Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Olson, R.E.
Shock Timing and Yield Sensitivity Studies for NIF Ignition Capsules.
Fusion Technology,
Vol. 38,
Issue. 1,
Savage, M.E.
Final results from the high-current, high-action closing switch test program at Sandia National Laboratories.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,
Vol. 28,
Issue. 5,
Sanford, T. W. L.
Olson, R. E.
Mock, R. C.
Chandler, G. A.
Leeper, R. J.
Nash, T. J.
Ruggles, L. E.
Simpson, W. W.
Struve, K. W.
Peterson, D. L.
Bowers, R. L.
Matuska, W.
Dynamics of a Z-pinch x-ray source for heating inertial-confinement-fusion relevant hohlraums to 120–160 eV.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 7,
Issue. 11,
Sanford, T. W. L.
Olson, R. E.
Vesey, R. A.
Chandler, G. A.
Hebron, D. E.
Mock, R. C.
Leeper, R. J.
Nash, T. J.
Ruiz, C. L.
Ruggles, L. E.
Simpson, W. W.
Bowers, R. L.
Matuska, W.
Peterson, D. L.
Peterson, R. R.
Characteristics of ICF Relevant Hohlraums Driven by X-Rays from a Z-Pinch.
Fusion Technology,
Vol. 38,
Issue. 1,
Pollaine, S. M.
Bradley, D. K.
Landen, O. L.
Wallace, R. J.
Jones, O. S.
Amendt, P. A.
Suter, L. J.
Turner, R. E.
National Ignition Facility scale hohlraum asymmetry studies by thin shell radiography.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 8,
Issue. 5,
Stygar, W. A.
Olson, R. E.
Spielman, R. B.
Leeper, R. J.
Analytic models of high-temperature hohlraums.
Physical Review E,
Vol. 64,
Issue. 2,
Olson, R. E.
Leeper, R. J.
Nobile, A.
Oertel, J. A.
Preheat Effects on Shock Propagation in Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Ablator Materials.
Physical Review Letters,
Vol. 91,
Issue. 23,
Olson, R. E.
Leeper, R. J.
Nobile, A.
Oertel, J. A.
Chandler, G. A.
Cochrane, K.
Dropinski, S. C.
Evans, S.
Haan, S. W.
Kaae, J. L.
Knauer, J. P.
Lash, K.
Mix, L. P.
Nikroo, A.
Rochau, G. A.
Rivera, G.
Russell, C.
Schroen, D.
Sebring, R. J.
Tanner, D. L.
Turner, R. E.
Wallace, R. J.
Shock propagation, preheat, and x-ray burnthrough in indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion ablator materials.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 11,
Issue. 5,
Sanford, T W L
Nash, T J
Olson, R E
Bliss, D E
Lemke, R W
Olson, C L
Ruiz, C L
Mock, R C
Bailey, J E
Chandler, G A
Cuneo, M E
Leeper, R J
Matzen, M K
Mehlhorn, T A
Slutz, S A
Stygar, W A
Peterson, D L
Chrien, R E
Watt, R G
Roderick, N F
Cooper, G W
Apruzese, J P
Sarkisov, G S
Chittenden, J P
Haines, M G
Progress in z-pinch driven dynamic-hohlraums for high-temperature radiation-flow and ICF experiments at Sandia National Laboratories.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,
Vol. 46,
Issue. 12B,
Kirkwood, R. K.
Milovich, J.
Bradley, D. K.
Schmitt, M.
Goldman, S. R.
Kalantar, D. H.
Meeker, D.
Jones, O. S.
Pollaine, S. M.
Amendt, P. A.
Dewald, E.
Edwards, J.
Landen, O. L.
Nikroo, A.
Sensitivity of ignition scale backlit thin-shell implosions to hohlraum symmetry in the foot of the drive pulse.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 16,
Issue. 1,
Lindl, J.D.
Atherton, L.J.
Amednt, P.A.
Batha, S.
Bell, P.
Berger, R.L.
Betti, R.
Bleuel, D.L.
Boehly, T.R.
Bradley, D.K.
Braun, D.G.
Callahan, D.A.
Celliers, P.M.
Cerjan, C.J.
Clark, D.S.
Collins, G.W.
Cook, R.C.
Dewald, E.L.
Divol, L.
Dixit, S.N.
Dzenitis, E.
Edwards, M.J.
Fair, J.E.
Fortner, R.J.
Frenje, J.A.
Glebov, V.Yu.
Glenzer, S.H.
Grim, G.
Haan, S.W.
Hamza, A.V.
Hammel, B.A.
Harding, D.R.
Hatchett, S.P.
Haynam, C.A.
Herrmann, H.W.
Herrmann, M.C.
Hicks, D.G.
Hinkel, D.E.
Ho, D.D.
Hoffman, N.
Huang, H.
Izumi, N.
Jacoby, B.
Jones, O.S.
Kalantar, D.H.
Kauffman, R.
Kilkenny, J.D.
Kirkwood, R.K.
Kline, J.L.
Knauer, J.P.
Koch, J.A.
Kozioziemski, B.J.
Kyrala, G.A.
La Fortune, K.
Landen, O.L.
Larson, D.
Lerche, R.
Le Pape, S.
London, R.
MacGowan, B.J.
MacKinnon, A.J.
Malsbury, T.N.
Mapoles, E.R.
Marinak, M.M.
McKenty, P.W.
Meezan, N.
Meyerhofer, D.D.
Michel, P.
Milovich, J.
Moody, J.D.
Moran, M.
Moreno, K.A.
Moses, E.I.
Munro, D.H.
Nikroo, A.
Olson, R.E.
Parham, T.
Patterson, R.W.
Peterson, K.
Petrasso, R.
Pollaine, S.M.
Ralph, J.E.
Regan, S.P.
Robey, H.F.
Rosen, M.D.
Sacks, R.
Salmonson, J.D.
Sangster, T.C.
Sepke, S.M.
Schneider, D.H.
Schneider, M.B.
Shaw, M.
Spears, B.K.
Springer, P.T.
Stoeckl, C.
Suter, L.J.
Thomas, C.A.
Tommasini, R.
Town, R.P.
VanWonterghem, B.M.
Vesey, R.
Weber, S.V.
Wegner, P.J.
Widman, K.
Widmayer, C.C.
Wilke, M.
Wilkens, H.L.
Williams, E.A.
Wilson, D.C.
Young, B.K.
Progress towards ignition on the National Ignition Facility.
Nuclear Fusion,
Vol. 51,
Issue. 9,
Landen, O. L.
Edwards, J.
Haan, S. W.
Robey, H. F.
Milovich, J.
Spears, B. K.
Weber, S. V.
Clark, D. S.
Lindl, J. D.
MacGowan, B. J.
Moses, E. I.
Atherton, J.
Amendt, P. A.
Boehly, T. R.
Bradley, D. K.
Braun, D. G.
Callahan, D. A.
Celliers, P. M.
Collins, G. W.
Dewald, E. L.
Divol, L.
Frenje, J. A.
Glenzer, S. H.
Hamza, A.
Hammel, B. A.
Hicks, D. G.
Hoffman, N.
Izumi, N.
Jones, O. S.
Kilkenny, J. D.
Kirkwood, R. K.
Kline, J. L.
Kyrala, G. A.
Marinak, M. M.
Meezan, N.
Meyerhofer, D. D.
Michel, P.
Munro, D. H.
Olson, R. E.
Nikroo, A.
Regan, S. P.
Suter, L. J.
Thomas, C. A.
Wilson, D. C.
Capsule implosion optimization during the indirect-drive National Ignition Campaign.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 18,
Issue. 5,