doi: 10.1017/S0896634600001874. Published by Homer Kitabevi, March 2013.
The original publication of this article contained an error in Table 2. The corrected table is reproduced below:
Table 2 The elderly (65Footnote +) in Istanbul, percentages resident in selected household types, 1907Footnote * and 2000

* The 1907 sample is too small to use as a basis for reliable statements, especially in comparison with 2000. There are, however, no other household data available for that period. The intention in presenting the 1907 figures is to provide a suggestive basis for discussion.
+ percentages of total.
++ elderly females underreported in 60–75 age cohorts. See Figure 1.
Sources: Ottoman census rosters for the permanent Muslim population of Istanbul, 1907, and Turkish census, Istanbul census file, 2000. This table does not include unclassifiable households.