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Current Awareness
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 September 2014
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- Current Awareness
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- Copyright © The Author(s) 2014. Published by British and Irish Association of Law Librarians
Cataloguing and Classification
Hallows, Kristen M. ‘It's All Enumerative: Reconsidering Library of Congress Classification in U.S. Law Libraries’ 2014 106 Law Libr. J. 85Google Scholar
Aliprandi, Simone and Mangiatordi, Andrea ‘Content Production and Perception of Copyright: An Analysis of Habits and Beliefs of Internet Users’ 2013 4 European Journal of Law and Technology <> accessed 29th April 2014Google Scholar
Kretschmann, Angela ‘Copyright and Movements of Access: Business is Business but Friends are Friends’ 2013 4 European Journal of Law and Technology <> accessed 29th April 2014Google Scholar
Norman, HelenIntellectual Property Law Directions (2nd edn, Oxford University Press 2014)CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Stratton, Barbara ‘Copyright Exceptions and Limitations at a Diplomatic Impasse’ (2014) June CILIP Update 28Google Scholar
European Union
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Information Policy
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Information Technology
Fishleigh, Jackie ‘A Non-Technical Journey into the World of Big Data: An Introduction’ (2014) 14 LIM 149CrossRefGoogle Scholar
International Law
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Mason, Stephen ‘Electronic Evidence: A Proposal to reform the Presumption of Reliability and Hearsay’ (2014) 30 CLSR 80Google Scholar
Law Librarians
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Miguel-Stearns, Teresa M. and Ryan, Sarah E. ‘The Empirical Research Law Librarian. Part 1: Making the Case and Filling the Role’ 2014 24 Trends in Law Library Management and Technology. 1Google Scholar
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Law Libraries
Clay, Margaret et al. ‘Behind the Bar: Inner Temple Library’ (2014) April CILIP Update 37Google Scholar
Vorberg, Martin ‘Information Logistics@ Bucerius Law School (Hamburg): Legal Information for Studies, Research, Teaching and Education’ (2014) 14 LIM 126Google Scholar
Law Library Administration
Cato, Alex ‘Commoditising Information: Creating Information Products’ (2014) 22 ALL 14Google Scholar
Healey, Paul D. and Gatz, Paul J. ‘One Among Many' (With so much legal information available for free online, what role remains for the law library?)’ (2014) 18(6) AALL Spectrum 9Google Scholar
Jarrett, Peggy Roebuck and Lyons, Susan ‘Law Library Depositories: The Next 200 Years’ (2014) 18(7) AALL Spectrum 32Google Scholar
Kuth, Martina ‘Between Book and Database: Meeting Information Needs in a Law Firm's Library’ (2014) 14 LIM 115Google Scholar
Linz, Robert et al. ‘The Accidental Archivists: Lessons learned from a Digital Archive Project’ (2014) 33 Legal Ref. Serv. Q. 99Google Scholar
Lohmeier, Kerry and Mostad-Jensen, Anne ‘Creative Reference’ (2014) 18(6) AALL Spectrum 22Google Scholar
Satterley, Renae ‘Tablets in the Library: Trialling eBooks and iPads at Middle Temple Library’ (2014) 14 LIM 145Google Scholar
Talley, Nancy B. ‘Are You Doing it Backward? Improving Information Literacy Instruction Using the AALL Principles and Standards for Legal Research Competency, Taxonomies and Backward Design’ 2014 106 Law Libr. J. 47Google Scholar
Vogel, Ivo and Schrecklinger, Elisabeth ‘Retrospective Digitisation of Legal Sources in Germany’ (2014) 14 LIM 105CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Whiteman, Michael ‘Book Burning in the Twenty-First Century: ABA Standard 606 and the Future of Academic Law Libraries as the Smoke Clears’ 2014 106 Law Libr. J. 11Google Scholar
Law Library Associations
Moss, Janet M. ‘The Canadian Association of Law Libraries/ Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques de Droit: A continuing History, 1988–2012. (Part 4: Relationships and Conferences)’ (2014) 39 Canadian Law Library Review 13Google Scholar
Walker, Vola ‘ALLA conference 2013: “Law Librarians are a National Icon and a National Resource”’ (2014) 14 LIM 152Google Scholar
Legal Biography
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Dawson, Elizabeth ‘Archival Sources for Legal Biography at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies’ (2014) 14 LIM 48Google Scholar
Dingle, Lesley ‘Legal Biography, Oral History and the Cambridge Eminent Scholars Archive (ESA)’ (2014) 14 LIM 58Google Scholar
Holborn, Guy ‘Biographical Research and the Institutional Archives: the case of the Inns of Court’ (2014) 14 LIM 69Google Scholar
Malagodi, Mara ‘The Oriental Jennings' : An Archival Investigation into Sir Ivor Jennings' Constitutional Legacy in South Asia’ (2014) 14 LIM 33Google Scholar
Moran, Leslie J. ‘“Every Picture tells a Story” : Picturing Judicial Biography’ (2014) 14 LIM 27Google Scholar
Mulcahy, Linda ‘I'm not Watching I'm Waiting’: the Construction of Visual Codes about Women's Role as Spectators in the Trial in Nineteenth Century England’ (2014) 14 LIM 22Google Scholar
Rayner, Susannah ‘An Introduction to Archive Collections held at SOAS’ (2014) 14 LIM 53Google Scholar
Sims, Jonathan ‘Legal Biography at the British Library: A Particular Perspective on Resources’ (2014) 14 LIM 38Google Scholar
Legal Citations
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Legal Education
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Childs, Penny et al. ‘The Gap Between Law Student Career Aspirations and Employment Opportunities’ (2014) 48 Law Teacher 51Google Scholar
Colbran, Stephen and Gilding, Anthony ‘MOOCs and the Rise of Online Legal Education’ (2014) 63 J. Leg. Ed. 405Google Scholar
Dagilyte, Egle and Coe, Peter ‘Professionalism in Higher Education: Important Not Only For Lawyers’ (2014) 48 Law Teacher 33Google Scholar
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Mushlin, Michael B. and Smith, Lisa M. ‘The Professor and the Judge: Introducing First Year Students to the Law in Context’ (2014) 63 J. Leg. Ed. 460Google Scholar
Siddique, Osama ‘Legal Education in Pakistan: the Domination of Practitioners and the “Critically Endangered” Academic’ (2014) 63 J. Leg. Ed. 499Google Scholar
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Legal Profession
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Legal Research
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Legal Systems
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Sannino, Margarethe ‘German Law and Legal Information from a Law Firm Perspective’ (2014) 14 LIM 110Google Scholar
Stephens, Malcolm ‘Magna Carta, Detention and Judicial Power in the Australian Constitution’ (2014) 22 ALL 35Google Scholar
Zhang, Xiaomeng ‘Public Access to Primary Legal Information in China: Challenges and Opportunities’ (2014) 14 LIM 132Google Scholar
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Bratchford, David ‘Catching the Wave: Electronic Publications on Mobile Devices within Legal Aid Queensland’ (2014) 22 ALL 60Google Scholar
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