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Language learning
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 April 2003
03–88Akamatsu, Nobuhiko (Doshisha U., Kyoto, Japan; Email: A similarity in word-recognition procedures among second language readers with different first language backgrounds. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK), 23, 1 (2002), 117–33.
03–89Appel, Christine (Dublin City U., Ireland; Email: and Gilabert, Roger. Motivation and task performance in a task-based web-based tandem project. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 16–31.
03–90Arnaud, C. (U. of Barcelona, Spain). L'implication de l'apprenant en classe de langue étrangère. [Personal involvement as a factor in the foreign language learner's classroom performance.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 39–62.
03–91Bang, Youngjoo (Myongji U., Seoul, Korea; Email: The use of collaborative work in a college EFL reading classroom. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 145–69.
03–92Barbieri, Federica (U. of Iowa, USA). The contribution of computer learner corpora to second language acquisition research: A review. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Rome, Italy), 33, 2/3 (2001), 219–39.
03–93Barcroft, Joe (Washington U., USA; Email: Semantic and structural elaboration in L2 lexical acquisition. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA), 52, 2 (2002), 323–63.
03–94Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen (Indiana U., USA; Email: A new starting point? Investigating formulaic use and input in future expression. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 189–98.
03–95Biesenbach-Lucas, Sigrun (American U., Washington, USA; Email: and Weasenforth, Donald. Virtual office hours: Negotiation strategies in electronic conferencing. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 2 (2002), 147–65.
03–96Bley-Vroman, Robert (U. of Hawai'i, USA; Email: Frequency in production, comprehension, and acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 209–13.
03–97Boulton, Alex (Centre de Téléenseignement, Université Nancy 2, France). Aspects lexicaux de l'acquisition ‘naturelle’ et l'apprentissage ‘artificiel’ en L2. [Lexical aspects of ‘natural’ acquisition and ‘artificial’ learning in a second language.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 63–90.
03–98Bruton, A. (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain; Email: Recoding and reorganising grammatical form by meaning: The English genitive as an example. System (Oxford, UK), 30, 2 (2002), 237–50.
03–99Bybee, Joan (U. of New Mexico, USA; Email: Phonological evidence for exemplar storage of multiword sequences. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 215–21.
03–100Carson, Joan C. (Georgia State U., USA; Email: and Longhini, Ana. Focusing on learning styles and strategies: A diary study in an immersion setting. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA), 52, 2 (2002), 401–38.
03–101Cenoz, Jasone (U. of the Basque Country). Age differences in foreign language learning. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 135–136 (2002), 125–42.
03–102Chung, Hyun-Sook (Internat. Graduate School of English, Korea; Email: and Ahn, Hyunkee. Local acoustic vs. sentence contextual information: Which plays a more crucial role in an L2 word recognition test?English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 239–51.
03–103Chung, Jing-mei (Ming-Hsin Inst. of Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan). The effects of using two advance organizers with video texts for the teaching of listening in English. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 2 (2002), 231–41.
03–104Cortés, Kristin Hull (U. of California, Berkeley, USA). Youth and the study of foreign language: An investigation of attitudes. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 3 (2002), 320–32.
03–105D'Angiulli, Amedeo and Siegel, Linda S. (U. of British Columbia, Canada; Email: and Serra, Emily. The development of reading, in English and Italian bilingual children. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK), 22, 4 (2001), 479–507.
03–106Derwing, Tracey M. and Rossiter, Marian J. (U. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Email: ESL learners' perceptions of their pronunciation needs and strategies. System (Oxford, UK), 30, 2 (2002), 155–66.
03–107Dewaele, Jean-Marc (Birkbeck Coll., U. of London, UK; Email:, and Pavlenko, Aneta. Emotion vocabulary in interlanguage. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA), 52, 2 (2002), 263–322.
03–108Ellis, Nick C. (U. of Wales, Bangor, UK; Email: Frequency effects of language processing: A review with implications for theories of implicit and explicit language acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 143–88.
03–109Ellis, Nick C. (U. of Wales, Bangor, UK; Email: Reflections on frequency effects in language processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 297–39.
03–110Ellis, Rod (U. of Auckland, New Zealand; Email: Does form-focused instruction affect the acquisition of implicit knowledge? A review of the research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 223–36.
03–111Eubank, Lynn (U. of North Texas, USA; Email: and Gregg, Kevin R. News flash – Hume still dead. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 237–47.
03–112Fries-Verdeil, Marie-Hélène and Hay, Josiane (Université de Grenoble I, France). De l'utilité des métaphores comme outil pour la Recherche-Action: le cas de l'auto-formation guidée. [Metaphors as a tool for Action Research and self-directed language learning.] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 3 (2001) 45–58.
03–113Frost, Dan (IUT 2 Grenoble, France). Seeing is believing: l'oscillogramme, l'auto-apprentissage et l'accentuation de mots. [Seeing is believing: Wave forms, self-access and word stress.] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 3 (2002), 21–31.
