Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2011
BaM0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) is a first candidate material for the development of voltage-tunable microwave devices, such as, filter, phase-shifter and VCO. In this work, crystal structures and dielectric properties of BST film are investigated with and without SrRuO3(SRO) buffer layers. BST and SRO thin films are sequentially prepared by pulsed laser deposition and Au/Ti metal electrodes are fabricated by a DC magnetron sputtering system. The capacitance of the capacitors has been measured as a function of bias voltages at room temperature using a low frequency LCR meter. For the high frequency characteristics (∼2GHz), a microstrip resonator with ∼2GHz resonance frequency and the center coupling design is fabricated. Using flip-chip BST capacitor attached at the position of the center coupling on the microstrip resonator, Its dielectric loss and tunability were obtained. The microwave loss was obviously enhanced in the film with SRO buffer layer..