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We cannot take leave of Richard Rolle without listening to his principal message and the one which is the dominant theme of the illuminative way. His greatest work was on ‘The Fire of Love’, his most unique mystical experience was the burning of love in his breast, and his poetry which did more than anything else to spread his spirit among his contemporaries is concerned with the sweet love of Jesus, his Spouse. Love is thought, with great desire of a fair Loving.
The illumination as we have seen comes principally from the shining of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the beginning of infused contemplation. But this light cannot of course be separated from the Word whose function it is to enlighten the understanding. Indeed the activities of the second and third Persons of the Blessed Trinity in this respect cannot be separated; it is the one action of the Verbum spirans amorem.
1 Cf. The Life of Richard Rolle with his English Lyrics. F. M.M. Couiper, p.248
2 It is useful to compare this medieval outpouring with the words of Dom Belorgey in the description of the joy of finding Jesus once more in the prayer of Quiet' (La Pratique it Voraison menlale, vol. 2. p. 72).
3 For these lyrics cf. the volume, already cited, by F. M. M, Coinper.
4 Of Cleaving to God. Translated by Elizabeth Stopp (Blarkfriars Publications).
5 Living Flame of Love. St. 3. n. 68. Peers vol. iii, p. 101.