Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2012
Self-disposal option for heat-generating radioactive waste (HLW, spent fuel, sealed radioactive sources) known also as rock melting concept was considered in the 70s as a viable but alternative disposal option by both DOE in the USA and Atomic Industry Ministry in the USSR. Self-disposal is currently reconsidered with a novel purpose – to penetrate into the very deep Earth’s layers beneath the Moho’s discontinuity and to explore Earth interior. Self-descending heat generating capsules can be used for disposal of dangerous radioactive wastes in extremely deep layers of the Earth preventing any release of radionuclides into the biosphere. Descending of capsules continues until enough heat is generated by radionuclides to provide partial melting of surrounding rock. Estimates show that extreme depths of several tens and up to hundred km can be reached by capsules which could never be achieved by other techniques.