Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 1992
Constant load creep tests were conducted on fine-grained ( - 23 µm) polycrystalline Ni-50(at.%) Al in the temperature range 1000 - 1400 K. Power-law creep with an average stress exponent, n, of 6.6 and an average activation energy, Qc, of about 300 kJ mol-1 was observed above 25 MPa, while n ≈ 2 and Qc ≈ 95 kJ mol-1 for σ < 25 MPa. Primary creep was observed in both regions thereby signifying dislocation activity during the initial period of the test. Preliminary experiments with coarse-grained Ni-50A1 suggested that the rtechanism in the n = 2 region is dependent on grain size. Transmission electron microscopy observations of the deformed specimens revealed dislocation tangles, dipoles, loops and networks in the power-law creep regime. The Burgers vector was determined to be <100> with the dislocations lying on the {100} and {110} planes. Although well-defined subgrains were not always observed, there was a greater tendency towards subgrain formation at stresses above 25 MPa. The deformation microstructures were inhomogeneous in the n = 2 creep regime and many grains did not reveal any dislocation activity. The observed characteristics of the low stress region suggest the dominance of an acccanmodated grain boundary sliding mechanism.