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Wer sind die Moldawier? Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historigraphie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991–2006, Stefan Ihrig (Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2008), 332 pp.+photos, graphs.
Review products
Wer sind die Moldawier? Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historigraphie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991–2006, Stefan Ihrig (Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2008), 332 pp.+photos, graphs.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
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- Copyright © 2009 Association for the Study of Nationalities
Enciu, Nicolae. Istorie, Epoca contemporană, Clasa a XII-a: Materiale didactice la Istoria universală şi a romănilor [History, Contemporary Period, 12th Grade: Educational materials about universal history and the history of the Romanians]. Chişinău: Civitas, 2008.Google Scholar