Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Hill, Rowena
McGowan, Jamie
Brabcová, Vendula
McTaggart, Seanna
Irish, Naomi
Barker, Tom
Knitlhoffer, Vanda
Lucchini, Sacha
Baker, Kendall
Catchpole, Leah
Watkins, Chris
Gharbi, Karim
Kaithakottil, Gemy
Tracey, Alan
Wood, Jonathan M D
Tomšovský, Michal
Baldrian, Petr
Swarbreck, David
Hall, Neil
Ma, Li-Jun
Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Assemblies for the Endangered Wood-Decaying Fungus Somion occarium
Genome Biology and Evolution,
Vol. 17,
Issue. 1,