Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 April 2014
We present and characterize a multi-host epidemic model of Rift Valley fever (RVF) virusin East Africa with geographic spread on a network, rule-based mitigation measures, andmosquito infection and population dynamics. Susceptible populations are depleted bydisease and vaccination and are replenished with the birth of new animals. We observe thatthe severity of the epidemics is strongly correlated with the duration of the rainy seasonand that even severe epidemics are abruptly terminated when the rain stops. Becausenaturally acquired herd immunity is established, total mortality across 25 years isrelatively insensitive to many mitigation approaches. Strong reductions in cattlemortality are expected, however, with sufficient reduction in population densities ofeither vectors or susceptible (ie. unvaccinated) hosts. A better understanding of RVFepidemiology would result from serology surveys to quantify the importance of herdimmunity in epidemic control, and sequencing of virus from representative animals toquantify the realative importance of transportation and local reservoirs in nucleatingyearly epidemics. Our results suggest that an effective multi-layered mitigation strategywould include vector control, movement control, and vaccination of young animals yearly,even in the absence of expected rainfall.