Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 February 2011
The current strategy for the immobilization of nuclear wastes is based upon a system of multiply redundant barriers for which geological containment is the final barrier to the migration of radionuclides in the biosphere. The ability of the respository host rock to buffer the oxygen fugacity of the pore waters is a critical concern for the evaluation of the far-field migration of selected elements; notable Tc, U and TRU elements. The buffer capacity of all proposed host rocks, with the exception of salt, is based upon the presence of both ferric and ferrous iron in the host rock phases.
The system U-Fe-O(-H) was selected for study because of its significance on the role of Fe in controlling the oxidation state of the U. It has been established that the Fe2+/Fe3+ couple is the controlling factor in limiting the uranium oxidation to the U4+ state.
The results from this experimental study at 400° C (the maximum worse case temperature for a repository) verified the existence of the compatibility triangles between hematite and UO2.00 and magnetite and between U4O9 and UO2.00 and hematite. These data indicate that in the presence both ferric and ferrous ions, the form of the uranium dioxide is retained as stoichiometric UO2.00 and not as an intermediate member of the UO2+x solid solution series or other higher oxide. These experimental results are in concert with the phase relationships predicted by Freeborn et al. (1980) based upon thermochemical calculations.