Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
Thirty-Four specimens of australites were collected by Miss N. Jones and her brother Mr. Jones, during forty years while working on their property of 2000 acres, on the north bank of the Glenelg river. This is situated 3½ miles due east of Harrow (37° 8' S., 141° 33' E.) in the western district of Victoria, 236 miles north of west of Melbourne. The collection was kindly submitted for examination through Mr. E. D. Gill of the National Museum, Melbourne.
page 602 note 1 G. Baker, Nirranda strewnfield australites, southeast of Warrnambool, western Victoria. Mem. 1Nat. Mus. Victoria, 1954. (In press.)
page 603 note 1 Baker, G. and Forster, H.C., The specific gravity relationships of australites. Amer. Journ. Sei., 1943, vol. 241, pp. 377–406..Google Scholar[M.A. 9-303.l
page 603 note 2 Tilley, C.E., Density, refractivity, and composition relations of some natural glasses. Min. Mag., 1922, vol. 19, pp. 275 CrossRefGoogle Scholar.94.