Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2011
Preparation of giant magnctorcsistancc Co/Cu multilayers by electrodeposition has been discussed on the basis of a nucleation- growth mechanism and experimental observations. Reflection electron microscopy (REM- RHEED) studies of clectrodcpositcd Co, Cu/Pt(111) ultrathin layers and bilayers have revealed a simultaneous multinuclcar multilayer growth (pseudo layer- by- layer growth). REM- RHEED observations have also suggested the formation of an additional (2×2) superstructure on an epitaxially grown Cu/Co/Pt(111) bilayer surface. “Giant” magnctorcsistancc and oscillatory antifcrramagnetic intcrlaycr coupling have been observed in a (111) textured Co/Cu multilayered nanostructurc, prepared by electrodeposition under potential control in the presence of a very slight amount of CrO3. Such a multilayered structure containing a nominal nonmagnetic Cu spacer layer thickness of 3.2 nm exhibits a large saturation magnctorcsistancc of more than 18% at room temperature.