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04–670 Hirst, Elizabeth (Griffith U., Queensland, Australia; Email: e.hirst@griffith.edu.au) Diverse voices in a second language classroom: burlesque, parody and mimicry. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 17, 3 (2003), 174–191.
04–671 Matsumura, Shoichi (Ryukoku U., Japan). Modelling the relationships among interlanguage pragmatic development, L2 proficiency, and exposure to L2. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 24, 4 (2003), 465–491.
04–672 de Mattos Pimenta Parente, Maria Alice and Geiger, Lucienne (Rio Grande do Sul Federal U., Brazil) and Dunbar, Harriet and Nespoulous, Jean-Luc. The role of phonological loop components on children's story recall during the first years of schooling. Revue Parole (Mons, Belgium), 25/26 (2003), 45–74.