03–114Gardey, Claudine (IUT Bordeaux I, France). SVP, dessine-moi une notion! Recherches sur la médiation graphique en anglais de spécialité. [Please draw me a notion! Research on the use of diagrammatic representations for the ESP class]. Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 3 (2002), 32–44.
03–115Gass, Susan M. (Michigan State U., USA; Email: and Mackey, Alison. Frequency effects and second language acquisition: A complex picture? Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 249–60.
03–116Goh, Christine C. M. (Nanyang Tech. U., Singapore; Email: Exploring listening comprehension tactics and their interaction patterns. System (Oxford, UK), 30, 2 (2002), 185–206.
03–117Han, ZhaoHong (Teachers Coll., Columbia U., USA). ‘Novel unaccusatives’: Is detransitivisation taking place? ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 135–136 (2002), 97–124.
03–118Harrington, Michael and Dennis, Simon (U. of Queensland, Australia; Email: Input-driven language learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 261–68.
03–119Helms-Park, Rena (U. of Toronto, Canada). The need to draw second language learners' attention to the semantic boundaries of syntactically relevant verb classes. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 58, 4 (2002), 576–98.
03–120Hoare, Rachel (Trinity Coll., Dublin 2, Ireland; Email: Attitudes and motivations of undergraduate learners of French: An integrative approach. Revue PArole (Paris, France), 20 (2001), 235–61.
03–121Huang, Yue Yuan and Yang, Suying (Hong Kong Baptist U., Hong Kong). Understanding the special characteristics of Cantonese speakers acquiring Mandarin: An important component in the training of Hong Kong Mandarin teachers. Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education (Hong Kong), 4, 2 (2001), 107–27.
03–122Huh, Myung-Hye (Korea U.; Email: Second language activity theory: L2 learner agency in asynchronous learning networks. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 59–74.
03–123Hulstijn, Jan H. (U. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Email: What does the impact of frequency tell us about the language acquisition device? Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 269–73.
03–124Igarashi, Kanae, Wudthayagorn, Jirada, Donato, Richard and Tucker, G. Richard (Carnegie Mellon U., Pittsburgh, USA). What does a novice look like? Describing the grammar and discourse of young learners of Japanese. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 58, 4 (2002), 526–54.
03–125Ionin, Tania and Wexler, Kenneth (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA; Email: Why is ‘is’ easier than ‘-s’?: Acquisition of tense/agreement morphology by child second language learners of English. Second Language Research (London, UK), 18, 2 (2002), 95–136.
03–126Knight, Susan M. (Central Michigan U., USA) and Schmidt-Rinehart, Barbara C. Enhancing the homestay: Study abroad from the host family's perspective. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 2 (2002), 190–201.
03–127Kroll, Judith F. (Pennsylvania State U., USA; Email: Michael, Erica, Tokowicz, Natasha and Dufour, Robert. The development of lexical fluency in a second language. Second Language Research (London, UK), 18, 2 (2002), 137–71.
03–128Lai, Lai-kwan and Hamp-Lyons, Liz (Hong Kong Poly. U.). Different learning patterns in self-access. RELC Journal (Singapore), 32, 2 (2001), 63–79.
03–129Lamb, Martin (U. of Leeds, UK). Explaining successful language learning in difficult circumstances. Prospect (Macquarie U., Sydney, Australia), 17, 2 (2002), 35–52.
03–130Larsen-Freeman, Diane (U. of Michigan, USA; Email: Making sense of frequency. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 275–85.
03–131Lee, Haemoon (Sungkyunkwan U., Korea; Email: Communicative output as a mode of focus on form. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 171–92.
03–132Lee, Soyoung (Inha U., Korea; Email: The effect of task type on negotiation of meaning in synchronous text chatting. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 3–17.
03–133Lee-Wong, Song Mei (Nanyang Tech. U., Singapore). Contextualising intercultural communication and sociopragmatic choices. Multilingua (Berlin, Germany), 21, 1 (2002), 79–99.
03–134Lindemann, Stephanie (Georgia State U., USA; Email: Listening with an attitude: A model of native-speaker comprehension of non-native speakers in the United States. Language in Society (Cambridge, UK), 31, 3 (2002), 419–41.
03–135Lozano, Cristóbal (U. of Essex, UK). Knowledge of expletive and pronominal subjects by learners of Spanish. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 135–136 (2002), 37–60.
03–136Lybeck, Karen (U. of Minnesota, USA; Email: Cultural identification and second language pronunciation of Americans in Norway. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 86, 2 (2002), 174–91.
03–137Mariotti, Cristina (Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milan, Italy). Osservazioni sul ruolo dell'interazione nell'acquisizione incidentale del lessico in classi CLIL. [Observations on the role of interaction in the incidental acquisition of lexis in CLIL classes.] Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Rome, Italy), 33, 1 (2001), 119–29.
