No CrossRef data available.
05–225Acevedo Butcher, Carmen (Sogang U, Korea), The case against the ‘native speaker’. English Today (Cambridge, UK) 21.2 (2005), 13–24.
05–226Barcroft, Joe & Mitchell S. Sommers (Washington U in St. Louis, USA;, Effects of acoustic variability on second language vocabulary learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK) 27.3 (2005), 387–414.
05–227Barr, David, Jonathan Leakey & Alexandre Ranchoux (U of Ulster, UK), Told like it is! An evaluation of an integrated oral development pilot project. Language Learning & Technology (U of Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.3 (2005), 55–78.
05–228Belz, Julie A. (Pennsylvania State U, USA), Intercultural questioning, discovery and tension in Internet-mediated language learning partnerships. Language and Intercultural Communication (Clevedon, UK) 5.1 (2005), 3–39.
05–229Berry, Roger (Lingan U, Hong Kong, China), Who do they think ‘we’ is? Learners' awareness of personality in pedagogic grammars. Language Awareness (Clevedon, UK) 14.2/3 (2005), 84–97.
05–230Braun, Sabine (U of Tübingen, Germany;, From pedagogically relevant corpora to authentic language learning contents. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK) 17.1 (2005), 47–64.
05–231Chambers, Angela (U of Limerick, Ireland;, Integrating corpus consultation in language studies. Language Learning & Technology (Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.2 (2005), 111–125.
05–232Cortés, Ileana, Jesús Ramirez, María Rivera, Marta Viada & Joan Fayer (U of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico), Dame un hamburger plain con ketchup y papitas. English Today (Cambridge, UK) 21.2 (2005), 35–42.
05–233Dewaele, Jean-Marc (U of London, UK), Sociodemographic, psychological and politicocultural correlates in Flemish students' attitudes towards French and English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.2 (2005), 118–137.
05–234Elkhafaifi, Hussein (Washington U, USA;, Listening comprehension and anxiety in the Arabic language classroom. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA) 89.2 (2005), 206–220.
05–235Flowerdew, Lynne (Hong Kong U of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China;, Integrating traditional and critical approaches to syllabus design: the ‘what’, the ‘how’ and the ‘why?’. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.2 (2005), 135–147.
05–236Fortune, Alan (King's College London, UK), Learners' use of metalanguage in collaborative form-focused L2 output tasks. Language Awareness (Clevedon, UK) 14.1 (2005), 21–39.
05–237Garner, Mark & Erik Borg (Northumbria U, UK;, An ecological perspective on content-based instruction. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.2 (2005), 119–134.
05–238Gourlay, Lesley (Napier U, UK;, Directions and indirect action: learner adaptation of a classroom task. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK) 59.3 (2005), 209–216.
05–239Granville, Stella & Laura Dison (U of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;, Thinking about thinking: integrating self-reflection into an academic literacy course. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.2 (2005), 99–118.
05–240Greidanus, Tine, Bianca Beks (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; & Richard Wakely, Testing the development of French word knowledge by advanced Dutch- and English-speaking learners and native speakers. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA) 89.2 (2005), 221–233.
05–241Gumock Jeon-Ellis, Robert Debski & Gillian Wigglesworth (U of Melbourne, Australia), Oral interaction around computers in the project oriented CALL classroom. Language Learning & Technology (U of Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.3 (2005), 121–145.
05–242Haig, Yvonne, Oliver Rhonda & Judith Rochecouste (Edith Cowan U, Australia), Adolescent speech networks and communicative competence. English in Australia (Norwood, Australia) 141 (2004), 49–57.
05–243Harwood, Nigel (U of Essex, UK;, What do we want EAP teaching materials for?Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.2 (2005), 149–161.
05–244Heift, Trude (Simon Fraser U, Canada;, Inspectable learner reports for web-based language learning. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK) 17.1 (2005), 32–46.
05–245Ibrahim, Nizar (Lebanese U, Lebanon; & Susan Penfield, Dynamic diversity: new dimensions in mixed composition classes. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK) 59.3 (2005), 217–225.
