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Volume 27 - August 2021

Page 11 of 68

X-Ray and Near-Field In Situ Techniques and Correlative Approaches


Analytical Sciences Symposia

Microscopy and Microanalysis of Biomineralized and Biomimetic Materials and Structures

X-Ray and Near-Field In Situ Techniques and Correlative Approaches


Biological Sciences Symposia

3D Structures: From Macromolecular Assemblies to Whole Cells (3DEM FIG)

X-Ray and Near-Field In Situ Techniques and Correlative Approaches


Front Cover (OFC, IFC) and matter

X-Ray and Near-Field In Situ Techniques and Correlative Approaches

Biological Sciences Symposia

3D Structures: From Macromolecular Assemblies to Whole Cells (3DEM FIG)

Back Cover (IBC, OBC) and matter

TEM Innovations to Study Materials Properties In Situ

Biological Sciences Symposia

3D Structures: From Macromolecular Assemblies to Whole Cells (3DEM FIG)

Imaging, Microscopy, and Micro/Nano-Analysis of Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, and Medical Health Products

TEM Innovations to Study Materials Properties In Situ

Biological Sciences Symposia

Imaging, Microscopy, and Micro/Nano-Analysis of Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, and Medical Health Products

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