Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 March 2015
Calcreted debris flow breccias which form the lowermost Pleistocene deposits in the Hammadah Al Hamrah region are locally overlain by well cemented conglomerates of the Old Wadi Terraces. These are commonly capped by a younger, mature calcrete which is also found patchily developed on the Tertiary and Mesozoic limestone bedrock. Basalt lava flows rest either on an eroded surface in the conglomerates or directly on the debris flows; however, their relationship to the younger calcrete is rarely seen. In the area north-east of Mizdah a pre-younger calcrete age for the basalts is proposed on the basis of calcrete-filled fissures which invade the topmost part of the lava sequence. Similarity of the Mizdah sequence to that at Wadi Ghan in the Jabal Nafusah supports correlation of the conglomerates and basalt with Unit Q2 and the younger calcrete event with the upper calcrete of the Jifarah/Wadi Ghan areas. The calcreted breccia/debris flow deposits in turn correlate with Unit Q1 and the lower calcrete.