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One of the tragedies of our time is that practically the whole world has the idea that it is not called to prayer. Yet the paths of prayer form the map of life. It seems odd that, at a time when men are not ony off the road but have forgotten there is one, the need for direction is still questioned. For it is spiritual direction which helps men both to find and follow the ways of God. But there are still those who deny its neccesity completely, even in the pursuit of the highest sanctity. More commonly it is simply stated that it is not so necessary these days. This applies, presumably, even to the youth of today. It is argued that the young show no liking for direction. They are more independent of mind and better educated than in the past, and so less in need of direction, and sooner able to read spiritual authors for themselves.
1 The Spiritual Director, by Fr Gabriel, O.C.D. (Mercier Press; 8s. 6d.) and Direction Sfirituelle et Psychologie, Etudes Carmelitaines (Desclée de Brouwer).