musical antiquaries, I take this opportunity of giving it publicity.
page 639 note 1 Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, ii, Leipzig, 1886, p. 347 sq.Google Scholar
page 639 note 2 Uri, , Bibliotheca Bodleiana, Cod. Man. Orient. Oxon, 1787.Google Scholar
page 639 note 3 In this I follow the leaves as they are numbered at present.
page 640 note 1 The best edition at present is that of Bombay (1887–9), whilst the worst that I have seen is that of Cairo (1889).
page 640 note 2 Dieterici, , Propaedeutik der Araber, Berlin, 1865.Google Scholar
page 646 note 1 Matter in square brackets added from Uri, mxxvi, Marsh, 521.
page 649 note 1 The Brit. Mus. Or. 136 contains examples of songs in the various “modes ”, which are not found in the above and other copies.
page 652 note 1 Hand-list.
page 652 note 2 In a “Catalogue of Oriental MSS. purchased in Turkey, belonging to Dr. Lee, 1830 ” (printed by R. Watts, London, 1831, 2nd pt., 1840), two works of the above writer are mentioned:-
No. 51.
(1) A Metrical Essay on the Science of el-Nugham (Modulation), by Shemsu-d-dín E-s-saïdáwi.
(2) Men úme
i Sheíkh Shemsu-d-dín. A poem on the same subject, by the same author.
I would be grateful for information concerning the present location of these works, and also concerning another of the Lee MSS., No. 50, A Tract on Musical Composition, by ʻAli ibn Saʻid el-Andalusi.
page 652 note 3 Nos. 15, 16, and 17 are in Ethe's MS. Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts.
page 653 note 1 See previous footnote.