Published online by Cambridge University Press: 26 February 2011
Analysis of gas from a heated air-filled canister containing a spent fuel assembly before and after rupture of a fuel rod shows that about 1.5 mCi of 14C from the external surface of the assembly was rapidly oxidized and released as 14CO2 in excess oxygen at 275°C and 104rad/hr. After rupture, an additional 0.3 mCi was released, probably also from the external surface. The total 14C inventory in the entire 15×15 rod assembly including structural hardware is estimated to be 690 mCi. These measurements indicate that account will have to be taken of the time distribution of lifetimes of the canisters, and a broad definition of the “engineered system” may be necessary, in order to meet 1OCFR60 requirements with spent fuel in a repository in tuff.