05–246Jepson, Kevin (Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA), Conversations – and negotiated interaction – in text and voice chat rooms. Language Learning & Technology (U of Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.3 (2005), 79–98.
05–247Juffs, Alan (U of Pittsburgh, USA;, The influence of first language on the processing ofwh-movement in English as a second language. Second Language Research (London, UK) 21.2 (2005), 121–151.
05–248Knight, Paul (The Open U, UK; P. T., Learner interaction using email: the effects of task modification. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 17.1 (2005), 101–121.
05–249Kondo, Takako (U of Essex, UK), Overpassivization in second language acquisition. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) (Berlin, Germany) 43.2. (2005), 129–161.
05–250Lewin, Beverly A. (Tel Aviv U, Israel;, Hedging: an exploratory study of authors and readers identification of ‘toning down’ in scientific texts. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.2 (2005), 163–178.
05–251Malmqvist, Anita (Umeå U, Sweden), How does group discussion in reconstruction tasks affect written language output. Language Awareness (Clevedon, UK) 14.2/3 (2005), 128–142.
05–252Menard-Warwick, Julia (U of California, USA;, Intergenerational trajectories and sociopolitical context: Latina immigrants in adult ESL. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA) 39.2, 165–186.
05–253Mirzaiean, Vahid & Alan Ramsay (Tehran, Iran), Content-based support for Persian learners of English. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK) 17.1 (2005), 139–154.
05–254Morrison, Bruce (The Hong Kong Polytechnic U, Hong Kong, China), Evaluating learning gain in a self-access language learning centre. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.3 (2005), 267–293.
05–255Murphy, Linda (The Open U, UK), Attending to form and meaning: the experience of adult distance learners of French, German and Spanish. Language Teaching Research (London, UK) 9.3 (2005), 295–317.
05–256Oliver, Rhonda, Yvonne Haig (Edith Cowan U, Australia; & Judith Rochecouste, Communicative competence in oral language assessment. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK) 19.3 (2005), 212–222.
05–257Papadopoulou, Despina (Aristotle U of Thessaloniki, Greece), Reading-time studies of second language ambiguity resolution. Second Language Research (London, UK) 21.2 (2005), 98–120.
05–258Payne, Scott J. & Brenda M. Ross (Pennsylvania State U, USA), Synchronous CMC, working memory, and L2 oral proficiency development. Language Learning & Technology (U of Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.3 (2005), 35–54.
05–259Rogerson-Revell, Pamela (U of Leicester, UK;, A hybrid approach to developing CALL materials: authoring with Macromedia's Dreamweaver/Coursebuilder. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK) 17.1 (2005), 122–138.
05–260Smith, Ross (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Spain), Global English: gift or curse?English Today (Cambridge, UK) 21.2 (2005), 56–62.
05–261St-Hilaire, Aonghas (Washington, DC, USA), Louisiana French immersion education: cultural identity and grassroots community development. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.2 (2005), 158–172.
05–262Todd, Richard W. (King Mogkut's U of Technology, Thailand;, ‘In an aeroplane, yes, in an aeroplane’: within-unit repetitions in classroom discourse. RELC Journal (Thousand Oaks, CA, USA) 36.2 (2005), 189–209.
05–263Uschi, Felix (Monash U, Australia;, E-learning pedagogy in the third millennium: the need for combining social and cognitive constructivist approaches. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK) 17.1 (2005), 85–100.
05–264Volle, Lisa M. (Central Texas College, USA), Analyzing oral skills in voice and e-mail and online interviews. Language Learning & Technology (U of Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.3 (2005), 145–163.
05–265Williams, John N. (Cambridge U, UK;, Learning without awareness. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK) 27.2 (2005), 269–304.
05–266Yongqi Gu, Peter, Guangwei Hu & Lawrence Jun Zhang (Nanyang Technological U, Singapore;, Investigating language learner strategies among lower primary school pupils in Singapore. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK) 19.4 (2005), 281–303.