03–138McCafferty, Steven G. (U. of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA; Email: Gesture and creating zones of proximal development for second language learning. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 86, 2 (2002), 192–203.
03–139Muncie, James (U. of Évora, Portugal; Email: james_> Process writing and vocabulary development: Comparing Lexical Frequency Profiles across drafts. System (Oxford, UK), 30, 2 (2002), 225–35.
03–140Nassaji, Hossein (U. of Victoria, BC, Canada). Schema theory and knowledge-based processes in second language reading comprehension: A need for alternative perspectives. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA), 52, 2 (2002), 439–81.
03–141Nelson, Gayle L. (Georgia State U., USA), Carson, Joan, Al Batal, Mahmoud and El Bakary, Waguida. Cross-cultural pragmatics: Strategy use in Egyptian Arabic and American English refusals. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 23, 2 (2002), 163–89.
03–142Nutta, Joyce W. (U. of South Florida, USA), Feyten, Carine M., Norwood, Annette L., Meros, John N., Yoshii, Makoto and Ducher, Jeannie. Exploring new frontiers: What do computers contribute to teaching foreign languages in elementary school? Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 3 (2002), 293–306.
03–143Park, Seon-Ho (Myongji U., Seoul, Korea; Email: Learning English as a second language among Korean migrant students in New Zealand. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 75–100.
03–144Pavlenko, Aneta (Temple U., USA) and Jarvis, Scott. Bidirectional transfer. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 23, 2 (2002), 190–214.
03–145Perales, Josu (HABE [Inst. for the Teaching of Basque to Adult Learners], Donostia, Spain) and Cenoz, Jasone. The effect of individual and contextual factors in adult second-language acquisition in the Basque Country. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 1 (2002), 1–15.
03–146Pereiro, Myriam (Université Nancy 2, France). Être doué pour les langues: approches scientifiques et représentations sociales. [Having a gift for languages: Scientific approaches and social representations.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 167–84.
03–147Platt, Elizabeth and Brooks, Frank B. (Florida State U., USA; Email: Task engagement: A turning point in foreign language development. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA), 52, 2 (2002), 365–400.
03–148Rott, Susanne, Williams, Jessica and Cameron, Richard (U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA). The effect of multiple-choice L1 glosses and input-output cycles on lexical acquisition and retention. Language Teaching Research (London, UK), 6, 3 (2002), 183–222.
03–149Schmitt, Norbert (U. of Nottingham, UK) and Zimmerman, Cheryl Boyd. Derivative word forms: What do learners know? TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 36, 2 (2002), 145–71.
03–150Schwienhorst, Klaus (Trinity Coll., Dublin, Ireland; Email: Evaluating tandem language learning in the MOO: Discourse repair strategies in a bilingual Internet project. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 2 (2002), 135–45.
03–151Schwienhorst, Klaus (Trinity Coll., Dublin, Ireland). The state of VR: A meta-analysis of virtual reality tools in second language acquisition. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 3 (2002), 221–39.
03–152Slabakova, Roumyana (U. of Iowa, USA; Email: Recent research on the acquisition of aspect: An embarrassment of riches? Second Language Research (London, UK), 18, 2 (2002), 172–88.
03–153Song, Mi-Jeong (Seoul National U., Korea; Email: The effect of listening strategy use on listening ability: Using an immediate retrospective data collection method. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 19–40.
03–154Spratt, Mary, Humphreys, Gillian and Chan, Victoria (Hong Kong Poly. U.; Email: Autonomy and motivation: Which comes first? Language Teaching Research (London, UK), 6, 3 (2002), 245–66.
03–155Stefánik, Jozef (Comenius U., Slovakia; Email: The critical period hypothesis and the Slovak language. Applied Language Learning (Presidio of Monterey, CA, USA), 12, 2 (2001), 161–76.
03–156Storch, N. (The U. of Melbourne, Australia). Comparing ESL learners' attention to grammar on three different classroom tasks. RELC Journal (Singapore), 32, 2 (2001), 104–24.
03–157Taguchi, Tatsuya (Ryukoku U., Japan). Learner factors affecting the use of learning strategies in cross-cultural contexts. Prospect (Macquarie U., Sydney, Australia), 17, 2 (2002), 18–34.
03–158Tarone, Elaine (U. of Minnesota, USA; Email: Frequency effects, noticing, and creativity: Factors in a variationist interlanguage framework. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 287–96.
03–159Vandergrift, Larry (U. of Ottawa, Canada). ‘It was nice to see that our predictions were right’: Developing metacognition in L2 listening comprehension. The Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 58, 4 (2002), 555–75.
03–160Williams, John N. (U. of Cambridge, UK; Email:, Mobius, Peter and Choonkyong, Kim. Native and non-native processing of English wh- questions: Parsing strategies and plausibility constraints. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK), 22, 4 (2001), 509–40.
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