The version of this manuscript originally published contained a sign error that appears at the re-transformation of the equations into laboratory frame in Section 4. The correctly re-transformed Eq. (8) reads:

and subsequently Eq. (9) is:

The sign error in the original letter also led to a misinterpretation: The Doppler-shifting does not limit the maximum velocity, achieved by the RPA, but it has impact on the admissible lower target thickness. Re-arranging the corrected Eq. (11) for d 0 yields:

where the last term holds true for
ωpe,0 ≫ ω. Therefore, Eqs (12) and
(13) in the original manuscript are obsolete, such as Figure 3. The correct
interpretation is given in Figures 1 and
2: Figure 1 shows the lower limit for the initial target width as a
function of the compression achieved at the RPA: The target thickness scales with $d \propto {\rm \varkappa} _{\rm e}^{ - 1} $, whereas the penetration depth scales with
${\rm \delta} \propto {\rm \varkappa} _{\rm e}^{ - 1/2} $ and it is:
$d/{\rm \delta} \propto {\rm \varkappa} _{\rm e}^{ - 1/2} $.

Fig. 1. Minimum admissible target width from Eq. (3) as a function of the compression ϰe, for different initial densities with β = 0.3.

Fig. 2. Minimum admissible target width from Eq. (3) as a function of the
longitudinal velocity ${\rm \beta} = u_{\rm e}^1 /c$, for different initial densities
with ϰe = 3.5.
This effect is countered by the Doppler-shifting, as depicted in Figure 2: With increasing velocity, the laser frequency
decreases due to the Doppler-shifting and the limit for the target width decreases.
At the RPA, both effects compete and for β ≪ 1, the
lower target width is $d_0 \approx (1 + {\rm \beta} ){\rm \varkappa} _{\rm e}^{ - 1/2} $.
Here, the average longitudinal velocity ${\rm \beta} = u_{\rm e}^1 /c$ can be calculated from the prevalent model of a
flying mirror (see, e.g. Macchi et al., 2009), whereas the
evaluation of the compression ϰe requires a more extensive model
(see, e.g. Schmidt & Boine-Frankenheim, 2016).