Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2017
Consideration of the special case in which the centre of the eccentric circle lies on the straight line whose points of intersection with the conic are required.
In what follows it will be convenient to abandon the system of lettering adopted by Boscovich which we have hitherto followed, and as far as possible to use that common to modern text books.
page 17 note 1 Compare I. 3. In the diagrams 3, 4, 5 on the sheet supplied with No. 1 of the Gazette the points N n should be supplied.
page 18 note 1 In a paper on The Discovery and the Geometrical Treatment of the Conic Sections, read before the A. I. G. T. in 1884 and published in the Tenth General Report, Dr. Taylor strongly advocated the use of Boscovich’s eccentric circle, and remarked on it as “one of the simplest introductions to homographic transformation in general.”
page 18 note 2 See Dr. Taylor’s Ancient and Modern Geometry of Conies.